Forum Replies Created
March 10, 2010 at 12:42 am in reply to: Warning–trap ahead. Date of British Empire beginning? #19083
ParticipantI'm not sure those things are really still in play (at least from the more civil nations) but economic pressure is always in the tool box. Too bad it can now be used on us… as well as by us. 🙁
ParticipantWally: You live in California--all is forgiven, all other factors are reduced to a minimum. best of luck on your economy--California leads the way again.
Yes... and we are the land of the fruits and nuts. ;D
March 10, 2010 at 12:17 am in reply to: Warning–trap ahead. Date of British Empire beginning? #19081Wally
ParticipantOkay, I see now… you were responding to scout; not my question about the correct answer to the question. Sorry to appear obtuse (or oblique, for that matter). :-[
ParticipantWally:What on earth are you eating that has made you so dispeptic?
My $0.02 as a teacher that has watched as the programs to help these folks become sops for the sob sisters instead of solid educational programs. Far too many meetings when the parent wants to help but needs a translator; in some cases (folks from Asia mostly... good translators are fewer) the kid in question acts in this capacity. Think they are going to tell the folks what a bad little child they've been. Biggest problem is that it tears down the family structure... puts the kid in charge. What happened to the night school classes of days gone by? Doesn't matter, you can get all the paperwork for just about anything in any language. A friend of mine used to run the print shop for our local gov't. Had to print things in about nine languages.
Although I agree that our little brown brothers from south of the border (I have a whole nest of the in Mexico city) come here to make money to send home and do not bring their families may be deficient in English. I could argue that they are the hired muscle for jobs that are too difficult or too unattractivefor Americans to do. I have worked the Mexican border for many years and as you may be aware the Mexicans are among the hardest working people on the face of the earth.
A glib remark which I'm at a loss to understand. I never underestimate the work ethic... I worked in an agricultural industry for many years and saw these fellows in action, working rings around our kids. What I'm pointing at is the transient attitude of many immigrants (not just from Mexico either).
I think Scout's concern was families not just guys. The parents may intend to return in those cases, but the kids, once exposed to the riches of our culture (sic) are a different matter.
Mine too; I've had students have to go back with the folks and they weren't gonna fit anymore. Like it or not most people want to be like us (might not admit it though but Levi's are still hot on the blackmarket, no?). But they love to hate us anyways.
I do agree with you about the putative policy in Germany. Whenever I hear language and deportation vis a vis Germany, I reach for my Browning (stolen quote, slightly altered).
Waaay more than Uncle Wally needs to know. 😮
ParticipantExcuse me? ???
ParticipantSo having asked for a date and getting several; did one happen to be correct? ??? If so, which? ???What justification for its correctness? ???
ParticipantIn the past immigrants, for the most part, were here to stay and so cut most all the ties with the old country… a trip back was rare and expensive. Many of the immigrants today do not fit this prototype; they are here to make some money which they send, or take, home regularly. [Hint: they come from places that are closer and transportation is easier and less costly….] Since they don't make that clean cut they are less likely to sweat learning the language and culture that previous immigrants; they can jsut go home if it gets too bad. While I'm not sure deportation of non-English speakers is the answer, I do think one needs to be able to know enough English to get by... no forms in Europino for welfare or anything else. Drivers need to understand English to pass the test in English. Call me a bigot but I'd expect to have to take the test in their language if I lived in another country. That's why I'd choose Canada!(but not out east where English is the second language :o)
ParticipantIt is what is really cultural selection; the majority chases a mate which whatever are the prevailing acceptable traits of healthiness and beauty for that society. Those prefered traits will eventually predominate producing a physical phenotype for the group.
ParticipantTrue enough; more is the pity.
ParticipantThat wouldn't take me long 😉
Participant....Wrong, I do not want people to become Americans as I define it. I want them t learn the language and get on with their lives without saying they are somehow special because they were not born in America. I do not want nor think immigrants should give up their native foods, clothes, habits, or customs except in cases where those things clearly are against American law. Honor killings and female circumcision are two practices that come immediately to mind as being incompatible with life in America.I do not advocate assimilation, which implies that they forget or lose their origins but integration, which means they can take an active part in communal life because they speak the language. If America were truly assimilated there would only be one religion, and no one would remember their cultural heritage. It is patently obvious that is not the case.I wish I could be as confidant as you that the diversity push will fade away, somehow, I cannot.
This is the crux of the salad bowl idea from Degler... the dressing, if you will, is the Constitution and the republican nature of our system. Assimilation isn't the dirty word many deem it today... Ilearned it was what scout calls integration, a term that was more likely to get negative feedback, when I was in school, than assimilation. The immigrant just applied out ways over theirs rather than giving too much up. I agree on those things that you mention being incompatable with lfe here, and there are others I'm sure.
....I was going to mention American Indian practices--to them we are the immigrants and the Mormons present an interesting home grown deviation from the marriage norms, but you get the idea. I seeit is 10:30 and in my middle class household that means it is time to eat--it is our custom.
Yes some things are tradition in our home. However, when they go beyond the societal norm in the new larger society then they will be dealt with... often is hidden and not too outrageous they are ignored... might be avoided or shuned, if too over the top they will be handled on a personal level or legally. Culture will root out the aburations (or accept them) as it sees fit. When you eat dinner is of little import to the vast majority... if you kill the neighbor because his dog dishonored you front gate or marry all your sisters-in-law to get to use the commuter lane... those are quite another matter.
ParticipantBankrupt in '94; “brand” bought by Yeahronimo Media Venture Inc…. name changed to Commodore International Corp. (CIC) in 2005. Making digital media devices
ParticipantJust give everyone the citizenship test as a requirement to get out of high school… or a Constitution test like we did years ago (8th grade then; when you could drop out at 16).
ParticipantYou will be surprised how correct most of their contentions are.
ParticipantHadn't heard of it either; just what we need some more folks stirring up stuff that should have settled itself out years ago. That far to either side of a question is messed up.