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February 27, 2010 at 11:14 pm #1953
ParticipantI recently had my post altered by someone! I used a word to describe a person as an issue of a sexual encounter unblessed by marriage--a b.....d. When the post appeared I saw, to my surprise, that someone had changed the word to "dudes". I was shocked! I was unaware that we were subject to bowdlerization censorship or even editing. The word I used was not meant to be offensive and is used in everyday parlance. My grandchildren in Junior high school have a vocabulary that would horrify a sailor of the1950,s and this word would seem to be as harmless as a golden retriever.I shall remain silent as to my opinion of this practice as this is not my house, I do not make the rules andhave only recently arrived. I am, however, curious as to what the rules are. Is there a published list ofbanned words or phrases and if so how might I access it so as not to be boorish again? Further, wouldit be acceptable if I wrote the word in Italian, French, Latin or Attic Greek as was the case years agowhen some books were published, but certain portions were in languages probably unknown to membersof the "great unwashed" who might have procured the book at a second hand stall. This query is notintended to question "the authority" nor to use words merely to "outrager la bourgeoisie", but to complywith the rules of the house. I was in the military for five years and fully understand the need for rulesand the chaos that reigns when they are flaunted. I await guidance.There is another question. What are all these ranks I see next to the names of people? Can one advance? What are the rules--is one co-opted? Does it depend on time in house or number of posts?Does the length or quality of the posts matter? Finally--would it be possible to see the full list of ranksor titles in the hierarchy?Thanking you in advance for you kind attention to these questions,kind regards: Willy D (Agoraomai).
February 27, 2010 at 11:39 pm #18901Wally
ParticipantHi Willy, I'll take a swing at it and Phid can clean up the damage I do… based on what I have observed on forums like this there is an automated censorship system that will substitute a pre-set euphemism for a suspect word. Ranks are based on number of posts; lenght and quality aren't in the mix (Idon't think)… you are automatically advanced.A list was available once-upon-a-time but I can't seem to find it... again, maybe, Phid can fix that too.Don't worry I slipped several time too. this, unlike other forums is a very civil place. Some found it too boring and left 8)Cheers,Wally
February 27, 2010 at 11:51 pm #18902skiguy
ModeratorNot so much censorship as much as the administrator just keeping things clean. I've had a few words edited or changed to ####. Free speech is encouraged here, but it's rather nice, IMO, that things stay clean (and civil).
February 28, 2010 at 12:28 am #18903willyD
ParticipantSo if I am going along in a sentence and slip into Japanese, Attic Greek Italian or French I beat the automatic censor? This is merely a question as I would never do such a thing--no scamp here.Also--who is the administrator and is there a list of what words would be deemed not clean other than the obvious? Thanks for the feedback--I am now in the vestibule of understanding.
February 28, 2010 at 12:32 am #18904Phidippides
KeymasterOk Willy:Wally had it right - it's an automated system that changed your word to "dudes". I must say - sorry if I find it kind of funny, but I think that I had that particular word was set to "dudes" back when a particular problem member around here (known as "History Farts") used it, and the rest of us had little patience for his behavior. I'll change it so it has *** in it rather than "dudes". Basically, I want to ensure that this is a place where students (and their teachers) could come to if they wanted. I've tried to keep it "family friendly". So standard cuss words are censored, and I hope you understand. The list is not that long but I'll add to that list as they come up.As for ranks, here are the current ones with number of posts to advance. You advance by the number (not quality) of posts:Auxiliary.............. 0 Legionary............ 18 Signifier.............. 30 Optio.................. 50 Centurion............ 100 Tribune............... 500 Legatus.............. 1000 Senator.............. 2000 Tetrarch Emperor.. 3000
February 28, 2010 at 12:53 am #18905willyD
ParticipantAHA! I understand. Please be assured that although I come from peasant stock, time and money havegiven me a patina of educated sophistication and I shall not deviate from the well marked path. Yourgoal is laudatory and it is indeed a pleasure to converse with people who use words I understand and a syntax that is comprehensible. Thank you for your guidance.WillyD
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