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I belong to the US Armor & Cavalry Association which runs the Patton Museum. According the Assoc. newsletter we could not raise the funding to move the collection and the Collings Foundation stepped up and took it over.If I remember right, the guy that owned them was some type of investment banker/venture capitalist.
scout1067ParticipantIt remains to be seen if Europe will be subject to attacks. America is still target #1 for jihadis. I would guess many of the jihadis with combat experience in Syria will take advantage of EU citizenship to gain relatively free access to the US for attacks there. Why should they attack EU targets when they can keep doing what they have done for years and use Europe as a secure base for finance and recruitment?
scout1067ParticipantCujo was definitely a St Bernard. Have you not seen the movie?
scout1067ParticipantYou probably heard about the killing in the Brussels Jewish Museum last week.A suspect has been arrested in France yesterday and it seems that this person is also suspected of having been with Islamists militants in Syria last year.A serious number of "European" jihadists left for Syria and I wouldn't be surprised that soon, very soon, Europe and the old continent will have to face a serious inside islamist threat within its borders.
I read that as well. Where else are all the Jihadis going to go when Assad gets done reasserting his authority? Will it wake up the rest of the europeans that maybe people like Geert Wilders are right when they point out the threat that unrestricted islamic immigration brings? Somehow I doubt it. Too many people have drank the kumbaya, multicultural kool aid.
scout1067ParticipantInteresting. However I realise that I'm definitely out-of-fashion :-[
Me too, I don't Whats App. ;D
scout1067ParticipantBut what does that infographic really tell us? I found the population ethnicity numbers interesting.
scout1067ParticipantCommon sense is simple. Get control of the budget for starters. It is plainly obvious that we cannot spend twice as much as they take in tax revenue in perpetuity. Now, I don't think the budget will get fixed anytime soon but that is where to start. A balanced budget amendment and repeal of the 16th Amendment are the first things I would work for. The largest problem is big government and starving the beast is the way to force it to shrink.
scout1067ParticipantPersonally, I think it is just scare-mongering by the discoverer of the wreck to get more funding.
scout1067ParticipantThe guy that found it is claiming the wreck needs to be excavated soon or it will be looted. Is that a real threat or just a ploy to get funding?
scout1067ParticipantWhat I would really like to see is some solid common sense things get done. That won't happen because any such ideas get piled on by both sides. Instead what happens is tinkering around the edges. We are still on cruise control, the difference is that nothing is getting fixed. It is not that dems or reps have wacky idea it is that the wacky ideas of the past are on cruise control and those are the problems overwhelming the country.The number one problem the country has right now is spending yet nothing is seriously getting done because neither side will really touch the problem. Entitlement spending is out of control and if we do nothing we will go under. We are doing nothing. All the fighting about cultural issues mean nothing if the budget crashes the country. It is like we are arguing about what color the drapes should be while the house is burning down round us.
scout1067ParticipantI am a firm believer that America is in decline. A reversible decline but a decline nonetheless. The fact that politically we are split so evenly does not help things in the slightest. Right now the fact is that nothing will get down because neither side can agree on anything effective. Everything that might be effective is vetoed by one side or the other. What exists right now in the US is a recipe for Civil War. If we do have a Civil War, expect foreign intervention. I don't think it is too far-fetched to imagine Chinese troops on the West Coast and Europeans on the East in the case of a Civil War. If nothing else foreign powers can always claim they want to intervene to keep our nuke stockpile secure, it worked in Iraq, Libya, and Syria as an excuse right?
scout1067ParticipantWhat happened to his other two ships?
scout1067ParticipantI think each individual decides for themselves what is extreme and what is not. I hold some extreme views myself on plenty of issues.[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I actually don't have a problem with extreme views in and of themselves, especially if they are justified by what I call my common sense detector. I also consider myself willing to compromise to a point. I am willing to bend my views but not break them in order to reach an agreement. There are also some issues I just don't see compromise achieving anything on.[/font]For example, I am willing to concede that maybe forging a path to legitimacy for illegals is a noble goal and in some respects even a good thing to do. Where I won't bend is that I think if we do that then all people presently illegally in the country should be denied citizenship for the length of their lives. I see no reason why someone who flouted immigration laws to enter and remain in the country should ever be granted citizenship and the vote. We can legalize their status and gouge them for taxes but vote, not no, hell no.
scout1067ParticipantI take heart in the thought that eventually the extremists on both sides will spark a civil war. I don't see how there is any room to even talk to each other from the extremes and it seems the extreme is becoming mainstream thought. The liberal desire for more government is at odds with the conservative desire for less. there is no middle ground any more. The question for me is when will the spark come, not if it will come.
scout1067ParticipantWhat happened to common sense and decency?
It never existed, the plethora of new media has given even more people a voice and made those same people more strident. It is also easier to insulate yourself from opposing viewpoints. I am convinced most people live in an info bubble that constitutes a chorus of agreement with what they think anyway. (I am not immune) I also think that that same bubble makes people less tolerant of opposing viewpoints.That, or the world is just crazier than before. I don't think so, I just think we know more of what is going on.