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ParticipantYou saw it–good! And–you got the spelling of the little scamp's name–even better. When I first sawit I was so impressed that I brought the tape into the office, gathered the staff and set up a tv/vcr andwe spent the afternoon watching it. I saw it as an educational opportunity, but some nihilists held it to be a waste of government time. Oh how I laughed. Anyway, I adored the film and have seen it several times over the years--always an adventure of the mind. The fire making scene was mesmerizing.WillyD
ParticipantI for one am not surprised. I do, however, wonder how long ago it was when we decided to make cannibalism as unacceptable as incest. Does anyone recall seeing the marvelous French film “Quest for Fire? Purely speculative about cannibalism but filled with gritty realism and the unusual sight of the major female lead playing her role stark naked– clad only in body paint, mud and what looked like woad. The part was played by Ray Dong Chong I believe.I lived in the South Pacific for a couple of years and the natives, who could all speak English, talked aboutother islanders who were known to chomp on a human or two--calling it long pig! Enchanting--like calling taxes revenue enhancement. I believe they were referring to someplace in the Solomons.WillyD
Participant."All Quiet on the Western Front" original black and white version--banned in German by Hitler so itmust have been goodA Bridge too Far was good also--minor classic.
ParticipantBut does that not raise the same question of fairness? Each person or family has an essential basket ofgoods and services that must be purchased to live a moderate standard of living--food, clothing, utilities, shelter, transportation etc . The low income person would pay a much higher percentage of his incomepurchasing these necessities than a wealthy person and have much less left over for inessential thingssuch as travel, educational opportunities such as museums, musical events and other cultural activities.Perhaps a hybrid could be worked out whereby people below a certain income paid no VAT or sales taxand establish another sliding scale depending on income for people above that level. I admit that theidea is attractive--no IRS, fewer intrusions into our personal lives by armed bureaucrats, no tax lawyers as there would be zero exemptions, no HR Block offices and no need for hordes of Lobbyists on K street chasing our representatives seeking special treatment under the tax code. I also know that manyEuropean nations have this--some in lieu of the income tax, some in addition to it. I have also heard that in order to meet the same dollar level as all other taxes it would exceed 25 percent!Still, it is an attractive alternative, but one sure to attract fierce opposition from all those who thriveunder the status quo. Would it not be wonderful to have no tax obligations each spring as you would be paying as you go--what a relief that would be. Has any serious politician had the intestinal fortitude topropose such a thing? I remember poor Mr. Forbes with his tax proposal. He looked like an overfedpatent medicine salesmen who earnestly believed in the efficacy and excellence his product surrounded by a host of less than credulous listeners.As a former Bureaucrat I leaned the iron rule of bureaucracy--grow or wilt! I do not think the IRS would go quietly into the night. They have all those files!
ParticipantYou are correct. History will judge as to whether he saved or help further cripple the fiscal stability of the nation. Obama is one man and I wish he would be more aggressive in his tactics. Perhaps he is too much of a gentleman–LBJ and Nixon had some excellent tactics which they used repeatedly–viz. Robert Caro's trilogy on Johnson–wonderful!
ParticipantThe bright young men who went to wall street and came up with all these exotic investment opportunitiesthat were based on dubious assumptions of growth and worth. Their superiors--also looking at the astonishing commissions available--approved these risky ventures riding the expanding bubble and taking advantage of the reduced oversight that has been a factor in the industry since the 1980's. Less oversight,more room for risky and speculative securities. I do not blame the young men--they were just looking to make fantastic dollars in salary and bonuses. It is the way the system works except for the fact that the policemen were sitting in the coffee shop--perhaps told to do so. The dot. com. bust taught no lesson andthe housing debacle followed--it was not the fault of Barney Frank!
ParticipantNO–tax revenue goes to pay my pension, buy rifles for the army and a million other worthy things. Ofcourse Obama spends money we do not have--most modern Presidents did including his immediate predecessor who did so at the same time he was giving tax breaks and fighting a war on credit.Obama inherited a horrible situation not of his making. I for one think he will be a one term Presidentbecause of the immensity of the task and the hostility of his detractors.
ParticipantThe job of the regulators is to police the investors whether they be prudent Prudence or Lance the cowboy.The regulators got bought, sold out, fooled, defanged, and ignored and the result is the horrid messthat the whiz kids and their ideological mentors have given us. Of course capitalism is a wonderful systemand provides unimagined wealth for all, but if it is not regulated you have a situation where the adultsgo to the beach and leave the kids to manage the store. Police are necessary in the best communitiesas they keep order, prevent us from hurting ourselves and other and allow life to be lived with somedegree of safety. Only idealistic fools such as Marx and Lenin really believed that man could beraised to a level where he would police himself. They should have read more Hobbes and less Rousseau.Without regulation the life of your investments is liable to be nasty, brutish and short. I recall thatwe come from a long line of predatory killer apes burdened with a territorial imperative we revealthis frequently especially in slow commuter traffic.
ParticipantI blundered–blinded by excitement–apology in both cases
ParticipantDo you recall what the top tax bracket was in the 1950's when we were top dogs?Let me comfort you. Let us say that the additional surcharge would apply to that sum remaining to you after all other taxes had been paid. Therefore--if you had an after normal tax income of $500, 000you would pay an additional 1 percent! Feel better now?Remember Willy Sutton? You have to tax (or rob) where the money is. The poor do not have it.
ParticipantFlat Tax? I am really surprised that you would advocate this plan. It seems really unfair:1. I make 35 K and pay 10 percent---$35002. You make 1 million and pay 100ksounds fair--except for the fact that 3500 from my paycheck can really hurt whilst 100k from yourswould not unless you had a life style similar to a Pasha.The flat tax, I was taught, is regressiveThe progressive income tax is not--this is what we have now--it is the law! Mr. Forbes quest for acceptance of a flat tax went nowhere and for good reason--it could not be sold.
ParticipantBut if you have some knowledge of French, Italian and Latin you seem to be able to get the sense of the meaning even if only through a glass darkly. It appears to be a vocabulary problem as some of the verb forms and nouns seem do seem to be knowable. Very interesting--thanks for the post.WillyD (Francophile)
ParticipantOh–this tax would be in addition to existing taxes and as I stated would apply ONLY to people in the upper income brackets. Income would be defined as money from all sources-annuities, stock dividends,trust payments, rental property--in short every dime coming in would be counted as income.I do not know whether it is viable as to how much money in would raise, but I am of the opinion that it would be considerable. It really does not matter--it would be more available to pay off the debt andtaken from people who can best afford it.The option of directing some of the tax money to student loans is an investment as well as an apologia forblowing the sides out of the economy by lack of foresight, greed and hubris. Untrammeled capitalism,where the regulators were cowed into submission, has produced a crisis that unless dealt with may wellhave our children acting as cubicle dwellers and pole dancing helots for our security holders. Social engineeringis not always bad. I like to look at the G.I. Bill and mortgage deductions as good things that flowedfrom that well. Would you not agree?We agree--politicians have the morals of a Roumanian bar hostess during the days of Queen Marie andmembers of most parties are guilty of fiscal imprudence.By adopting my proposal you would use the added revenue to pay off the debt--period. There would be no diversions to mice or men.
ParticipantI think you refer to the Song of Roland and his good friend Oliver–read it in grade school–wonderfulstuff!WillyD
ParticipantGood Luck:I will have a post on assimilation awaiting your return--I will tone it down so you do not become apoplectic and rip a stitch! Just kidding.WillyD