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Seems to work fine; better than me or my avatar ::)Thank you.
WallyParticipantAny chance of getting to upload our own avatars? Ala C-L….
WallyParticipantCool; I'm thinking of starting a campaign to rename California. It'll be multiple a choice ballot… a) Mexifornia b) The People's Republic of California c) Kalifornia d) Caffinefornia e) The State ChaosThis should offend just about everyone; perhaps they'll all move somewhere else and we can get back to being the Golden State rather than the pyrite copy we've become.[/rant mode]
WallyParticipantTesting; 1, 2, 3… looks good to me. ;DWally
WallyParticipantUnderstanding history is only going to happen when we use historical empathy; we must put ourselves in that time and mindset to get the true picture of what it was like then. Sounds bad to say but for many people in that time slavery was not just acceptable it was the social norm. It is abhorant now but was the way of life for many then.As long as we judge yesterday (or another culture) by today (or our culture) yesterday will always come out looking bad. History is what was not what we'd like to think it was. Can't apologize about things we don't like but we can see that we don't do similar again.
WallyParticipantHaving grown up being mentored by guys that were in the C's, (old Civilian conservation Corps) and went on to win WWII and build the America that is rapidly slipping away, I'm concerned. We could have programs like that and the WPA but the mindset of many people isn't, “give me a chance to make my own way” but “give me a handout”; the idea of equality expressed in our founding documents is really the equality of opportuninty… we all get an equal shot, and how we do, depends on us.
WallyParticipant....Another query: now that I think of it, what is stopping America from instituting another WPA?
In short the idea of entitlement... not to work but to be taken care of by the nanny state; most folks stop looking for work when they get a job.
WallyParticipantI don't even think it's short term. All this is is jobs created (allegedly) to help kids who have the summer off. Yeah, those high paying minimum wage jobs are sure going to help our nation's GDP grow. ::)
Might, however, instill some pride and apply a bit of work-ethic to our youth. Something that is often missing today (hint; I'm a former teacher)....
WallyParticipantWhat gets me is how conveniently it is forgotten that it was a Republican president who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation and a Republican president who oversaw the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. She also conveniently forgets that the Democrats were the party of slave owners and also were the party of Jim Crow laws and the poll tax. The Democratic party has done a magnificent job of whitewashing there role in slavery and the oppression of blacks in the south through the 60's. The Republican party was partially created by abolitionists. Apart from the political issues, I am horrified by the blatant ignorance or misuse of history. I would be willing to bet a years pay that the press will not point out the historical inaccuracy or labeling Republicans the party of racism. They certainly don't in this article.
Far too true; ranks with Bill Clinton apologizing to black Africa for slavery. The Senate is sadly lacking anything close to general historical knowledge... they haven't got a clue.
WallyParticipantI guess a better way of phrasing the question is what was the first war of the modern era? I am speaking more of technology than anything else. Technology is mainly why I pick the Crimean War, it was the first in which modern industrial methods were used to produce the weapons and also the first in which what are arguably the immediate forerunners of modern weapons were used.
Agreed; also the first war that was photographed... not to the extend of Brady et al in the civil War but photographed none the less.
Daniel,Were the Crusades modern then as well? They were also wars between societies and not just armies. Modernity has more to do with technology and means of production than societal organization in my opinion.Lastly what exactly is a war between societies? Do you mean the people actually fought each other? Or do you mean that the state mobilized a higher percentage of its manpower for war, or perhaps something entirely different? I thought the vast majority of wars were between armies.
... or like the (supposed) conflict between, say, the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon?
WallyParticipantThis has been a question I've used with my classes for years; general opinion is WWI for most people because of machine guns, submarines, and tanks. You points about the Crimean War and our own Civil War are well taken as well. I'm not sure, however, a war has to be a total war to be in line as a modern war… it seems to me the technology and not the tactics (though many ancient wars included destruction of the population) were the factor of modernity.This in mind any war that introduces a new technology (or new application of existing tech) would qualify. When Ogg lashed a rock to a stick to extend how much force he could apply qualifies in my book. In short the current war is always the first modern war in the sense of the most modern technology or application thereof.
WallyParticipantIn our town MLK Jr. Blved used to be Whitman Ave. 😮 [No joke]
WallyParticipant... if when a foreign visitor is arrested and taken into custody if that changes his status from a foreign visitor to a detained criminal.
I'd say both; we could just send them all home but the founding fathers (brothers, cousins or whatever you like) worked from the angle that all people got their day in court. Witness JA defending the lobsterbacks after the the dust-up in Boston.Wally
WallyParticipantAmendments 5-8 don't use the term citizen so that could indicate the inclusion of foreign nationals. I have always maintained that if one is under the jurisdiction of the US they are also covered by the Const.FWIW,Wally
WallyParticipantSeems like most of the Dems and RINOs should have made that call too, based on it takes one to know one.