I think ultimately it just goes to show how both sides are so completely polarized that this kind of lunacy get's put out and people believe it.I think it also proves how volatile our political climate is right now and how we are on track to a very bad ending if something isn't done. I am not sure what that "something" is, but I know that even the founding fathers put into so many words that the people have the responsibility to "fix" the government if it no longer works. I think we are very close to the point where it no longer works.
Sanitizing history… the oldest profession 🙂 Seriously though… isn't it interesting to realize that as much as it goes on today it was just as common even in ancient Egypt…
Just watched a real interesting documentary from The Discovery Channel called Death of The Red Baron…Pretty detailed and from the standpoinit of their research proves pretty conclusively that Roy Brown had no chance, not even with a lucky shot, to have downed Richthofen. The documentary leans more to Cedric Popkin and even more so to Snowy Evans. I think Popkin probably is the one who downed Richthofen for the fact that those at the scene said Richthofen was still alive when he landed and had Brown, Buie, or Evans shot him he probably would have died prior to landing.Also reading a book written in 1925 called The Red Knight of Germany. VERY interesting read about Richthofens life.
Calvin Coolidge? Really? He wouldn't have even appeared on the radar IMHO… I also would go with T.R.Plain and simple he had balls... and principles, and while he was surely an massive extrovert and not ashamed of his persona, he had America's best interest in mind at all times.
That WordPress theme is excellent to work with… I agree with you that the simple, clean look is the way to go, especially when related to blogs… too many get weighed down in fluff and it dteres from the actual writing content.I look forward to reading what you post there...
I find it amazing that back in those times propogandists were able to do what they were able to on photographs… look at some of the photos Stalin had altered… pretty convincing work without an inkling of what Photshop would become!
Check the box class… It gets better than that… it goes from pre-history all the way to French Revolution.The instructor spends most time perparing you to write history papers than actually dicussing history.Egypt, Greece, Rome and Middle Ages seem to be the areas he focuses on, everything else get's whitewashed over and we are told to "read the book".In defense I will say that the classes are well suited for working adults. Being that the campus is in the education center here on base, we also have a significant amount of military students and spouses. But yeah, it is a lot... you should have seen how we skimmed through both my US History classes!
I guess what I am getting at is maybe it would be better to take the attitude of history and just conquer and let the game run it's course as long as it can, with the thought that regardless, SOMEONE is going to come along eventually and knock us down a notch or two and be the new big kid on the block. Not a matter of if but when. Run the game of conquering instead of being victorious and extend the reign a bit…Again, playing devils advocate... is that answer? Don't know and believe we won't know because I don't think the US will ever take that strategy.