I was kind of out of the loop when this was posted. Did anything viable come along? I wish I could be more help but when it comes to the running of a forum I know next to nothing.
In Califronia's case it was simple price gouging. They were buying power from places like Texas and were being charged much more than the average market price because it was well known California was desperate for power.
It just seems like more than a coincedence that all the south had been vacated as it were except Sumter which just happened to be in Charleston, South Carolina, a seat of secession. Remember, Lincoln said he would do whatever it took to preseve the union.
Thanks Donald for the recommendations, and Phid for the link. Our house should be done by the first week of November and after we get moved in I think I will pick up a couple of those and spend the long winter days reading them. On a kind of seperate note what draws you guys to the great awakening? What was it about that time and circumstance that interest you?
October 21, 2008 at 12:49 am
in reply to: Unit 731#13688
Some of the things I read they were doing to people I hadnt even heard of the Nazis doing. It was beyond anything I had ever heard of. I had to stop looking at the images or it would have given me nightmares.
I brought up the energy market de-regulation because my electric bill in Texas doubled from April to May this spring and I actually used less electricity in May than in April. That to me, stunk of gouging. I just don't get how prices went from 11.4c per Kw/h to 24.7c per Kw/h in one month. Sometimes I think regulation is a good thing, especially in certain sectors of the economy such as public utilities.
When I live in California it nearly drove them into the ground. It got so bad we were having rolling blackouts and Pg&e was near bankrutcy.