We ate at the Dobbin house..Good recomondation. Dont forget the town itself, lots to see there as well. I made that mistake, hopefully I will get to go back someday and rectify that.
We finally got past the electrical and plumbing inspections and have moved on to insulation and drywall….fun. I will see what I can do about pics. So hows everybodys summer going?
I watched an interview of the two and Harvey said when ever he was in a skit with Tim and he was trying not to laugh it was because Tim had completly left the skit and was ad libbing everything he did.
He and Tim were in a lot of skits together. I too was real young when it was on but my parents watched it all the time… I watch reruns on TVLand. He was the governer in Blazing Saddles.
I read somewhere that one of the reasons the Germans did not mount any kind of invasion on U.S. soil was because Hitler knew how well armed American citizens were. I will see if I can find out where that came from…maybe someone here has heard of that?
Truth is only a hazy concept for poets and philosophers.
And what about regular folk? What then is the difference between truth and fact. I contend that the concept of truth is metaphysical whereas fact is either physical, verifiable, or both.
Then you must go by the letter of the law at the time. Davis was a traitor, as was Washington, Adams and the rest of those who participated in the revolutionary war. They broke the law, just because they won (except Davis of course) doesnt change that fact. The fact that they won is what saved them from the hangmans noose.
I know it wasnt the right time of year to experiance the summer the way the soldiers did, but I agree fall was a great time to visit. But fall is a great time to visit anywhere on the east coast.
But shouldnt we as historians (be it professional or ameture) Not look at who won but what is the truth? What is accurate? Can we really judge Davis by our own standards and opinions? I am not a fan of the man, but objectivly I can not see him being any different than Adams or Washington when I judge his loyalties, they were either all traitors or they were all revolutionaries. Like Donald said, why does he receive this label and not Lee or Jackson?
The first one If I remember correctly is the Misssissippi monument (each state involved in the battle has one) its on the Confederate lines (west I think?) I think they now refer to it as Confederate avenue. The second is a monument at the base of Lee and Traveler (Lee's Monument is the second biggest in the park next to the Pennsylvania monument). It's close to the Miss. Monument. I cant remember what it represented though.