I'm taking a class on Architecture since the end of World War II, and also an independent study on Roman house architecture. The latter one is one that I personally chose and am now trying to get the proposal together so that it can be approved by the Admin. Should be pretty neat. 😀
Ugh! This topic stings me. I must go back to school before I get too old (say 35ish). 🙁
You know you might as well join the dark side and start back up sooner rather than later. You'll be happy you did it once you hit 40. ;D
I am currently finishing a course on Land warfare from antiquity to the 21st century and I just started a course on the Napoleonic Era. After that I will have 3 classes and a thesis and I will be done with my MA.
Ski,Who is your intsructor for the Research Methods class? I took my grad course with Dr. Brett Woods and it was probably one of the best courses I have taken so far in either Undergrad or grad work.
He is not a walk in the park. I found his course to be very challenging but also very enjoyable. I learned more about how to DO history from the two course i took with him than from all my other history classes put together.