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ParticipantI am not going to lie. I did not check out the link before replying originally. ;D
ParticipantI have read that Texas Deutsche as a dialect is dying out. In fact, I read a piece about a year or so ago about a linguist at UT who us trying to get it recorded before all the native speakers die out.
ParticipantI am surprised you have never heard of it. They are centered around Fredericksburg and just south of San Antonio. They are called Texas Deutsche and my wife (a Native German) can barely understand them. It is neat though because you can get German food with a Texas flair in the area.Maybe I just know it because I lived in Texas so long and assumed it was common knowledge.
ParticipantYesterday another attack in London. The difference is that Cameron has the guts to call it terrorism, unlike our supposed leadership. The question is when is the West going to realize that Islam is poison and allowing them to live among us is one of the stupidest things we can do?[html][/html]
ParticipantThe only thing is that I think not all of those would survive long. For example, could see additional departments being created via amendment after you're gone.
That is OK passing an amendment is a much bigger hurdle than using a parliamentary majority to push something, even a super-majority is easier to achieve than a super majority in both houses and the states.
ParticipantThe story just seems a little too pat the more I think about it. Makes for a sensation though doesn't it?
ParticipantIt is a “King for a day” type question. I started thinking about it yesterday as I getting my breakfast ready. I would change it by adding five amendments.
- I would make the 2nd Amendment more explicit by confirming the individual right to bear arms and specifically disallowing
ANY type of Gun Control to include the prohibition on owning Automatic weapons, magazine, size or background checks.
- I would repeal the 16th Amendment and abolish taxes on income from any source.
- I would have a balanced budget amendment that would require that the federal budget be no more than 15% of GDP and require that national debt not exceed 50% of GDP with a time limit of 20 years from ratification for implementation.
- I would severely curtail federal power by making the 10th Amendment statement of state's rights more specific, I would probably also make nullification explicit as well because I think it is a great idea.
- Lastly, I would severely curtail executive power. I would specify which executive departments are allowed and require that future executive departments be created by Amending the Constitution. In my view, the only executive departments we need are State, War (not Defense), Treasury, and Justice just like Washington had.
ParticipantNow that is interesting but I would have liked to see more pictures of the apartment.I wonder that nobody ever thought to ask why the apartment was empty.
ParticipantI would guess complications from an infection would be more likely than anything given how soon he died after being wounded. Civil War era military hospitals were anything but clean. The wonder is not that so many people died of wounds, it is that so many survived the treatment they received in such facilities.
ParticipantThat sounds like something to see. The Wikipedia article on the event is fairly decent too. I could get interested in a sport like that if my wife would let me buy the armor.
ParticipantQuixotic because if they are going after a cook then they really are reduced to picking the low-hanging fruit because they got the big players long ago and now they are going after people who were at best in their early 20's and in positions of zero responsibility.
ParticipantI could understand Roberts' decision if the individual mandate penalty was called a tax in the law, but it is not, it is specifically referred to as a non-compliance penalty.As to Souter, his appointment is just one more piece of evidence that the Elder Bush was and is a closet liberal.
ParticipantI read Drudge as well. In act, I usually check it 3-4 times per day and I do not recall seeing that. I did run across some sites trying to tie Boston into the HUGE conspiracy surrounding 9/11. Apparently our government is ten different kinds of efficient, just only when it comes to killing our own citizens since they can't seem to manage our money very well. The whole idea that this is some kind of government plot is laughable on its face. We could only wish our government was as efficient and competent as they would have to be to pull something like this off.Lets get away from conspiracy theories and start talking reality. I may not trust my government completely but I don't think they would deliberately kill and maim women and children to advance some worldwide leftist takeover agenda either. The left will take over in the open where we can all see what is coming, Remember, Lefties think conservatives are barely smart enough to tie our own shoes. Why would they need to be coy about an attempted takeover given the painfully obvious contempt in which they hold conservatives and freedom lovers?
ParticipantI don't it was bush that was hiding anything. I think it was Souter who was dissembling. If I remember correctly, he was pretty much an enigma during his confirmation, even more so than was John Roberts. I would put 'ol John Roberts right up there as a disappointing SCOTUS pick too. I would not have thought in 100 years he would have found Obamacare Constitutional but he did.
ParticipantWell, if Alex Jones said it then it must be true. ::)