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Yup–elitists are us!Go Steve!
scout, like I said most of the Macs started in education… the Ivory Tower Forest. 😀
Weird : sometimes I have these amazing icons for some posts, the time after it seems to have vanished … !
scout, like I said most of the Macs started in education... the Ivory Tower Forest. 😀
True, the first MAC I ever worked on was an Apple IIc in High School, right next to the TRS-80. But that was back in the day when Radio Shack was still cool. My very first computer was a Commodore Vic-20 w/ Tape Drive. Whatever happened to Commodore anyway?
Bankrupt in '94; “brand” bought by Yeahronimo Media Venture Inc…. name changed to Commodore International Corp. (CIC) in 2005. Making digital media devices
scout, like I said most of the Macs started in education... the Ivory Tower Forest. 😀
True, the first MAC I ever worked on was an Apple IIc in High School, right next to the TRS-80. But that was back in the day when Radio Shack was still cool. My very first computer was a Commodore Vic-20 w/ Tape Drive. Whatever happened to Commodore anyway?
Funny, but when I was growing up the first computer we ever had was an Apple IIe, but I never considered that to be a "Mac". My friends had Apples back then as well - one had an Apple IIc, another had an Apple II+. The alternative was an IBM, but I don't think I knew anyone who had one of those. The reason why IBMs were different was because they had hard drives. Yup, with our Apple IIe, we had to run programs off floppy disks. It really makes one wonder how they were able to create those games we played to fit onto a floppy disk that fit 360 KB total from both sides.
Marriage customs in Ancient Babylon Ancient Babylonia was a society, which, although it did not …
In 407 B.C. and again in 405 B.C.. the Spartans in alliance with their old enemies, the Persians, …
I came across an article about the lemons and other citrus fruits in the ancient Roman world. …