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ParticipantFurthermore, when I basically told the guy he wasn't helping conservatism, he responded recently by saying that he never claimed to be conservative. So I don't know what he is.
Tha is because what he is, is a jerk. Jerks know no political affiliation.
ParticipantStill, I that's no excuse. His first racist remark was out of line, his second one was out of line as well, and his third remark - which was basically an incredibly vile sexual remark directed at my family - was so out of bounds that there was no justification. Locking horns with those who debate viciously is one thing, but he did was another. If conservatives think they can cast basic human decency aside in order to debate with liberals, then they've lost as well. Actually, I would have trouble calling them "conservatives" in the first place.I had to look up the meaning of "poseur". This whole time I had been using the incorrect spelling of the word.
THat is the kind of stuff you will get more of if you spend more time commenting using Disqus. Especially if you comment on any liberal sites. I generally ignore those type of replies as unworthy of a response. If I do respond I stay within the bounds of decency. I essentially won't write anything on a comment board I would not say to someone's face. That puts me in the minority of commenters, conservative, libeal, or in between. That is a sad statement on the quality of discourse in modern society if you ask me.
ParticipantStill a bad reason to disturb a body properly laid to rest.But given post-modernism and it's attenant effects I don;t expect any scientist to let things like tradition or respect for the dead get in the way of desecrating a grave.
ParticipantYes, it is the toilet for castle Klis. The waste just ran down the side of the mountain.There are actually very few original castle toilets still around, most have been bricked up with time and the installation of modern plumbing.
ParticipantNothing about this story has caused me to change my opinion.How will DNA from her husbands relative confirm her identity unless they are also disturbng the husband's body as well?
ParticipantOur lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor by Richard Beeman. One of the best and most objective accounts of the Constitutional Congresses to Independence I have ever read. It is also new. I just got a copy from the publisher for review purposes a month ago.
ParticipantIf you listen to the Rapturists what is happening now is but a small taste of what is coming.What I see is widespread Civil Wars both hot and small scale in the Middle East with no real idea of how it will all fall out. Think Asia in the 50's and 60's and into the early 70's. Right now we are about the stage when the Malay Isurgency was dying but before Vietnam heated up I think.
Participanta bad boy putting rocks in his snowballs? Where did you find that? ::)
More importantly, where did he find snowballs in Corsica?
ParticipantLepanto, as it kept the Med from becoming a Turkish lake.
ParticipantYes, I have read the transcript. I just think we are both hearing things a little differently. Perhaps, I see it negatively because I find myself having a hard time warming up to this pope as I did to Benedict XVI.
ParticipantPersonally, I think it was stupid of him to allow himself o get enmeshed in the debate/discussion of homosexuality at all. The Chruch's position on such acts is clear and has been clear for a long time. His comments seem to indicate that he is at least philosophically willing to re-evaluate the Church's position in regards to homosexuality. I don't think he will but his comments were ambigouous and add uncertainty to an issue where the church needs to be consistent.I actually don't think he said anything out of line. I just don't think he should have gotten involved in the first place.
ParticipantAccording to the article they relied on memory to pre-flight the aricraft. I talked to my brother who is a pilot and IP rated who expressed increduilty that anyone would get in something as complex as an aircraft relying on memory alone to ensure the craft was properly prepared.
ParticipantSaw a really good piece by a Jesuit this morning trying to put the Pope's remarks into context. I still stand by my assertion that the Pope's remarks were idiotic. If nothing else because they are so easily spun by the Gay Lobby.
ParticipantThis is only proper.