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Cattle make methane; eat them faster before they fart!
Shocking !! ::)
AethelingParticipantIt happened, we can't change history, and the USA turned out pretty good, IMO. Europeans invaded, they were stronger, and they won. End of story.
Who's next ?
AethelingParticipantWhat if you were invaded by Muslims ? What if your lands, values, religion were wiped out ? What could you give to your descendance ?Especially if you can do nothing to stop it. (diseases, weapons, etc) Manifest Destiny?
AethelingParticipantpage not found
AethelingParticipantAccording to an account in the Book of John, Jesus was attending a wedding feast in Cana, Galilee, with his disciples. When the hosts ran out of wine, Jesus' mother said, “They have no more wine.” Jesus replied, “Dear woman, why do you involve me? My time has not yet come.” Jesus' mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:3-5). Jesus ordered the servants to fill the empty jars with water. When they had done so, Jesus told them to draw out some of it and take it to the chief waiter. After tasting the water that had become wine and not knowing what Jesus had done, he told the bridegroom that he had departed from the custom of serving the best wine first by serving it last (John 2:6-10). This was the first miracle of Jesus and it was performed to reveal his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him (John 2:11).Damn, this is appealing !
AethelingParticipantBelgian beer comprises the most diverse national collection of quality beer in the world !!! Belgian breweries produce about 800 standard beers. 😛Beer is the world's oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic beverage and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea!! Some of humanity's earliest known writings refer to the production and distribution of beer!For a beer to qualify for Trappist certification, the brewery must be in or near a monastery, the monks must play a role in its production and policies and the profits from the sale must be used to support the monastery and/or social programs outside. Only seven monasteries currently meet these qualifications, six of which are in Belgium and one in the Netherlands.Not to mention InBev : InBev has operations in over 30 countries and sales in over 130 countries. In 2006 it had a market capitalisation of ?30.6 billion and net profit of ?3.2 billion on sales of ?13.3 billion. 😮[attachment deleted by admin]
AethelingParticipantGreat links !I wonder about the expression: In Vino Veritas
AethelingParticipantAccording to Hugh Johnson (1) : Like most wines in the ancient worlds, sweet white wine was the most highly prized wine style. The wines were often very alcoholic, with Pliny noting that you could bring a candle flame to a cup of Falernian and it would catch fire. Because of this strength, the wines were often diluted with warm water and sometimes even salty seawater.The Romans were very keen on the aroma of the wines and would experiment with different techniques in order to enhance a wine's bouquet. One technique that gained some usage in southern Gaul was planting herbs like lavender and thyme in the vineyards, believing that the flavors would transfer through the ground into the fruit of the grapevines.Another technique widely practiced was to store amphorae in a smoke chamber called fumarium to add smokiness to their flavour.The quality of the beverage depended on the amount of pure grape juice used to make the beverage and how diluted the wine was when it was served. The best quality wine was reserved for the upper classes of Rome. Below that was posca a mixture of water and sour wine that had not yet turned into vinegar. :-The use of posca for soldier's rations was codified in the Corpus Juris Civilis and amounted to around a liter per day for each soldier. (Drunkards legions ???)During Ancient Greece, the wine was almost always diluted, usually with water or snow when the wine was to be served cold. The Greeks believed that only barbarians drank unmixed or undiluted wine and that the Spartan king Cleomenes I was once driven insane after drinking wine this way. (2) Just like they despised the Celts drinking wine pure !As you said , water can be "healthlessness" if pure 😉(1) H. Johnson, Vintage:The Story of Wine, Simon and Schuster 1989(2) J. Robinson (ed), "The Oxford Companion to Wine", Third Edition, Oxford University Press 2006
AethelingParticipantAbout cuisine, I wonder how it evolved throughout centuries in Europe … 😛 BRB!!
AethelingParticipantIn Vino VeritasHave you heard about: "Mettre de l'eau dans son vin" ? (roughly translated by put "water in one's wine")
AethelingParticipantI doubt about the last reason. Christianity is involved for 2.000 years only, quite a recent actor regarding to History.
Wouldn't your point only reinforce the point Donnie was making? Given Christianity's relative "newness" in the history of things, it has marked civilizations that have made some of the greatest advancements. In other words, Christianity has helped with the exchange of ideas so that even in a short time, civilizations have gone on to thrive.
Many religions might have fueled philosophy, some advancements or ideas. Not only Christianity.Few examples:- the Medes- the Babylonians- the Egyptians- the Greeks- the Romans- the Indians (Hinduism, Buddhism)- the Chinese (Confucius and Buddhism)- not to mention megalithic religion in Europe- etc...Just wanted to point out that "religious-centrism" can't be used to explain about ancient civilisations.
AethelingParticipantHess unmasked : [attachment deleted by admin]
AethelingParticipantThis was found in Denmark. Pretty amazing. How would you like to stumble into something where you felt like the Nazis had just left?Furnished Nazi bunkers surface in Denmark, 60 years on
Article not found or expired on Yahoo! News :-[
AethelingParticipantSeveral things.6. Christianity. Religions that prosyletize provide another way to contribute to the exchange of ideas. The Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas did not prosyletize their religions but remained localized at the main shrines located in capitals such as Tenochitlan.
I doubt about the last reason. Christianity is involved for 2.000 years only, quite a recent actor regarding to History.
AethelingParticipantaka M. KIA ?