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ParticipantKeynesian economics may have prolonged the depression, but the policies may have saved us from a worse fate–consider The Kingfish. Fascism, dressed in more suitable clothes, is not dead here or in the world and like a virus it can keep mutating awaiting a chance to find an appropriate host.Beware beware, the black crier.
ParticipantOne thing I will say, our government is completely afraid of the American populace. A paranoid government is a dangerous government, and the more paranoid that government becomes, the more likely it will try to suppress freedoms. Our formerly open society is rapidly closing down.For one--I think it far far better thing that the government fear the people than having the people fear thegovernment.
ParticipantHow about the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, and the other banking robber barons who financed both sides of the war? Woodrow Wilson even admitted as much.Oh I asked that a person be provided from the list I posted. These worthies were not on the list.Robber Barons? No No--Capitalists!
ParticipantI think that Apple has done much in the way of innovation, so I have to give them that. Also, since I am a free market person, I think that the competition with Microsoft and PC makers has been good. Competitor is pushed against competitor to provide a better product, resulting in better value for the consumer (notice here that value was not created through government intervention). That said, I am a PC person myself. There is much more software available for the PC, and I am accustomed to the way the machines work, so I wouldn't consider parting ways. But I do know people who really like Macs - mostly because of ease of use - so I can appreciate Apple's contributions to people's computing experiences.I am not very adept with computers and use them in a very limited fashion. I was advised to get a Mac years ago--as you said--ease of use. Same with AOL as a ISP--back then with dial up it was just rightfor neophytes like myself.Just finished a biography of Rockefeller and was surprised to learn that he hated the free market system as he believed in rationalizing an industry by consolidating the companies and then forging cooperative links with those he did not control--in short he liked monopolies and trusts. It was the government the broke Standard Oil apart although in the end it did little good. Also--like Bill Gates is going to do--Old John gave away most of his money--very Christian gentleman although a bit frugal for my tastes.
ParticipantWally!Oh no:Once you graduate from Bureaucrat Manager school you can never again be considered a trustworthyhuman being. I am surprised you did not know this!
ParticipantBut you forgot the most important thing–Macs are beautiful objects!
ParticipantFDR__My hero–George Bush must have read a biography of his–nah!Kensians to the fore!
ParticipantSniff! Your opinion is noted and filed.
ParticipantBetter than Buffalo to be lost in–trust me I used to be from the government.
ParticipantWally:What is this disparaging remark about the Noble Savage? Have you forgotten the lessons drawn fromthe Huxley book "Brave New World?"
ParticipantYou are correct and I have no idea why that is so. Do you have a theory?Perhaps it is because they were the little guy. Perhaps it is because there are few viruses.Perhaps, like our simian brothers, we are attracted to bright shiny objects.Perhaps it is because we believe Steve jobs is obnoxious and an elitist and we laud him for it.We have 2 and one more coming this summer--"How about them apples"
ParticipantI believe the whole thing is a giant Ponzi scheme built on a foundation of latent trust and dubiouspromises. There appears to be no way out except a more frugal government, an increase in taxes andfees, a reduction in entitlement programs and a drop in our standard of living--all a very grim picture.If politicians did not lie their speeches would be much shorter and some would become mutes.I would also look at those 11 carrier groups also--the military budget in not sacred.Oh yes--one more thing--kill all the Lobbyists--slowly.
ParticipantBINGO!!!!!!!That was my choice too. What an insightful and delightful fellow you must be!WillyD
ParticipantHe did not say average American! And the Oklahoma Bomber did not wait for the government to move first either. Given the time and the inclination I am sure i could come up with at least six more incidents, albeit minor, where a person or people launched an offensive first. Donnie's statement was not only incorrect, it was too general. Most of us are not all of us.I see you cleverly avoided thee Sumpter incident.Sleep well--Buona notte
ParticipantAha–more stories: Lost tribe.. This is a subject based upon written religious tradition and partially upon speculation. There is a vast amount of literature on the Lost Tribes and no specific source can be relied upon for a complete answer.