Forum Replies Created
ParticipantYES YES–I read all this–I was hoping that someone had peered through the keyhole and was able to seea face and thereby get a specific name of the man who was most responsible for letting an assassination in an obscure part of the Balkans grow into the greatest conflict of the century. Apparently my hopes have been dashed so i will throw my name into the next midden heap I pass here in the hinterlands.
ParticipantHow did they get lost?
ParticipantPuiritan influence–good or bad–both.Good-- removable bundling boardsBad--forced church attendanceGood--Children educatedBad--Ministers had to take Hebrew and Greek and were allowed to beat their charges
ParticipantI understand. Take two valium and have a cup of green tea. Get a dull book about the Constitutional Convention, lie on the couch with a nice pillow and drift away. Here it will be 16 degrees tonight and we will sleep with the dog.AdieuWillyD
ParticipantDisagree–John Brown moved first–the S. Carolina Gamecocks moved first at Sumpter. I believe that your opinion about what National Guard officers would do against army regulars is a product of wishful thinking rather than being based upon a reasoned conclusion–in short–an opinion.Any administration who brought in latter-day Hessians or mercs would be excoriated in the press, be faced by a wrathful congress and possibly impeached. You are reading some strange books.Bye the way--please let me know where I can buy an RPG or a SAW--what stste?Regards:WillyD
ParticipantI have an iMac with Safari and Firefox as my browsers. Would this work on my machine. Please understand that I am almost moron when it comes to computers.
ParticipantI knew that–looks as though they beat him–or is he merely contrite? I stood in his place–they have footprints in Sarajevo where he actually stood–I felt an historical shiver!
ParticipantIt can be better? Of course–this is America!
ParticipantPlenty of places in the States and legally too. And yes it is easy to make an SKS full auto but what is the point when an AR-15 or M-4 clone is just as easy to convert and more effective?You want to see what a bunch of meagerly trained dedicated individuals can do? Look at Iraq and Afghanistan. I am here to tell you that there are not many American servicemen that will fire on our fellow citizens and those that do will only get off a few shots to begin with.Scout:If a group of latter day patriot seize an armory in Alabama and the government responds by sending in the 82 Airborne Division, do you really think that those splendid well trained professionals will disobey an order to open fire and kill all the people inside? I do not. They will do exactly what is expected of them as they are professionals. If, by chance, I am wrong, I would be inclined to pack my bags and move to Canada as such an action would be a foreshadowing of chaos, disaster and rebellion.
ParticipantI am a klutz–tried this with an SKS, a Ruger clip fed 22 and an M-1 30 cal. carbine–checked U-Tube and failed every time!
ParticipantIs this Tsar Nicholas II?
ParticipantMIFFED!!!!My heavens--bureaucrats--run for the ditches!
ParticipantRats–I was hoping to find someone who could give me a name of the MOST responsible.WillyD
ParticipantI feel as though Ronnie was less than fair to us–but I can afford the loss and am willing to accept thefact that he had an animus toward Federal workers. This sort of deals with a former post in which I argued that SS payments ought to go only to those that need it--not to everyone. SS deductions ought to be levied on your full salary--not capped--that would raise lots of revenue and not hurt the surf and turf crowd with Der Grosser Mercedes in the driveway.
Participantsks conversion–cheap and rustic–like the dirty little weapon it is–I bought six of them in 1998 at 100 bucks a pop–all gone now.