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ParticipantSCOUT–Here is a taste–we are on the right trackWillyD More as I can find it.However, the British "guarantee" to Poland was not complete, and it addressed only Polish independence and pointedly excluded Polish territorial integrity.
ParticipantThis is no joke. My wife just took the book back to the Library as I was typing the post. I saw the citation, but did not look at it. I will try to find it as the book was on loan from the downtown branch I cannot get it back for 30 days–alternate source needed. I complete surprise to me also–no Charlatan here!
ParticipantI plead guilty– geezer-adolescent exaltation is to blameWillyD
ParticipantYes–the regimentation possible in Japanese society is astonishing. If things had gone another way they would have made great pseudo Communists as they seem to revel in conformity. My brother, who lived in Japan for 10 years, told me that at one point the police would ticket you for having a car that was rusty!I still believe that their vehicles are wonderful. God bless Demming.
ParticipantI have heard this–untrue here in Western New York–a curse on all of them.
ParticipantBut–we elect them. The fault is ours. The Greek word for someone uninvolved in the political process is–IDIOT.
ParticipantI lived in Japan for a couple of years. They repeatedly astonished me with their ingenuity, tenacity andwork ethics. Their consumer products were wonderful--I had an electric rice cooker, a Sony TV and a Honda "dream" 250cc urban motorcycle. Life was good.Their commercial practices go back, as you no doubt know, to the decisions made by the nation's leaders after the Perry intrusion. To avoid being "colonized" they embarked on an unprecedented program ofmodernization and industrialization whereby government and industry worked closely for the overallbetterment of the nation. Government credits and influence were the usual practice and this relation-ship continued for many years. Honda was an unusual case. There was no problem with the company making their excellent motorcycles, but the government had decided that Toyota and Datsun were to be thestellar twins in automobiles for domestic as well as foreign markets. Honda did it on his own--of course he was a rebel and a genius so that helped. Non-conformists are very rare in Japanese society and areboth feared and awed in their defiance of convention. Backdoor assistance to Fuji or any other companywas SOP and I am very curious to see how the current Toyota ( I have owned four of them) debacle isgoing to work out. One thing you can be sure of--the government will be involved as ours is in ourautomobile industry meltdown. Hint: Look to Korea--Hundai and Kia are rising stars.
Participantyes–Is it not true that we negotiated extraterritorial arrangements with those revered companies?
ParticipantConsider this: The real problem today is more class than race. Black and white and brown people are the same in that each of the racial groups have people who do not take responsibility for their own lives,who are parasites on the body politic and leeches on the health system. They consume huge amounts of tax dollars and clog our emergency rooms. Under pseudo-communism that had a slogan--He who does not work does not eat. We have no such rule and carry on our backs the members of the society who not only want a free lunch--but breakfast, supper, an evening snack and air-conditioned quarters with cable TV.They come in all colors and all ethnic groups although some seem to occupy first and second place--not many Finns.Anyone who called you a racist lacked a lexicon because you are correct. I have no doubt that Colin Powell, Barak Obama and many middle and upper class blacks would agree with you. If one is evil when one speaks the truth it is time to change locations.
ParticipantAnd the golden land of opportunity, sunshine and scenic wonder. Also–On a clear day you can see Japan.
ParticipantThe tragedy is that people of color are the ones wailing about race so much while their supposed oppressors have largely moved beyond race. The attitude that they are deserved something; job preference, school placement, preferential scholarships, or whatever as a legacy/repayment for past discrimination is what breeds resentment now. The likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton don't help. I would submit that the black people in America as a group are more racist than the white people of America are. It is almost as if there is not enough that I can do to make up for the sins of my ancestors and I for one, am a little sick and tired of being lectured about how evil I am simply because I am white. If these agents of intolerance are not careful they might turn into prophets as people get tired of being preached to and told how apologetic they should be. I never owned slaves nor discriminated based on color, so what do I have to feel sorry for?. You would think that the fact that Obama got elected would show that America has moved beyond race despite any disagreement I might have with his politics, I don't care about his color.Has anyone really called you evil because you are white? I would be very surprised if the answer were in the affirmative with the caveat that alcohol was not being consumed.Many black people hold the race card close and play it often as there is still guilt for America's original sin. Have you ever read Mau Mauing the Flack Catchers or the novel Bonfire of the Vanities by TomWolfe. He covers this subject beautifully and you will be laughing so loud you will feel pain.
ParticipantBut one of our exalted members advocates this as a legitimate option of a State! Are we not correctto assume that he is not alone?
ParticipantPosted on: Today at 07:28:03 PM Posted by: willyDInsert QuoteI see what you say and I understand--a trilemma!Posted on: Today at 07:14:40 PM Posted by: WallyInsert QuoteQuote from: willyD on Today at 05:39:42 PMWally:What on earth are you eating that has made you so dispeptic?My $0.02 as a teacher that has watched as the programs to help these folks become sops for the sob sisters instead of solid educational programs. Far too many meetings when the parent wants to help but needs a translator; in some cases (folks from Asia mostly... good translators are fewer) the kid in question acts in this capacity. Think they are going to tell the folks what a bad little child they've been. Biggest problem is that it tears down the family structure... puts the kid in charge. What happened to the night school classes of days gone by? Doesn't matter, you can get all the paperwork for just about anything in any language. A friend of mine used to run the print shop for our local gov't. Had to print things in about nine languages.QuoteAlthough I agree that our little brown brothers from south of the border (I have a whole nest of the in Mexico city) come here to make money to send home and do not bring their families may be deficient in English. I could argue that they are the hired muscle for jobs that are too difficult or too unattractivefor Americans to do. I have worked the Mexican border for many years and as you may be aware the Mexicans are among the hardest working people on the face of the earth.A glib remark which I'm at a loss to understand. I never underestimate the work ethic... I worked in an agricultural industry for many years and saw these fellows in action, working rings around our kids. What I'm pointing at is the transient attitude of many immigrants (not just from Mexico either).QuoteI think Scout's concern was families not just guys. The parents may intend to return in those cases, but the kids, once exposed to the riches of our culture (sic) are a different matter.Mine too; I've had students have to go back with the folks and they weren't gonna fit anymore. Like it or not most people want to be like us (might not admit it though but Levi's are still hot on the blackmarket, no?). But they love to hate us anyways.QuoteI do agree with you about the putative policy in Germany. Whenever I hear language and deportation vis a vis Germany, I reach for my Browning (stolen quote, slightly altered).Waaay more than Uncle Wally needs to know. Wally: You live in California--all is forgiven, all other factors are reduced to a minimum. best of luck on your economy--California leads the way again.WillyD
ParticipantI see what you say and I understand–a trilemma!
March 10, 2010 at 12:25 am in reply to: Warning–trap ahead. Date of British Empire beginning? #19082willyD
ParticipantWally:To blunder is commonplace for me--I too have your question in mind--when did this come back into fashion? Burn, rape, pillage, loot and justify it as right of conquest--sounds like a right of center plot to me!