Forum Replies Created
ParticipantSO SKI--Lets take off the gloves. What are we to do with lazy booze and drug ridden lazy muckabouts who cannot hold a job? Do you suggest camps, workhouses or merely vigorous enforcement of the vagrancy laws? Enlighten me. What is to be done?
I'm going to interject the plan proposed by one of my fellow teachers (formerly)... since ski is off line and to pass the time: my friend proposed putting them all on an island and giving them all the drugs and booze they could use... they, he opined, would be happy and so would we.
ParticipantHmm… we have different points of view. See below for my take on the BP.Edited for this disclaimer: Finger is on trigger, eyes on target; a demonstration of technique under range conditions (according to the legend). Jordan BTW was, indeed, a law enforcement legend.
ParticipantNo, no, it's Greeks bearing gifts (or making their gifts bare, perhaps???) that we fear, not Arabs with cameras. The camera is our friend.
ParticipantDumb luck (if correct) and too much time at the computer (for sure)! 😀
ParticipantNo--you are not wrong. I am guilty of thinking that we are all Americans and all in this bark of democracy together. It will fail unless we adopt and support policies that provide some for all.
That's all fine and dandy, and I don't think we should neglect the legitimately poor, but we are doing far more than that. We are enabling the lazy with our current policies. Yes, we are in this democracy together, but we all have to work for it, not just some of us. Laziness is not good for society because it will bring it down. Most philosophers from Aristotle on have already acknowledged this. Why is THIS so difficult to see for some people?
What ski says works for me.
Wally:In the best of all possible worlds we would have equality of opportunity. We have never had it from 1789 until today. So much depends upon where you were born, whether you have good genes, what sex and color you are, how smart you are, how driven, your ethnicity, your personality and even your hair! You were a teacher as I was and we know about having favorites among the serried ranks of our charges. Was I absolutely fairas a teacher--absolutely not. Were you?
Sadly, yes; meant failing some kids that I couldn't legitimately justify passing and failing some that should have been failed on GP...
--kudos on the movie--a truly great film IMHO.
Indeed; and thanks.
ParticipantLooks like our man needs a review of the Four Laws of Gun Safety (esp. #4)… 😉The 1st Law of Gun Safety - The Gun Is Always Loaded!The 2nd Law of Gun Safety - Never Point A Gun At Anything You're Not Prepared To Destroy!The 3rd Law of Gun Safety - Always Be Sure Of Your Target And What Is Behind It!The 4th Law of Gun Safety - Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until You Are On Target!Always remember, safety is a state of mind and not a device!Thanks by the way, nice uniform... black shirts and all. ;D
ParticipantThat would be the Sandman, no?
ParticipantThe Third Man.
ParticipantNo--you are not wrong. I am guilty of thinking that we are all Americans and all in this bark of democracy together. It will fail unless we adopt and support policies that provide some for all. ....
If you are talking about the equality of opportunity (what America was founded on) I will agree; taking from me to improve someone else's lot though is still taking from me... diminishing my lot. This I can stand if it promotes opportunities and not just a free ride as some programs, sadly, do.
Why is this so difficult to see for some people?
Because it often looks alot like stealing.
ParticipantWilly, I think I understand what you are meaning; if someone cheats the gov't, the gov't is more likely to tighten rules and oversight on the rest of us (I also assume that you mean gross evasion or fraud, rather than the ignorant mistakes made due to the convoluted nature of the tax codes). With this I agree, If I am wrong about your intent please correct my error. I also think Phid might agree with my point here.[aside]That is why I modified the poll to include your option.[/aside]Scout, it was 47% that I read;the reall pi$$er is that many of them will get $ back from the gov't. in the form of various credits they may qualify for. a point I think you already mentioned.
ParticipantWhile my vote is, pretty much, the point Willy made in his last post in the other thread (#22; and a major truth about taxation that I taught in class) your (apparent) vote is my qualifyer.Less obstinate redneck IMHO and more observer of the wider world and how it funtions; thank you for your service to us all.
ParticipantYou may now go back and cast your vote; good choice I missed. 😉
Participantquote from wally: ....
Hey! Let us not make up history--the private sector came crawling to the government to save them... one of the primary assumptions about a healthy free enterprise system is that companies that make bad decisions get to fail and go out of business--creative destruction--good for all of us. Was this lesson a lie?
First, I didn't make anything up that I noticed; merely paraphased scout's post and agreed. Second, I learned the same lesson and agree that most of the saving done was not appropriate; I didn't approve at the time... the government got itself into the auto business and the banking business without my assent.
PThird please include me out of (any further) this one.Wally
ParticipantKey points you made as I see them:1) The IRS will remain.2) The prebate will be ripe for gaming ala earned income credit.3) Revolution will proceed with ballots for quite awhile before bullets replace them.4) Our military isn?t the typical large professional standing army that the founders feared? not yet. (More likely we need to fear any reactionary action if the volunteer effort, that was lately proposed by the President comes to pass.)5) He who earns the money should not have the gov?t telling him what to spend it on. (Yes I agree better to spend domestically if we can but we also need to make the money go as far as possible? the gov?t need to get out of several businesses to let them become competitive again.)6) Ron Paul may be unelectable but those that are may need to take a page or two from is book.I agree on all counts.
ParticipantVery good nutshell view of the situation; I agree that the present system is flawed, going back to the original concept (1040 from 1913) might help though and agree the Congress isn't likely to make wholesale changes since it would require the trashing of the IRS. If not a complete trashing, at least, an overhaul that would disrupt the cash flow and put lots of bureaucrats out of work; the IRS has far too much influence (read power) to become a victim to anything even approaching that.Flat tax, likely, would do the above and like all things that appear too good to be true, is.... Too simple.I haven't looked at the Fair Tax but I think I can take your assessment (as well see eye to eye on most things) until I get a chance to check it out for myself.Totally agree on VAT having dealt with it, albeit, minimally in Canada and England. It sucks according to most folks I've talked to (both places).
From scout: My internal optimist says we will figure out something by a combination of cutting spending and taxes. But that voice is getting quieter all the time. I can see a point where the Federal government taxes America into poverty because of too much debt and too much entitlement.
Me too.