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ParticipantThe Germans referrred to Charlemagne's empire as the First Reich, brief and shakey as it was by the end of his reign both internally and extenally.
ParticipantHerod the Great also died from the maggoted genetalia disease.
Well echoed. ;D
ParticipantCool is a lazy word no different though less offensive than a swear word.By NPR and dem standards they should have included Cleveland and Harding. ;D
ParticipantA four flushin' flash in the pan. ;D
ParticipantThe media/dems will keep Palin “alive” for she is the one GOP female they love to hate. I went through the “minority” hell treatment inflicted by the spurned dems when I supported Eisenhower in '52 and '56, same as Latino and Black conservatives today. All venom, no substance in their arguments.
ParticipantBetter postage stamps too during the Empire. Yes, they may not have been perfect, but the Brits generally kept things under control. Interesting factoid. After WWI, the actor Victor McLaglen was a captain and Provost Marshal for Baghdad.
ParticipantAm I the first to pundit that the lady governors have rendered Sara Palin irrelevant for the GOP? Each is less shrill and has more gravitas and substance. Condi is still my favorite female politician, and she did wow the audience.
ParticipantA confluence of reasons:For young males, easily brainwashed otherwise, and females as well, he lathered his speeches with "blood of our blood, flesh of our flesh" and became their surrogate father. Many had lost theirs in WWI. As Eric Hoffer wrote in his once acclaimed The True Believer, the mediocre and failures find strength by identifying with a group ( or team as it may be here in the USA).An oath sworn by a German culturally is never to be broken. Hitler had the military swear a personal oath to him not to Germany.Greed -- confiscation of property.Social Darwinism and latent antisemitism.Cowardice. You see a half dozen brownshirts beating a single person, what can one do. I remember as a 9 year old boy no one protested in liberal San Francisco the internment of the Japanese.Put thugs in charge of prisoners.
ParticipantThe pot was boiling — forgive the cliche –by the time of the assasination with Ententes, Triple Alliances, national aspirations of subject minorities, potential revolt in Russia, French passion for revanche, militarism, colonial rivalries . At best Edward VII might have influenced a delay.How about if TR won in 1912? He might have mediated a delay as well, and one may ask would the Germans have sunk our ships had he been President? Look at the wimpster signals the overrated (by dems) WW sent. "America is too proud to fight" and He kept us out of war."
ParticipantI was not thinking Gabby was black, colored, or A-A, when Costas made those inane and unnecessary racial remarks. He would have been a better man if he said Gabby inspired all short people — like himself. The leftist media will never allow a post-racial society to exist.
ParticipantShrill, hysterical, a liar, but for most dems politics is a religion in which one may be embarrassed by the sins of their candidate or elected official but always forgive the sinner because they hate/fear the opposition as the Devil incarnate. Or, they rationalize “everyone does it.” Her speech at the dem convention might create more votes for the reps if independents do not fall asleep watching before she mounts the podium.
ParticipantCongratulations. May it be the first of many.
July 30, 2012 at 2:55 pm in reply to: What is the relationship between technology and victory? #27391donroc
ParticipantSo Homer Lea wrote in 1908 when referring to native Americans and the colonies taken by the Brits and others during the 19th century.
ParticipantI thought there was a Great Western Bra — Head 'em up and move 'em out! 😀 Attributed to female comic Rusty Warren.
ParticipantMy wife and I do not answer polls — and we ain't voting for BHO.