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February 4, 2010 at 4:45 pm #18270
ParticipantMan has shown throughout history that we love to kill the “other”. Why should Asia be any different? People have long memories too. That is demonstrated all over the world but most evidently in the Middle East with the claims of resisting the “Crusaders”.
February 7, 2010 at 4:26 pm #18271kentaoshima`
ParticipantI do agree with both of you however , from my own experience, I can tell that this is a Western vision of humanity. About Asia, it's totally different, as if it was another planet : Vietnamese hates Chinese, Thai hates Burmese, Chinese hates Japanese, China despises its neighbours and waits for revenge against Westerners, and so on ... Even inside asian nations there is no mercy towards their own people: if you have a dark skin or a light one, you'd feel what it means, same about religion, philosophy, values, social order, etc ... If one day you live there for awhile, be prepared for a huge culture shock.
I Don't really see it as hate between Chinese and Vietnamese. In Fact the ancestors of Vietnamese and Chinese are the same. Vietnamese are actually Chinese. Their Ancestors were acutally Cantonese. After the fall and Decline of the NAN YUE kingdom which exists only during and in between Qin Dynasty to 3 kingdoms, this kingdom was splitted into 4 groups of of people. the Vietnamese was one of them. China has been at good terms with many of her neighbours especially during the ancient times except for a few which they had bad relationships. Chinese hate for Japanese is because too much bad blood has been spilled since historical days. The Japanese has done the Chinese much wrong. Not just the Chinese that the Japanese owed them many things. The Japanese also owe Korea many things too. There is much blood debts that the Chinese and Koreans have with the Japanese. Korea during the ancient days especially has been a Victim of Japan at too many occations. China during the ancient days has helped Korea too many times. they both have very good relationship all along till during the Sui Dynasty of China, the Emperor decided to Conquer Korea and relations between Korea and China sour during the Sui and Tang dynasty period. Most of the time, China had good relationship with South korea and bad relationship with north korea during the ancient times. but in the event of the korea war, China had good relationship with north korea and seem to have bad relationship with south korea even till today. During the Vietnam War, China gave the strongest and biggest support to Vietnam. they were friends. it is during the recent years due to job empolyment competitions and border issue that vietnam people dislike China but there is no hate going on. China has the longest good relationship with India all along since the past until the recent years that they became bad.People of Laos, Myanmar & cambodia has the most bad blood with Thailand due to history and border issues. Even Japan also don't Thailand. Thailand is viewed by Japan as a Traitor and dishonorable ally of WW2. Malaysia and Indonesia has always been most interested to have Singapore to be claimed as part of their own land all along. It is just that they do not have this opportunity to do so, currently! Malaysia , Indonesia and even the Philippines are not really the friends of Singapore. The ones who are friends of Singapore are Bruinei, Oceania countries, Europe and US. Singapore is trying to have good relationship with Indo-China and China currently, hoping to that they can be friends of Singapore as well. The only enemy inside of the middle east , that the middle east nations has, is Isreal and i don't think i need to explain why even?In fact it is not just Asia, racism , discriminations etc....... is also face even in europe, Australia, USA etc... let us me more neutral on it. it is all the same. Such issue that USA has is not any lesser than Asia in fact. USA is in fact one country who has the most enemies around the globe. China wise, it all depends on who the leader is. on the overall, China is a friendly nation. They are not those Warmongers etc.... They just want to make friends. They will only fight if it is really neccessary. They are not really the warlord types unlike some nations. However i do got to understand that serveral americans viewed China as an emerging global threat. I do come across aritcles and believes from americans that they believe if there is a WW3 , it is will be China's conquest of Asia. They also believe that RUSSIA will join force with CHINA to attack USA inside their own homeland.Such Alliance believes could be a possibility that China's relationship with Russia is improving alot in the recent years, i would suppose.
February 8, 2010 at 3:47 pm #18272Aetheling
ParticipantDear Kentaoshima`, I wouldn't look offensive but your history of China and its neighbours seems to be a bit biased. Moreover Singapore seceded from the Malaysian federation and became an independent republic in 1965. Not mention the Sino-Vietnamese war of 1979, Tibet in 1950, the Sino-Indian war of 1962, and the latest controversies... I hope you'll bring more precisions.(Btw, I've found an interesting report from the Pacific Rim Cultural Foundation wherein they compare wars and ... religion as well !!surprising ... :- )http://www.visualstatistics.net/Readings/Chinese%20Wars/Chinese%20wars.html
February 9, 2010 at 3:46 pm #18273nkuler
ParticipantWhy is it that Turkey wishes to join Europe? Is it due to because they are muslim country and part of the middle east and that their ancestors were the HUNS which orginated from Mongolia and China that they are being labeled as Asia?
I'm having a really hard time following your train of thought.Why Turkey would like to join the EU is a question which needs a detailed response. But none of the reasons have anything to do with us having Huns as our ancestors. If you say the nation cannot be both, I will ask you to define what you understand/mean from the terms european and asian?Relatively speaking we (I'm a Turk BTW) are more asian than europeans and more european than asians. But we are neither 100% european nor 100% asian. Our language is Altaic (asian) our societys predominant customs and code of laws are european, our religion is asian (but how you classify this is another matter), but our secularism is european.
March 2, 2010 at 1:22 am #18274kentaoshima`
ParticipantDear Kentaoshima`, I wouldn't look offensive but your history of China and its neighbours seems to be a bit biased. Moreover Singapore seceded from the Malaysian federation and became an independent republic in 1965. Not mention the Sino-Vietnamese war of 1979, Tibet in 1950, the Sino-Indian war of 1962, and the latest controversies... I hope you'll bring more precisions.(Btw, I've found an interesting report from the Pacific Rim Cultural Foundation wherein they compare wars and ... religion as well !!surprising ... :- )http://www.visualstatistics.net/Readings/Chinese%20Wars/Chinese%20wars.html
After most of the countries gain their independence from the British, the british has left too many undefine territorial issues behind unresolved for their commonwealth. the War between india and china is because of the british's undefine territorial borders issue that they have left behind for india to resolved it out with China. at the earlier days, China was too weak and poor but had never ever in the first place agreed to the border territorial issue with india. India ignored china's feelings and decisions on the matter and assumed that china has agreed. The british on the other hand simply hack care to what the 2 have decided and concluded. towards the more recent days, because of the earlier unresolved issue, renegociation took place and when there was no agreement a war broke off. if you look at this point to some sense, the british back then did not do a good job before they left. it is not just China and India. Singapore also have border and territorial issues with malaysia as well. there is some very tiny piece of land inside of singapore which belong to malaysia. for several years , singapore has been very hard to accuqiure back those land inside of singapore from malaysia with the means of money and others but to failure so far. there are also many more other nation with alot of territorial and border issue unresolved with their neigbours beisides those i have mentioned. as to those civil wars in tibet and Xinjiang. somehow it is seperatist movements. too many people and nations wish to seperate and make china smaller. previously in the past for Taiwan, Japan and USA are among those who gave the biggest support to them to fight for independence and to become a 2nd China. this was that anger china as to them there can only be 1 china.as to what i have understand from people that i have know of both living inside and outside of china, the minorities have actually been given many privilledges or so called special treatment is some sense. but those people still keep claim that they are being discriminated and did not appreciate the goodness done and given to them. If you truly understand the culture, characteristics and history of the HAN chinese, they are peace makers. they are not war minded. they are friendly. where else other chinese such as the Mongols, Manchurians, Kithians etc... they are very super War minded and can fight a war better than the Hans. the strength of the Hans is not fighting but instead governning. the Strengths of those 3 i have mentioned are in fighting a war but terrible in governning. in fact China to my opinion as too much to learn from singapore. Singapore is very and extremely successful in achiving racial harmony. they have almost any type of people that you can name of and think that exists in this world living there together with others peacefully. they have also many types of religion and there is not much of a clash there. China should learn from the success of singapore on how singapore did it and try to achieve better than singapore. if they don't most likely things will still continue as it is now. do try look things from 2 sides instead of one, my friend.
March 2, 2010 at 1:24 am #18275DonaldBaker
ParticipantI agree with this. European colonialism imposed imaginary boundaries on nations that did not reconcile with ethnic and historical demarcation. The end result has been Balkanization, war, and genocide in some cases.
March 2, 2010 at 4:53 am #18276Aetheling
Participantas to what i have understand from people that i have know of both living inside and outside of china, the minorities have actually been given many privilledges or so called special treatment is some sense. but those people still keep claim that they are being discriminated and did not appreciate the goodness done and given to them.If you truly understand the culture, characteristics and history of the HAN chinese, they are peace makers. they are not war minded. they are friendly. where else other chinese such as the Mongols, Manchurians, Kithians etc... they are very super War minded and can fight a war better than the Hans. the strength of the Hans is not fighting but instead governning. the Strengths of those 3 i have mentioned are in fighting a war but terrible in governning.
If I understand you well, even if Mao's policies and political purges from 1949 to 1975 are widely believed to have caused the deaths of between 50 to 70 million people, that was just about making peace. How come Minorities are always unhappy with all the kindness and goodness given to them ? or they are blinded by some foreign agitators plotting against China ?If so does it mean that bad things come from outside, good things come from inside China ?
March 2, 2010 at 1:49 pm #18277Aetheling
ParticipantIf you truly understand the culture, characteristics and history of the HAN chinese, they are peace makers. they are not war minded. they are friendly. where else other chinese such as the Mongols, Manchurians, Kithians etc... they are very super War minded and can fight a war better than the Hans. the strength of the Hans is not fighting but instead governning. the Strengths of those 3 i have mentioned are in fighting a war but terrible in governning.
Do you mean that the Hans are natural born rulers ?
March 2, 2010 at 2:34 pm #18278nkuler
Participantwhere else other chinese such as the Mongols,
That's a little offensive and very arrogant.Mongols and indeed Uygurs in Sincan (Xinjiang) are not chinese. The Former is an independant state and an entirely different nation whereas the latters are an ethnic Turkic tribe who are currently Chinese citizens.
March 2, 2010 at 9:37 pm #18279DonaldBaker
Participantwhere else other chinese such as the Mongols,
That's a little offensive and very arrogant.Mongols and indeed Uygurs in Sincan (Xinjiang) are not chinese. The Former is an independant state and an entirely different nation whereas the latters are an ethnic Turkic tribe who are currently Chinese citizens.
Agreed, but Mongolia isn't necessarily "independent." China and Russia have used it as a buffer between them, and Mongolia depends on them for imported goods etc.... Their independence is illusory at best.
March 8, 2010 at 4:28 am #18280kentaoshima`
Participantas to what i have understand from people that i have know of both living inside and outside of china, the minorities have actually been given many privilledges or so called special treatment is some sense. but those people still keep claim that they are being discriminated and did not appreciate the goodness done and given to them.If you truly understand the culture, characteristics and history of the HAN chinese, they are peace makers. they are not war minded. they are friendly. where else other chinese such as the Mongols, Manchurians, Kithians etc... they are very super War minded and can fight a war better than the Hans. the strength of the Hans is not fighting but instead governning. the Strengths of those 3 i have mentioned are in fighting a war but terrible in governning.
If I understand you well, even if Mao's policies and political purges from 1949 to 1975 are widely believed to have caused the deaths of between 50 to 70 million people, that was just about making peace. How come Minorities are always unhappy with all the kindness and goodness given to them ? or they are blinded by some foreign agitators plotting against China ?If so does it mean that bad things come from outside, good things come from inside China ?
Political things are very complicated. it is not with any few sentences and words that explained everything and resoved everything. if it really it, the world of today will be alot more simplier, merrier and peaceful already. the seperatist issue we cast it aside temporary. to the people of China, they see it as seperatist issue where which miniorites are encouraged by those people. but on the other hand, the minorites declear they are not well treated. but again if you look this statement of saying not well treated, it is very hard to define. China can show evidence of how well treated the miniorites are and the minorites can deny those evidences as the evidences are real. however again well treated cannot use policies, previlideges, special rights etc.. to define good treatment. a group of people may have the best of everything in such aspects but yet always declearing saying that they are not well treated. such things are actually feelings and feelings is the most complicated things. on the other hand mayb another group of miniorities may not have such good previlidges , rights etc......... in this area of aspects they can be considered to have the worst. but however to their declearations and sayings, they yet however say they are very well treated.how to explain and define such things? similiarly such example is like the case of China where the miniorities are of concern. to myself, i would that 1st of all those miniorites are not appreciative, 2ndly in terms of enthinc groups issues, China still need to improve and learn alot from other who are more successful. in this 2nd point there too many things to touch on. i will just name a few as there too many. 1st of all it is education. those miniorities are to be educated with the mindset that they well treated. next it is culturally they are still not used living together with one another. so things must be done to bond them together as well. when there is so many of such internal problem yet to reslove and to so called unite everyone as one, the seperatiest movements are one way miniorites see it as hope to break free thinking that , that is what they want which is in actual fact that is what the seperatists want them to do and want to see happenning and these mininorities fell for it.as to Mao's policy, he was a communist. he very super communitist ! this will another thing where it is the discussion of what communist is all about and many other things. some of the things he had were also almost or about the same as what other communist nations around the era were doing or have done before too. He was trying to unite China and secure the comminist rule in China. this will be what i will be personally think it to be as
March 8, 2010 at 4:49 am #18281kentaoshima`
Participantwhere else other chinese such as the Mongols,
That's a little offensive and very arrogant.Mongols and indeed Uygurs in Sincan (Xinjiang) are not chinese. The Former is an independant state and an entirely different nation whereas the latters are an ethnic Turkic tribe who are currently Chinese citizens.
Agreed, but Mongolia isn't necessarily "independent." China and Russia have used it as a buffer between them, and Mongolia depends on them for imported goods etc.... Their independence is illusory at best.
Actually , basically to say all people who are yellow are chinese ! one of their ancestors was a chinese. be it Koreans, Japanese, Mongols, Vietnamese etc... they are all of chinese origins when it comes to ancestry. Vietnamese are Cantonese Chinese. there was once a NANYUE kingdom in the south. this kingdom was a Cantonese Chinese Empire. it occupied terrians of Yunnan, guangdong, guangzhou, guangxi and an extremely very large portion of north vietnam. it existed somewhere during and in between the Qin dynasty to 3 kindgoms period of China. after the fall of this kingdom, it become into 4 groups of people of 4 languages and one of them was the Vietnamese people. As to the Japanese, China created the existance of Japan. withouth China there will be no Japan existing today even. during the Qin dynasty, the first emperor of China, Qin Shihuang was a very brutal and tyrant emperor. he was the one who unify china as one. he was also one of those who is most afriad of death and he started the project of his tomb since the day he became emperor. there are too many legends and myths and stories of immortality during that time. he had a little ambition. he wanted to live forever and rule china ethernally. one day there was some news and rumors of immortality in some far away islands to the east. hence he dispacted 1000 men and woman to that island. when those men and woman arrived there, they refused to returnthey erased their identity that they are chinese and called themselves by a new group known as Japanese. that land is the land of rising sun known as Japan from that day onwards. as to Korea wise, it has been said that they were a bunch of chinese who were war prisoners, convicts, escapists, refugues and rebells who migrated to that land and settled down there. their blood has been mixed with much Kithians and Manchurains in the process of history as well. as to the mongols wise, they are definately Chinese ! before the Qin dynasty, the Han Chinese were not yet called as Hans. it was during the Han dynasty that the Chinese called themselves as Han Chinese. back then before the Qin dynasty, a group of the future to be Hans went north and settled down. they were nomads and called themselves as Xiongnu (Huns) at a much later stage, this group of people became the Mongols. during the Ming dynasty, the entire mongolia was conquered and became part of China. outer mongolia only gain independence through Russia's help at a later stage of time in history. be it by left or by right whichever the case is, Mongols are Chinese!
March 8, 2010 at 5:12 am #18282Aetheling
ParticipantKentaoshima,bring some evidences to your assertions and I'd be very happyMeanwhile ...
March 8, 2010 at 9:38 am #18283scout1067
ParticipantIs this guy a Chinese Ivkhan or what? 😀
March 8, 2010 at 3:15 pm #18284nkuler
ParticipantIs this guy a Chinese Ivkhan or what? 😀
Maybe the Bulgarians were also Chinese?
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