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Cannibalism or ritual defleshing?A mirror of our modern cultural fantasies?Cannibalism about the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 ?Or struggle for life ?
AethelingParticipantHellow! I have to tell something very important. We Bulgarians are Thracians. This proves our modern language, its structure and many words. You can see that in my book "Who are we? The language, wich we speak, shows that or what is the truth about Bulgarian people." This book is written in bulgarian and after a week will be in the bookshops in Sofia. Some books will be and in Library of congres in USA, and British library in London. I have not enogh time to translate in english, but you will manage with that, the book is not a big one, because the truth is always a short thing. Otherways, it is seeped away. Read this book, it shows one very part of the world history and put many questions about the origin of many peoples of Indoeuropean family. Soon, I will show in wich places in Sofia, this book will bo sold.
Do you mean you are of Greek ancestry ??
AethelingParticipantVanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas. Preaching again … ;D
AethelingParticipantScout, I'm happy to debate with you even if I was at first a bit disoriented (nothing to do with Orient tho)
AethelingParticipantEgo Te Absolvo
AethelingParticipantScout,Take it easy, you know I've no personal grief against you. My pyramid was just a joke. 😉The problem with this cyber-world is we are like blinded fools trapped in Plato's cave.Around some beers and good music, we won't look anybody to be hanged, drawn and quartered...
AethelingParticipantBTW, what us an objective source?Lastly, because a government went after somebody, I am supposed to then think he is not a good scholar? David Irving is a flake but he is also responsible for some good scholarship. Political views that I disagree with do not automatically make an author's entire body of work irrelevant. Is the article factual or not? From what I know, yes it is.
Scout,I'm not here to preach.However you know about Historical Method.For me, source criticism is the very first question to state. And by whom was it produced is another major stance.Especially in this case.
AethelingParticipantI am actually in the process of writing a paper which significantly touches on Roman womanly ideal. The ideal in Latin is pudicitia - namely, womanly virtue that incorporates modesty an the idea of univira, or a one-man woman. There is a particular pose for women that you can sometimes see on funerary reliefs that signify this ideal of pudicitia.
I've found an interesting article about the concept of Matres and Matrones : female deities venerated in North-West Europe from the 1st to the 5th century AD. They are depicted on votive objects and altars that bear images of goddesses, depicted almost entirely in groups of three, that feature inscriptions (about half of which feature Celtic names, and half of which feature Germanic names), that were venerated in regions of Germania, Eastern Gaul, and upper Italy that were occupied by the Roman army from the first to the fifth century AD.The Germanic matres have been connected with the later Germanic d?sir, valkyries, and norns attested largely in 13th century sources.R Pascal even theorizes that The Three Marys may be Christianized versions of the Matres and Matrones.However, in medieval French language, Matrone was an older woman (up to 40 yo) who helped younger women give birth. The author claims that in the USA, a Matrone is a female prison guard (but I didn't find any evidence about this). I wonder how Romans considered women like Julia Agrippina, Roman empress, great-granddaughter of Augustus, great-niece and adoptive granddaughter of Tiberius, sister of Caligula, niece and fourth wife of Claudius and mother of Nero ?? 😮Although Roman women were citizens, but could not run for political office or vote. They seemed to have a substantial freedom outside of politics.Sounds like a "d?j?-vu" ... :-
AethelingParticipantI wonder if I'm not gonna start a pyramid in my backyard ???
AethelingParticipantlet's put the belfry in the middle of the village:
AethelingParticipantConcrete - a Roman invention - was made from a changing recipe of lime mortar, volcanic sand, water, and small stones ("caementa," from which the English word "cement" is derived). The mixture was placed in wooden frames and left to dry and bond with a facing of brick or stone in a procedure somewhat like the casting of statues in bronze or other metals. When the concrete was completely dry, the wooden molds were removed, leaving behind a solid mass of great strength, though rough in appearance, which was often covered afterward with stucco or even sheathed with marble revetment. I think you are confusing cement with concrete, two entirely different substances.
Concrete and cement:Concrete is a construction material composed of cement (commonly Portland cement) as well as other cementitious materialsIn the most general sense of the word, a cement is a binder, a substance which sets and hardens independently, and can bind other materials together. The word "cement" traces to the Romans, who used the term "opus caementicium" to describe masonry which resembled concrete and was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as binder. 12,000,000 BCA natural deposit of cement compounds forms due to the reactions between limestone and oil shale during spontaneous combustion near present-day Israel.5600 BCThe first concrete structures were built.3000 BCThe Egyptians began to use mud mixed with straw to bind dried bricks. They also used gypsum mortars and mortars of lime in the building of the pyramids.The Chinese used cementitious materials in the construction of the Great Wall.800 BCThe Greeks used lime mortars that were much harder than later Roman mortars. This material was also in evidence in Crete and Cyprus at this time.300 BCThe Babylonians and Assyrians used bitumen to bind stones and bricks together.299 BC to 476 ADThe Romans used pozzolana cement from Pozzuoli, Italy near Mt. Vesuvius to build many famous Roman structures including the Appian Way, the Roman Baths of Caracalla, the Basilica of Maxentius, the Coliseum and Pantheon in Rome, and the Pont du Gard aqueduct in south France. They used broken brick aggregate embedded in a mixture of lime putty with brick dust or volcanic ash by the Romans. Many structures that used stone. They built ~5,300 miles of roads.
AethelingParticipantI'd say The French Revolutionary Wars, followed by the Napoleonic Wars for their use of national conscription and the concept of total war.
AethelingParticipantAn interesting thing is to look for the sources that some Historians (and members) use to state , refute, claim or deny opinions about History. Interesting and enlightening...
Indeed, it is.
Well I was not the first to start that kind of post. There is another one already in this Forum, quite interesting. Check the link:
AethelingParticipantHere is a good refutation of the revisionist version of Christian-Islamic relations in the Middle Ages. I dislike most revisionist history and revisionism inspired by politics and political correctness is the worst kind. History should not be the plaything of populism it is about what really happened.Refuting God's Crucible
The Brussels Journal is a conservative blog, founded by the Flemish journalist Paul Beli?n. In April 2006 the Belgian government accused the blog of "racism" and forced the removal of a Dutch language article on the site, "Geef ons Wapens!" (Give us Weapons!). The incident caused the site to shift to English-centric in order to be able to present future such cases to the international media. The Washington Times carried an editorial deploring the stance of the Belgian authorities on August 17, 2006 concluding 'From what we've seen of the English version of the Brussels Journal, the accusations of racism are utterly baseless. Mr. Belien is guilty only of vigorously expressing his opinion, and in many cases it would benefit Belgium -- and Europe as a whole -- to heed the advice from the Brussels Journal rather than to criminalize it.'The Washington Times is a daily broadsheet newspaper published in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. It was founded in 1982 by Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon, and has been subsidized by the Unification Church community. The Times is known for its conservative stance on political and social issues.The strategy of right-wing populism relies on a combination of ethno-nationalism with anti-elitist populist rhetoric and a radical critique of existing political institutions.They are considered radical because they oppose the current welfare state and the present political system.Right-wing because they oppose aspects of social democracy and have traditional policies on immigration.Populist because they appeal to the fears and frustrations of common citizens.
AethelingParticipantIn 1947, Pieter Geyl used his book Napoleon For and Against to advance his view that all historians are influenced by the present when writing history and thus all historical writing is transitory.In Geyl's view, there never can be a definitive account for all ages because every age has a different view of the past. (Geyl, Pieter (1982) [1947]. Napoleon For and Against. Penguin Books. ISBN 0452000572.)An interesting thing is to look for the sources that some Historians (and members) use to state , refute, claim or deny opinions about History. Interesting and enlightening...