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September 30, 2013 at 5:13 pm in reply to: The British have invaded 90% of the world through history #29249
ParticipantNot if you ask the 19th Century Chinese who had to essentially forfeit there sovereignty to a smorgasord of European nations in much the same fashion as the Ottoman's did through their capitulations.
September 30, 2013 at 7:55 am in reply to: The British have invaded 90% of the world through history #29247scout1067
ParticipantWhat else do you call the insertion of troops onto foreign territory without invitation, high tea?
ParticipantI have no idea what they mean but that series of images is pretty funny. Maybe they were just meant to be amusing pictures and had no deeper meaning. I mean, how ridiculous is the notion of a Knight tilting at a snail?
September 27, 2013 at 5:55 pm in reply to: The British have invaded 90% of the world through history #29245scout1067
ParticipantChina – Opium WarsRussia - Crimean WarBoth 19th Century
September 27, 2013 at 5:54 pm in reply to: Historical British figures given a modern makeover #29243scout1067
ParticipantI would guess he hit Nelson and Marie Antoinette spot on.
ParticipantThat is the bone yard at Davis-Monthan. You used to be able to see the dismembered corpses of a few hundred B-52s but they have been dragged away and scrapped and the sat photo is newer so there are only a few still left.
ParticipantI have somewhat of a plan but I am going to basically go with the mud against the wall plan for this book. You know, throw it against the wall and see if it sticks. It is a very niche topic making use of my military and outdoors experience.
ParticipantYeah, that's true. I think people get worked up about baby seals and global warming because they feel the need for some larger purpose which they otherwise don't experience.
That other purpose is called religion but it is so passé these days in the post-modern world.
ParticipantI think modern liberalism has convinced many people that Western civilization is inherently evil and thus not worth defending. I generally picture lemmings when I think about it. There is a definite lemming like attitude when Western institutions and culture are attacked. I find it sad and pathetic that people can get worked up about baby seals and polar bears but not about the assaults on Christianity and Individuality.
ParticipantWell, I am thinking the target audience for this book is not one that spends a lot of time in B&N or Waldenbooks.
ParticipantI don't think welfare at the federal level needs to be reformed, it needs to be eliminated. If welfare is a government responsibility at all, it should be at the local level only. Federal welfare is nothing more than an income redistribution scheme that is not about helping people so much as making them dependent. As currently set up welfare is more carrot than stick as there are absolutely no incentives to get off the government dole. I don't even think the feds should be involved in helping the several states fund their own welfare programs. Then again, I think the feds are too involved in using tax dollars as a method of extorting/blackmailing the states into doing things anyway.
ParticipantI am still waiting to find out if my VA and Retiree medical counts for Obamacare. I have yet to get a good answer. I suppose I will find out when I do my taxes in January.I also look for the Democrats to try to blame everything bad that comes out of the law on Republicans and the Tea Party in particular. I expect the Democrats will try to spin it such that if it wasn't for the dirty conservatives everything would be going swimmingly.
ParticipantSo if we put OT in a new topic it won't post to Twitter?
ParticipantRegardless of the doctrine of infallibility at the end of the day the Pope is still human. Perhaps I am being too cynical but I still hold that at a minimum he is crappy at getting his point across. You are right that at the heart of all his recent utterances is nothing new. What gets me is that the way he is saying these he leaves it up to interpretation what he is really trying to say. I guess what I really want is for him to be unequivocal and not leave any wiggle room for people to hear what they want when he makes a statement. I seriously get the impression that he is just saying what is on the top of his mind without considering the wider implications of the way his words can be twisted. Like I said, he strikes me as being a populist. I don't want a Pope who is a populist, I want one who is stern and unbending when it comes to upholding doctrine. Maybe that is why I liked Benedict so much.
ParticipantYes, based on what I think is the definition of prehistoric.
I agree. It is not prejudicial. We just don't know what happened prior to that because there are no records, thus it is pre-historic.