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ParticipantWally!Oh no:Once you graduate from Bureaucrat Manager school you can never again be considered a trustworthyhuman being. I am surprised you did not know this!
I see the wisdom in this.
I stand corrected.
ParticipantThey have come a long way….
ParticipantCan do; used to be is reassuring.
ParticipantI'm not sure, in light of the world -wide economic conditions, the issues with religious fundementalism, etc., that I agree. Unless we are willing (like Rome) to impose out will on the rest of the world. Perhaps we needed Russia (or need China) to be the other 800 pound gorilla in the room… requiring everyone else to take sides. This allowed for control of the little nations by the two gorillas.Thias raised an interesting question in one of my history classes years ago. I asked the kids after the collapse of the USSR: were we still a superpower? Answers varied. My contention ran along these lines, if Mike Tyson was the only contender for HW Champion does that make him the best? ... or the only?This should get some discussion going, eh?
ParticipantSpelling error. But the image of this freeman of the wild killed many settlers that thought they were going to be dealing with a fellow enlightenment thinker. I am a realist, the native population were what they were... not what we expected, wanted, or predicted. Until we are able to look at a population objectively and judge them on their terms (not our cultural baggage) we won't understand them and likely will be in a fight.A former professor of mine had much success dealing with the Aleuts because she lived with them... not among, in a motorhome at the edge of the village but with the family in its home. This sort of brings it all into focus on both ends of the microscope. Trust is built and cultural barriers removed (slowly but removed none-the-less)... 😉
ParticipantMany people in the education sector are (or were) Mac users because that was the target market early on. PC were a big, bad, business tool. However educators found that teaching kids on Macs put them at some disadvantage when they got into the world of work… hence more PC's in schools and on teachers desks (along with a major market shuffle for PC with windows, etc.)People doing graphics and design work often (still) use Macs as the have some advantages for this kind of work. IMHO it's like Chevy v. Ford. You pays your money, you takes your choice.
ParticipantAccording to a vignette that supposedly happened early in planning stages of the New Deal an underling stated the biggest problem was lack of jobs… FDR opined we would just give everyone a job. The underling asked how we would pay them all the gov't had no money. “We are the government; we will print more.” was the reply from the Big Guy. 😀We have nothing to fear but fear itself (and the government :o)....
ParticipantThe money (business) issue is why the US is often classed as imperialistic. Some look at our continental nation status calling Manifest destiny the culprit but the term came rather late in our expansion… which began simply because the first comers were sooo excited about all that free land. Remeber it was very hard to aquire land for most folks in Europe at that time.
ParticipantCan't really call OK City bombing or the plane into the tax office, or the suicide by cop at the Pentagon average Americans either, can we? I still think the gov't will have to make the first move.
ParticipantAha--more stories: Lost tribe.....
[Hint: They are in Cleveland 😮 ]
ParticipantI knew that--looks as though they beat him--or is he merely contrite? I stood in his place--they have footprints in Sarajevo where he actually stood--I felt an historical shiver!
... had TB.
The culprit ?I'd say Nationalism. (and his offspring: Romantism)
Works for me as well as anything. [see thread mentioned above]
Participantwilly,John Brown was a fanatic fundamentalist abolitionist and murderer... not the average fed up American. Most of us wouldn't think of acting first... the government gets respect and the benefit of the doubt until they boot it as Donnie indicates.
ParticipantGavrilo Princip; the assassin of Fraz Ferdinand and Sophie. this is the fellow that lit the match in the powere magazine that was pre-WWI Europe."If I hadn't done it the Germans would have found another excuse."?Supposedly his last words, but not proven.
ParticipantThis guy….