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May 6, 2010 at 1:31 pm #2184
ParticipantHow to stop the oil slick in the Gulf. Nuke it, and the original story. Apparently the Russians are serious about nuking the spill. Sounds logical ??? ???
May 7, 2010 at 12:30 am #20942Phidippides
KeymasterThat's interesting. Ingenious ways of using nuclear bombs, those Russians.
May 13, 2010 at 7:58 am #20943scout1067
ParticipantIn further scary news from the Gulf there is this about some Americans attitudes towards BP
Protesters are becoming more active in Washington and the Gulf region. An activist group called Seize BP planned protests at the company's offices and other sites across the country on Wednesday to demand the government freeze BP's assets to ensure payment for the cleanup and compensation for those impacted.About a dozen people protested outside JP Morgan Chase's headquarters in New York on Wednesday night, carrying signs that said "US Congress bought and paid by oil" and urging the government to seize BP's assets.
The original Story, about halfway down is this part. How scary is it that there are actually Americans that think nationalizing companies is the best way to go about business? I guess 'ol Chavez and company are having an effect here after all.
May 13, 2010 at 3:51 pm #20944Phidippides
KeymasterIt surprises me that while Fascism has been soundly rejected by modern society, Communism gets more or less a free pass, even though the number of deaths under the latter were likely greater than under the former in the 20th century. I don't get it.
May 13, 2010 at 7:24 pm #20945Aetheling
ParticipantIt surprises me that while Fascism has been soundly rejected by modern society, Communism gets more or less a free pass, even though the number of deaths under the latter were likely greater than under the former in the 20th century. I don't get it.
Perhaps because Communists survived and Nazis died ... :-
May 14, 2010 at 7:26 am #20946scout1067
ParticipantHas fascism really been rejected? I would have to give a qualified maybe to that question. What is fascism other than an ugly word for oligarchy? The root of fascism is the roman word fasces which were the little bundles of sticks carried by roman magistrates in ancient Rome and symbolized authority. There is nothing inherently right-wing about fascism, indeed I have heard a convincing argument that both Nazism and Italian fascism were left -wing rather than right-wing phenomena as left and right is traditionally defined. How is liberal authoritarianism any different from fascism except in form? The substance of authoritarianism is the same regardless of which side of the political spectrum from whence it comes.This leads into the oil slick because of the authoritative methods being contemplated to ?punish? BP for the accident that is a result of the American thirst for petroleum and the products derived from it. The best one I have heard is a proposal to fine oil companies 1 year?s profits for oil spills. Who is really at fault for this accident? And it was an accident; no one could have foreseen the sequence of events that led to the blowout. Accidents do still happen and there is an element of risk associated with just about everything we do. What is missing in all the finger pointing is any meaningful discussion of the extraordinary efforts being made to lessen the impact of this spill. Everybody, especially the media, wants this to be fixed almost before it happened. They are indeed going to turn this into Obama?s Katrina and as much as I dislike admitting it, he and his administration probably did everything their procedures said they should do just in with FEMA in 2005. BP has been trying to get on top of this since it happened.But the effort to punish Evil big oil will continue. If I were an oil company I would be seriously considering boycotting the American market for a few months just to show how much power they can potentially wield. What do you think would happen if the oil companies quit selling America oil for only 2-3 months? Going after the oil companies is a perfect example of biting the hand that feeds you.
May 14, 2010 at 1:11 pm #20947Aetheling
ParticipantThis leads into the oil slick because of the authoritative methods being contemplated to ?punish? BP for the accident that is a result of the American thirst for petroleum and the products derived from it. The best one I have heard is a proposal to fine oil companies 1 year?s profits for oil spills. Who is really at fault for this accident? And it was an accident; no one could have foreseen the sequence of events that led to the blowout. Accidents do still happen and there is an element of risk associated with just about everything we do. What is missing in all the finger pointing is any meaningful discussion of the extraordinary efforts being made to lessen the impact of this spill. Everybody, especially the media, wants this to be fixed almost before it happened. They are indeed going to turn this into Obama?s Katrina and as much as I dislike admitting it, he and his administration probably did everything their procedures said they should do just in with FEMA in 2005. BP has been trying to get on top of this since it happened.But the effort to punish Evil big oil will continue. If I were an oil company I would be seriously considering boycotting the American market for a few months just to show how much power they can potentially wield. What do you think would happen if the oil companies quit selling America oil for only 2-3 months? Going after the oil companies is a perfect example of biting the hand that feeds you.
The device meant to stop oil leaking from a Gulf of Mexico well after last month's rig explosion was faulty, US Congressional investigators have said.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8679090.stm As long as oil companies or others are disregarding security or other legal obligations, there is no objective reason not to fine them. Another point is how this security failure wasn't detected by those who are in charge to check if companies are fulfilling their obligations...
May 14, 2010 at 1:50 pm #20948scout1067
ParticipantAs I said, I am not interested in finger-pointing right now, but solutions. The finger pointing can start once the crisis is handled.
May 14, 2010 at 4:17 pm #20949Phidippides
KeymasterAnother point is how this security failure wasn't detected by those who are in charge to check if companies are fulfilling their obligations...
I had heard that the current administration actually gave BP passes when it came to regulatory compliance, so it could be interesting to see how this all plays out.
May 14, 2010 at 6:57 pm #20950Aetheling
ParticipantAnother point is how this security failure wasn't detected by those who are in charge to check if companies are fulfilling their obligations...
I had heard that the current administration actually gave BP passes when it came to regulatory compliance, so it could be interesting to see how this all plays out.
Indeed, wait and see
May 26, 2010 at 8:01 pm #20951skiguy
ModeratorIn further scary news from the Gulf there is this about some Americans attitudes towards BP
Perhaps if Americans looked at their 401k they'd probably find BP stocks. It's in all of my mutual funds for my 401k, so LEAVE THEM ALONE!!How about this take on the whole disaster?It was an accident. It was nobody's fault. How many oil wells are in the Gulf and other places right now? Probably lots. The ratio is pretty good if you ask me. But then again, I'm just a greedy, right-wing, BP stock owning, capitalist pig.
May 26, 2010 at 9:27 pm #20952scout1067
ParticipantIn further scary news from the Gulf there is this about some Americans attitudes towards BP
Perhaps if Americans looked at their 401k they'd probably find BP stocks. It's in all of my mutual funds for my 401k, so LEAVE THEM ALONE!!How about this take on the whole disaster?It was an accident. It was nobody's fault. How many oil wells are in the Gulf and other places right now? Probably lots. The ratio is pretty good if you ask me. But then again, I'm just a greedy, right-wing, BP stock owning, capitalist pig.
+ 1. I own BP stock too, and directly so I obviously have a conflict of interest here.
May 27, 2010 at 2:44 pm #20953Aetheling
ParticipantI've read that Kevin Costner brother has the miraculous solution !http://news.discovery.com/tech/could-kevin-costners-machine-work-on-the-oil-spill.html You can now sleep soundly (or on both ears as we say in French)
May 27, 2010 at 4:44 pm #20954DonaldBaker
ParticipantI still feel this whole debacle was mishandled on purpose if it wasn't staged to begin with…..and yes I know how that sounds, but there are some sick sick people out there who will do anything for money or for more regulations against offshore drilling. Who knows, this might have been by design to end the offshore drilling debate…or at least to tilt the argument in the favor of the environmentalists. Flame away in 3…2…1…:)
May 27, 2010 at 8:04 pm #20955Wally
ParticipantNo flames here; but tha answer to the riddle is whipstock… drilling at an angle from shore. Sounds silly but that's how the guy across the fence can tap the oil under your land. 😮Should work out to sea as well. 8)
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