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April 4, 2010 at 6:17 pm #2066
KeymasterThere's a site which contains the diary entries from a German minister of justice which contains accounts of some Hitler Youth activities and chants in 1935. Here are some highlights:A song sung by "young people" (of Baden?), possibly late September/early October 1935:
"Pope and rabbi shall yield, We want to be pagans again No longer creep into the churches. The orb of the sun alone is leading us. Out with the Jews, and with the pope from the German home."
A Hitler Youth song from 1934, Bamberg:
"We are the happy Hitler Youth We need no Christian virtues, For our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler Is always our mediator. "No parson, no evil man can prevent us From feeling ourselves to be Hitler children, We do not follow Christ but Horst Wessel, Away with incense and holy water vessels. "We follow our flags singing As worthy sons of our ancestors, I am no Christian, no Catholic, I go with the SA through thick and thin. "I can do without the Church, The Swastika is redemption on earth, I will (log its steps, Baldur von Schirach, take me with you!"
As for the activities of the Hitler Youth, here are a few. In May, at Paderborn(?):
When the Archbishop wanted to get into his car, the Hitler Youth try toprevent him, calls of "down with the foreign exchange racketeer" and soon. Hitler Youths rush after the car and try to overturn it. A fewyouths jump on to the running board of the car and when they areprevented from so doing, push their way forward brandishing theirdaggers of honour. A Hitler Youth tries to spit into the car. Passers-bywho urge them to stop, are abused and beaten. A woman civilian has to becarried away from the square. When the Archbishop arrives at the churchthe Hitler Youth roar "Throw the black fellow down the stairs". Duringthe sermon, the Hitler Youth continue the uproar, often banging againstthe church door so that the service is greatly disturbed. Finally theemergency squad restored order.
In Duisberg:
On the evening of 10 July encounters with the police took place byreason of the posters which were put up and again removed. 5 policeofficials were slightly injured. About 2100 the Catholic Institute wasstormed and its fixtures and furniture destroyed. Police who hurried tothe scene were received with ugly oaths. "You bloodhounds, for shame,get out of here or we will trample you to death."When the Institute was stormed for a second time the police officialswere actually attacked, two of them injured, one by a knife stab in theface.
April 4, 2010 at 6:50 pm #20004willyD
ParticipantTotalitarian governments suffer rivals with difficulty and even a benign leader such as Bismarck (compared to Hitler) had a KULTURKAMPF with religious authority. Interesting lyrics though–some of which I have never seen–thank you.Ah the happy days in Germany described by Tacitus--virtuous women, brave men, ample food and worthy foes, lots of trees, war gods--a pagan paradise. Forgot--iron/steel weapons!
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