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Participant"The Italians developed the Villar Perosa, introducing it in 1915. It is not a submachine gun, as it can't be fired from shoulder and without support. Originally developed as an aircraft weapon, it also saw some use by infantry as a light machine gun.
So I got an A ? :-[
Need to file the proper form requesting a grade change, methinks.edit for clarification... it is Aetheling I think needs grade changed... I was auditing the course... 😉
ParticipantWe.edit: Sorry I read "are" for "were"; at the time it would have been free, white, property owning men, of a certain age. The implication, though, that we must assume is that those not blessed with those traits would be under an umbrella provided in the larger document. Not perfect (then or now) but the way it looks to me... based on the document as a whole, coupled with the liberal (in correct usage here) nature of our motivations at the time.
ParticipantOr a clue we should be more concerned than we already are? 😀
ParticipantSomeone had a publish or perish moment; this was the result. 😉
ParticipantHey scout, check the link to the article it gives me an error message. Sounds interesting though. 😉
ParticipantDe nada.
ParticipantSorry to cause discomfort; my humor (or attempts in that direction) usually are to combat the symptoms you complain of… since it didn't help try this.
ParticipantYou are obviously dealing with a lot of liberals who believe in white privilege. I suspect you are the minority on that board in terms of world view. I'm glad now I didn't follow you over there because you know me, I don't let things like that go by either.
ParticipantSide note: some years back I was in England and got out to Bisley Camp where they hold the Imperial Shooting Championships. Visited the Artists Rifle Club which in addition to having lost more members (% wise than any other club on base) in the 14-18 War also had a top notch little museum of WWI memorabilia… I'll dig around and see if I can find my pics.
ParticipantNope, they failed to mention that… wiki sometimes leaves a bit to be desired but usually a close first approximation.This was a neat thread, thanks for your effort.
ParticipantIt was invented in Italy in 1914.It uses 9 mm parabellum ammunitionIt is touted as being the world's first sub-machine gunIts name is Villar Perosa and an additional pic is provided.
This from Wikipedia..."The Italians developed the Villar Perosa, introducing it in 1915. It is not a submachine gun, as it can't be fired from shoulder and without support. Originally developed as an aircraft weapon, it also saw some use by infantry as a light machine gun. This odd design was eventually modified to become a traditional submachine gun,the OVP 1918 that evolved into the Beretta 1918 after the end of WWI .However, the Bergmann MP18 is the first true submachine gun and has been used intensively starting with Operation Michael in March 1918."A very interesting arm, thanks for posting something we can all learn from. I like anything WWI. Picture of the Beretta M1918 below, notice how similar the mechanism. Also the MP 18.
ParticipantWally:Warehouse them--great--how about Madagascar?
Why not? The penguins are in the zoo in NYC; according to the show. Or put the penguins in charge of the warehousing... Skipper would straighten their act out!
ParticipantBetter than the Smurfs though. ;D
ParticipantWho would police them and enforce what few laws were permitted to exist.? Would there be courts or just summary punishment meted out by sworn officers of the law? This sounds as silly as some ideas floated decades ago about making life better for Americans by giving all the colored people the state of Mississippi and erecting barriers.
Didn't say it was logical or not a bit out there... just his idea. The plan, as he proposed it, was just to warehouse them until they all OD'd. If they chose to straighten up they could work their way back into society.
ParticipantThought it might be Shaw but not sure.Welcome to the forum.