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March 8, 2010 at 4:49 pm #18285
ParticipantDoes icterus count ? :-
March 8, 2010 at 5:17 pm #18286scout1067
ParticipantIs this guy a Chinese Ivkhan or what? 😀
Maybe the Bulgarians were also Chinese?
good one, we should link them up. ;D
March 8, 2010 at 5:28 pm #18287Aetheling
ParticipantKentaoshima,bring some evidences to your assertions and I'd be very happyMeanwhile ...
That dude has a temporary state of mental confusion and fluctuating consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It's often characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, and incoherent speech...
March 9, 2010 at 12:34 am #18288DonaldBaker
ParticipantIs this guy a Chinese Ivkhan or what? 😀
Beginning to look that way.
March 9, 2010 at 8:09 am #18289kentaoshima`
ParticipantKentaoshima,bring some evidences to your assertions and I'd be very happyMeanwhile ...
perhaps if you able to read and understand languages of Asia it would be better. many of the things are common is those asian community or chinese communites sites. do a google search on the NANYUE empire. do a through and indept reading and you will see that what i say is correct about the vietnamese. most likely among them all, the nanyue empire is most likely the easiest to find. many of the others may be difficult to find on english speaking communities or search engines. mostly likely i should guess many of you have little knowledge or understanding of the EAST. as to what i can most of you are from europe or the US. how many are from the east and of those who are from the east, how oriental or so called "eastern" are you, may i ask? hope that you do not take any offences by my words. i have no means or intentions to attack at anyone.
March 9, 2010 at 8:35 am #18290kentaoshima`
ParticipantIs this guy a Chinese Ivkhan or what? 😀
Maybe the Bulgarians were also Chinese?
as far as concern, Bulgarians are not chinese. but there are many nations that has been heavily mixed with chinese blood during their ancestor's days. on Asia itself, there are many nations in which their race/enthnic group is not as pure. many of them is very mixed. those that is very pure or so called original is very rare. these nations are such as philippines, Thailand, Myanmar(Burma) Laos, and Turkey. the people of philippines before any other thing in the event of history that took place was once very pure. but towards a later stage people from what we today call as indonesia wanted to conquer this nation. the renants of the song dynasty chinese who were escaping from the mongols landed in this land. from escapist, they became the invaders and established the LUZON empire. throughout this period of time from the rise to fall, the race of the philippines were very heavily and extremely mixed with chinese blood already. towards a later stage, the next blood to mix this race further was from Brunei, but this transition was very short. in no time, the spanish mixed their blood with this race , followed by the american during the colonia period and finally came in the Japanese. In all, how many groups of people and blood has already been mixed into this race? count it on your own. this is why when you look at the fillipino people, somewhat in terms of their facial features and skin colour, they can look very Chinese or Malay but at the same time very european. this is the reason behind to why. The people of Myanmar has the blood of the following mixed into them with their original natives ( Chinese from Yunan, Chinese from Tibet, Nepal people, India people, and some numbers of Thai people)Thai people known as the Siamese are also very mixed ( South Han Chinese from China, and some from Burma that mixed with the original locals and a large number of people from Laos)The people of Laos (a very large number of South China chinese which mixed with the natives.)The Huns were the ancestors of the Mongols. As i have earlier mentioned, Huns are a group of Chinese as well. These Chinese were from the north that move into the plains and became into normads. These Huns travel alot back then and most people have records of them seen and spoted in central Asia. however, they shifted into the middle east. Turkey this nation had not existed yet. but their ancestors were the Huns who established the Hunnic Empire and as to the fall of the roman empire, half of it contributions was because of the Huns in which Atilia had the most merits. In the later stage after the Hunnic empire was no more, it was some time later that the renants regroup themselves and eventually led to the establishement and rise of the Ottaman Empire. Finally after sometime, from the Ottaman Empire, it was rename and known as the nation of Turkey. In the whole process and transistion of everything, much blood has been mixed. that is why to many people they always wonder why Turks somewhat look like middle east Asian and somewhat Europeans?We do have a friend from Turkey here right? Pls do correct me if what i know is wrong about Turkey.
March 9, 2010 at 8:44 am #18291kentaoshima`
ParticipantKentaoshima,bring some evidences to your assertions and I'd be very happyMeanwhile ...
perhaps if you able to read and understand languages of Asia it would be better. many of the things are common is those asian community or chinese communites sites. do a google search on the NANYUE empire. do a through and indept reading and you will see that what i say is correct about the vietnamese. most likely among them all, the nanyue empire is most likely the easiest to find. many of the others may be difficult to find on english speaking communities or search engines. mostly likely i should guess many of you have little knowledge or understanding of the EAST. as to what i can most of you are from europe or the US. how many are from the east and of those who are from the east, how oriental or so called "eastern" are you, may i ask? hope that you do not take any offences by my words. i have no means or intentions to attack at anyone.
Regarding on how Japan came into existance, ask any Chinese from South EAST ASIA and East Asia. especially the older generations, all of them will tell you something very similiar to what i have said. it will be difficult for you to find someone who will tell you something very different unless this person is not a chinese or no one has told him/her about it before.
March 9, 2010 at 8:56 am #18292kentaoshima`
ParticipantIf you truly understand the culture, characteristics and history of the HAN chinese, they are peace makers. they are not war minded. they are friendly. where else other chinese such as the Mongols, Manchurians, Kithians etc... they are very super War minded and can fight a war better than the Hans. the strength of the Hans is not fighting but instead governning. the Strengths of those 3 i have mentioned are in fighting a war but terrible in governning.
Do you mean that the Hans are natural born rulers ?
The Han Chinese from the north very strange to say many of them since historical days are very polical. Many of the North Han Chinese are strong in governning. However the Han Chinese of the South on the other hand are very strong in doing business. the majority of the South Han Chinese very extremely business minded people. During the last dynasty of China when Chinese were exported and sold to nations outside, the majority of them were from the south, and among them, the most were the cantonese. Those Chinese today in the west ( Europe and US) are mostly Cantonese. Their ancestors came from Canton back then. In Asia for the Chinese, people of Hong Kong and Macau are cantonese. the people of Taiwan are Hokkiens or so call MIN NAN people. the people in Thailand in particular are Teochews. People in Malaysia is very well mixed between the hokkiens and cantonese but they are more cantonese speaking. the majority of the people in Singapore are hokkiens. as to the other parts of Asia the majorities of the chinese there are also cantonese. perhaps in some sense you just might be correct that these people natural rulers or businessman.
March 9, 2010 at 9:09 am #18293kentaoshima`
ParticipantAs to what i understand and know from the people of China, there are alot of things that people talk about regarding on North and South Chinese. For an example, in terms of the appearances and features of the 2, there are also differences. But this applies on a general basics and not for all !North Chinese are taller. average height is 1.75-1.8 for the males. (this is only average height. the shortest and tallest , the gap is very big) 1.65 - 1.72 for the female as average heightSouth Chinese are shorter and this applies to all south chinese worldwide on a general basics. for the male they are of 1.65-1.73 as average. for the females they are 1.55 - 1.68 as a average height. North Chinese have a much fairer complextion, South Chinese are much Tanner. The Males of North are likely to have a hairy body and thick beard and moustage. South wise is very plain. everything all don't have. The north females have longer legs and their skin is more smooth than the south. the north chinese are bigger in size and their body is stronger than the people of the south.
March 9, 2010 at 3:19 pm #18294Wally
ParticipantSame kinds of phynotypical differentiations can be made among people from diverse geographic settings.
March 9, 2010 at 5:41 pm #18295Aetheling
Participantperhaps in some sense you just might be correct that these people natural rulers or businessman.
So it's in your deepest nature, your naturel destiny ...As same as the Aryan race, not long ago, see Ariosophy, the ideological system of esoteric nature pioneered by Guido von List and J?rg Lanz von Liebenfels in Austria between 1890 and 1930 and the Thule Society, from which the NSDAP originated. Both generated the White supremacy theory.It seems that you are advocating for a social and political dominance by Hans.When I asked you to cite some references, you just remained elusive :
perhaps if you able to read and understand languages of Asia it would be better. many of the things are common is those asian community or chinese communites sites. do a google search on the NANYUE empire. do a through and indept reading and you will see that what i say is correct about the vietnamese. most likely among them all, the nanyue empire is most likely the easiest to find. many of the others may be difficult to find on english speaking communities or search engines.
- I can't really understand you because I don't speak your language or is it just that I'm not Han ?- Just looking for some links with google isn't a reference, I was expecting you to give me some credible authors.- Vietnamese kicked the Chinese empire many times, I wonder why they are so reluctant to your peaceful Han kindnessNo serious evidence so far.However I understand why Singapore is so praised : a great tiger about economy but not a military threat. Moreover Singapore has the largest majority overseas Han Chinese population at 78%.You've just confirmed what I was suspecting about you, Propaganda Kamarade.At least Ivkhan doesn't seem dangerous.
March 10, 2010 at 2:47 am #18296kentaoshima`
Participantperhaps in some sense you just might be correct that these people natural rulers or businessman.
So it's in your deepest nature, your naturel destiny ...- I can't really understand you because I don't speak your language or is it just that I'm not Han ?- Just looking for some links with google isn't a reference, I was expecting you to give me some credible authors.- Vietnamese kicked the Chinese empire many times, I wonder why they are so reluctant to your peaceful Han kindnessNo serious evidence so far.However I understand why Singapore is so praised : a great tiger about economy but not a military threat. Moreover Singapore has the largest majority overseas Han Chinese population at 78%.You've just confirmed what I was suspecting about you, Propaganda Kamarade.At least Ivkhan doesn't seem dangerous.
I cannot Change what you choose to think. What you choose to think and what things really are can be different things at times. they are not always the same. I personally do not buy too much on numbers, stastics, figures, graphs and charts. it does not really prove or mean anything. at too many times these are use to wool over the eyes of many people and to mislead or confuse people. typically people in the advertising, marketing, sales and finance industry love to use such things best and i am familiar with their tatics and tricks. at times even the media and government also use such things as well.you really rather belive in authors and testimonies made by people? myself , base on life experiences i do not buy much on such things. these are people in alot of scenerios who are trying to use their influences, relationships with a person, sales speech, etc........ to get people to believe in what they want them to people in.and by the way i said " perhaps " perhaps this english word does not mean " YES " it is only in terms of numbers and historical records that the majority are such but it does not mean all of them are. If it is really all are such, can you really imagine what the world will be turned into? there are still some who are not. it is only a perhaps yes or perhaps no or perhaps by coinsicidence or perhaps this word perhaps can be anything. you are definately jumping into conclusion too fast. as to singapre wise, there are too many things they are world number 1 !singapore of course don have military threat. but however in the whole of south east asia, in terms of miliary technology, singapore has all the best and strongest. However, as to how soldier are the soldiers of singapore really are, i can tell you that they are not really soldiers at all. In fact far from it. Instead, there are some contract and treaties sign with western powers in which in times of war, they have agreed to send their men to protect and defend singapore against her enemies. this is something that many people are unaware off. the system works this way, in real times of war, the military of the westerners inside of singapore will be the first to go to the battlefield. the next will the singapore reservist units and then followed by those who still currently serving their national service. in the whole process of everything, the next wave of renforcements of the foreigners will arrive to continue their protection for singapore. There is no such need for singapore to be strong in military. even the government of singapore also know that they cannot rely and trust on their own people to protect themselves and that the real ones are the westerners. in the usual case those nations strong in military and who are real military threat are those communist nations. communist nations are very strong and powerful in military. sometimes from the way how the soldiers march you can tell their strength. look at the marching of the Chinese, the Russians, the North Koreans etc... as compared to south korea and Singapore. the differences is too obvious. However, there are too many things about singapore that is full of cover ups and propaganda as well by the media and government of singapore. perhaps you are not aware of it. in terms of the media, ( the papers, the radio, the TV , magazines, & education etc...) they are all under the absolute fullest and tightest control of the singapore government. anything that is harmful to themselves will not be released. that is it is only the good things and none of the bad to the public and foreigners. there are also secret police as well out to nap people who gives current ruling government of singapore a bad name as well. if such people are found, the next day, these people will become the next missing people of singapore in the records of police file as missing and unfound. the current oppositions of singapore can never ever win. whenever anyone who is strong in the opposition appears, before this person is of any stronger, this person will be elimiated politically for good by the ruling government ! what that is left is all the weak and useless ones in the opposition for show only to others that singapore also have oppositions. whenever voting comes, everyone all knows that the opposition can never win, as the ruling party always cheats. however there is nothing that can be done about it. singapore is not completely so much of a freedom of speech. much of it is for show only. there is a limit to their freedom of speech. if people go beyond this limit , they are in serious danger. in singapore, the government seriously discourages people to be involved or to have interest in politics. they do not want people to have interest or involvement in politics. they only people to have such is themselves only and no one else. More or less, there is some " LEE DYNASTY " thing going on in the governing of singapore.
March 10, 2010 at 7:14 am #18297kentaoshima`
Participant(Btw, I've found an interesting report from the Pacific Rim Cultural Foundation wherein they compare wars and ... religion as well !!surprising ... :- )http://www.visualstatistics.net/Readings/Chinese%20Wars/Chinese%20wars.html
by the way this link is an absolute unfair comparison. it is like you take an apple, you a pear and then an orange and then you compare them. compare an apple with apple. 1st of all, China is a nation. Europe is a continent and not a nation. unless there is one nation called as europe then anything that you want to compare and conclude is correct about China or europe. 2ndly, the size of China as a nation by itself and europe as both a continent and the individual nations inside of europe is different. if to really compare it , compare all of individual nations inside of europe as well europe as a continent then it is really fair. 3rdly, is the population. the population of China as well the population of the individual nations inside of europe and europe as a continent is different. unless the numbers can really match in some ways, some how or rather. if not , in the first place it cannot even be compared. 4thly is enthnic groups! China has 56 official and recognize enthinc groups. if you include the unofficial and recognize ones it is more than that. so let's say there are 56 different types of chinese. how about europe as a continent an the individual nations of europe? how many are there? can they be on par? if they are then comparison is possible. 5thly, how many religions are there in the individual nations of europe and the continent of europe as compare to china? who has a greater number ? how many followers they all have? how influencial and powerful are they? is everyone evenly well match enough to do a comparision?6thly how many population is the invidual miniorities enthinc groups of in the individual european nations as compared to china? is the number sufficient to compare?7thly how long is the history of each and enthinc groups in the individual nations of europe as compare to china in order to compare the 2? 8thly how deeply rooted is the culture, traditions, customs and believes of all the enthinc groups in europe as a continent and individual in order to compare with china?9thly, how many languages and dialects does the whole of europe has as compared with China?the list can still go on longer, but i will stop here. and again don use statistics , numbers, figures, percentage, graphs or charts to compare. if really to compare, use ratio instead. ratio will be fairer in this manner
March 10, 2010 at 7:40 am #18298kentaoshima`
Participanti am not sure if you are aware of it, there are many people in South East Asia and in the Whole of the Middle East who views USA as the real terrorists.Especially to the muslims from Asia, when you ask them on the 911 incident, they really view it as that the american trully deserve it. they are not worth to be pitied or symphatized. They can even say that 911 is peanuts as compared to what the americans has done to others. let us look as USA. their history is short. but perhaps it just might be possible that they are war lovers or maybe not. throughout history, since their existance, how many civil wars to continent wars in the american continent to wars outside of american continent have the americans fought? it is too many ! Especially during the years of president bush, it was the worst ! too many people both within USA and outside of USA dislike him like anything. most likely it is the americans who has bases and soldiers in almost any nations around the world today. which other nation is also like them? very few i would say. which nation in this world gives the general feeling to most people as the most active and war supporter type? the answer is USA. which nation in this world is always fond of showing off their military might and power to the rest of the world? the answer should be obvious. Which nation in this world use military as the first few source and means to warn and threaten any other nation to get what they want instead of peaceful and diplomatic talks first? some years ago, the people of indonesia raped the indonesian chinese girls. China was extremely angry like anything. she gave indonesia a warning telling the government to do something to end it and to protect the chinese there. nothing else more to that. However , i do feel very confident that if the same thing happen to the Americans there, the first thing without a second word will the airforce and navy that will be dispatched by USA to indonesia. any other things else is secondary. don't forget again, who threw the whole world into financial and economic crisis in history? talk about the most recent one that the world is expericing. the culprit is USA. but again who save the world from this crisis? it is China. USA today owes China alot of money now!do feel free to rebuke if you disagree with what i have stated about USA and how others view of USA.
March 10, 2010 at 1:20 pm #18299Aetheling
Participantthe list can still go on longer, but i will stop here. and again don use statistics , numbers, figures, percentage, graphs or charts to compare. if really to compare, use ratio instead. ratio will be fairer in this manner
I guess that by ratio you mean reason.Everything that you wrote is based on :- ordinary thoughts, not on evidence- clich?s, not on a rational demonstration- biased views of History, not on a knowledge acquired by objective investigation- unawareness of Western civilisation
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