I read mostly non-fiction history and biographies. Am currently reading "Portals To Hell" by Lonnie R. Speer about the horrid conditions of all the Civil War prisons.I also learn a lot from this forum Thanks fellows !!!!!!
Another good one is: Andrsonville:the last depot, by William Marvel.
I think his pointing out that because they were different was the reason they were being persecuted was a little vague and not to mention wrong. Hitler did not persecute the Jews because they were different but because they were Jews. But he did go on to praise the Jews and condem the persecutors, I really dont think he meant any disrespect towards them.
I read somewhere (I will have to dig up the source) that it's estimated that about twenty billion have lived. In many cultures they burned their dead. Many have been lost in wars and so maybe were intured in mass graves. The Vikings set their dead in boats set them on fire and pushed them out to sea. Speaking of the sea many have made their etenral graves there. I'm sure we can think of many other examples that would explain the lack of cemetaries.
I am not real familer with the true story of William Wallace, but I know Braveheart has taken some flack for it's inaccuracies. Still I believe it is one of the great movies of our era.
If you shoot at someone (if you now how to use your weapon) you are likely to hit that person, and if it's war then it is most likely (and should be) a soldier. With Bio and chemicals its hard to keep those weapons isolated on the battlefield. But who are we kidding? Since when was there a war when civilians didnt suffer?
I think because it supposedly romanicizes slavery; the contented slave singing in the fields. Wasnt that the same reason they banned Hucklberry finn?, I'm not sure.
Phid, I've noticed the last few days that every so often when I try to pull up WCF I get a page not available, its the only site it's been happening with, everything else has been fine.