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ParticipantRead Ferguson, will read Tooze. After three volumes of Evans I need a fun break so I am reading a bookby Joyce Appelby "The Relentless Revolution--A History of Capitalism.Thanks for the tip.
February 26, 2010 at 3:38 pm in reply to: Howard Zinn’s "A Peoples History of the United States" #17675willyD
ParticipantWally:Yes we agree. There has never been a Communist Country if we use the pure unadulterated languageof Marx. Those that claimed to be so were frauds much like some nations that claim to be Democraciesand are not.I should like to make one final point. Democracy and Capitalism are both imperfect and nobody disputesthis fact. The vaunted benefits to a worker enjoying the benefits of living in a nation like ours aremany, but again perfection is of part of the equation. If one is fortunate enough to inherit or acquire the skills and talents necessary to thrive in our sometimes unforgiving economic environment, life can be quite sweet and comfortable financially. Because this is not the case,we have adopted over the yearscertain elements of a safety net so as to provide the worker with some semblance of security. If it wasgood enough for Bismarck in the 19th Century it ought to be good enough for us in the 20th.Democracy, Capitalism and a safety net (how big remains a problem) seems to be a reasonableapproach to achieving a stable and tranquil society where each person can find his place. Once weemerge from this slough of despond we can address how best to realign our workforce and politicalinstitutions to meet the new challenges we are sure to face. Enjoy the remains of the day.One final point. I know of no sysand are not.
ParticipantI understand that you are interested in military history. Of all the conflicts you have explored which one do you find most interesting. If you could also tell me why, I would appreciate it greatly.Thank you:Willy D
ParticipantHow do you post pictures–I have an iMac
ParticipantI totally agree–but who would read them? Who would write them. Anyway it is moot. Perhaps in the future we should get tattoos like “Donald Baker: reader and thinker–beware–cogitation in progress. Reading and books are on the way out, a fact that have finally accepted with great sadness. I am a film buff and I have young people in the family who will not watch a black and white film--it apparentlydoes not assault their senses sufficiently. I do not mention books to them as they are disinterested.
February 26, 2010 at 12:54 am in reply to: Howard Zinn’s "A Peoples History of the United States" #17672willyD
ParticipantWally: I sure wish you lived down the street. Let me respond as best I can.1. I too was bred by the American Revolution--so puny compared to the events in Europe. Later I learned I had been mistaken. it is taught like rootcanaling in High Schools--I remember.2. Polk was determined to take the land--slavery was not absent from his calculations.3. Wow--you have a great memory--I saw it in Zinn and no where else--why?4. Many slave owners loved to quote the Old Testament where concubinage, slavery and patriarchywere exalted and fierce vengence would be visited upon those miscreants who violated the laws.5. And we accept this still. What does that say about us as a people?6. JFK got a pass on almost everything--rich, good hair and charming--but not a war hero.7. Iran-Contra--agreed--The fraud should have gone to jail!8. Problem here: My argument is that there has never been a Communist State at least according to aMarxist definition. Communism happens at the last stage when the state "withers away". Have not seen that yet. We have had states that called themselves Communist, but were that in aspiration only andusually totalitarian regimes hiding behind a scrim of Marxist rhetoric. We have had other states that called themselves Socialistic and in some ways they were. In Sweden the government never owned the means of production and the same can be said for France, Germany, England, Canada et. al. Thesestates borrowed elements of the Socialistic program, warped them to their peculiar needs, and instituted them. Social Security, medicare and medicaid are our borrowings and perhaps health care, aprogram proposed by many Presidents since the beginning of the century. The real problem is that I no longer know what people are talking about when they use certain terms--we have different definitions. I use the dictionary and have no idea what source they use=--perhaps Newt or Glen beck.9.I too was a union activist--I believe I belonged to about 6 over the years--the most unusual one wasThe International Ladies garment Workers Union. Later I became a "suit" and sat on the other side of the table--but that is another story as you have said on another post.10. Right on! We need to talk about it so we do not fall into the trap today. How many young people in Afghanistan and Iraq today are aware of that tawdry experience in the islands or of Smedly Butler'scommentary that as Commandant of the Marine Corps he was just the muscle for American companies in Central America. Lots of these kids are out of high school and if they go to college they will be trained, not educated--if they do not know now then they never will and another generation will wallow in ignorance--which is not all bad for some people running America.Final note--stolen from a book about the decoding of the German codes using the enigma machine."Truth is so precious that it must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies".
February 26, 2010 at 12:18 am in reply to: Howard Zinn’s "A Peoples History of the United States" #17671willyD
ParticipantPerhaps, and is just a notion, Zinn and his myrmidons pummel us a bit too much because they knowthat to break through the accretion of propaganda (in the good sense) and hogwash in which students have been bathed for all their years in school an acidic remedy is needed. The fact that Indians were considered an awkward reality whose fate was to wither away and that many Americans accepted a caste system are truths that need an airing. We surely do not condone a whitewashed version of our history as that is both dishonest and insulting. Full disclosure, but in a balanced manner would seem to be the best of all possible worlds. If the instructor is successful, the mind of the student will grasp the fact that notall authority figures are to be believed, that truth has many faces and at the end of the day one mustconsider the evidence and make a judgment for himself as to the veracity of the proposition. Historyis not Algebra and thank heavens that that is so.
ParticipantWell said. Few historians chronicle the life the proles which throughout much of history tended to be nasty, brutish and short. (apologies to Tom Hobbes) Why bother to read of the dull life of a French peasantstanding proudly beside his dung heap filled with pride when we could be reading of the machinations of Richelieu and Mazarin who not only led exciting lives, but more importantly left records?Perhaps an even better example are the nobles of 18th Century Russia whose contact with the hugeserf population was minimal and who in many cases spoke little or no Russian at all. Writers of books of most ages wrote for those who could read and their subjects tended to be about things of interest to theupper and/or ruling classes. It is a rare treasure when we run across documentation of the lives of the ordinary people going about their quotidian tasks such as described in Hesiod's Work and Days. He was not alone in his effort--there are rare exceptions to the rule of the silent grey proletariat.One of these is Rebecca West's classic travel book on pre war Yugoslavia--Black Lamb Gray Falcon--is that she did just that. We get a picture of the whole of a society--all the classes, all the religions andall the nationalities. A majestic accomplishment, but a daunting read.
ParticipantActually there were many anti-war protestors during the first World War–fewer in WWII. Many peoplesaw no reason to expend blood and treasure in 1917 in a conflict that was not a threat to the nation andundertaken for reason other than those stated. Conscription came to America and this time the richcould not readily buy their way out with a hired substitute. Conscription meant that you would be forced to serve in the Army or Navy, be willing to kill another human being if so ordered, and jailed if you refused the order eve if you claimed that you were morally disinclined to commit murder. Check it out--much protest for WWI. Socialists claimed it was a rich man's war and we were in it to protect our interests, make sure England did not default on her loans and to glean profits--steel plant profits had been shooting up since 1914 and were seen to go higher as the US government as well as England would now be placingorders. Many believed the Socialist claims--other scoffed.
February 25, 2010 at 6:26 pm in reply to: Howard Zinn’s "A Peoples History of the United States" #17668willyD
ParticipantI am delighted to see that we agree than the banning or burning of books is just not the way to go,but I am shocked that you put this little book in the same category as Mein Kampf or Das Kapital.Mr. Zinn may arouse passions, but his books are hardly in the same league as those penned by Hitleror Marx.I believe that Mr. Zinn saw the books that were written and found them wanting either because certainsubjects were not covered at all or because they were glossed over or contained statements that were not factual. I think he wanted to fill in the blanks.Let me give you 10 examples of the kinds of things I mean.1. American Revolution--I did not learn in High School that only one third of the colonial people inAmerica supported the revolution--the others were Tories or indifferent.2. Manifest Destiny--I did not learn in High school that Polk manufactured a war with Mexico so as togain territory--it seems un American!3. I did not know that one of the first things Woodrow Wilson did when he became president andmoved into the White House was to dismiss all the black supervisors.4. I did not know that slavery was regularly justified by Bible scholars--and people said this is good--the sons of Ham ought to be hewers of wood and drawers of water.5. I did not know that A.G. Palmer and his horrid little lapdog--Hoover violated laws on a regularbasis during the Red scare following WWI.6. High school textbooks are silent about the fact that JFK's father bought the Democratic nominationin West Virginia thus placing is son of the road to the presidency.7. Commentary on the Iran-Contra disaster are discussed very briefly and without much depth incurrent text books. The President's lies are merely dismissed--he was old.8. Current texts do a very poor job when describing alternatives to Capitalism and Democracy. In arecent interview Newt Gingrich was asked whether he thought our President was a Socialist. he replied--yes! Now we both know he has a PhD in History so it is somewhat surprising that he answered as he did as a "Socialist: is one who belies that the Government ought to control the means of production, distribution et al. In fact, if you look at our President closely, you might well conclude that he is much more likely to be a Fascist than a Socialist. So if Newt blundered in such a manner--what can we expect from little Audrey who believes that textbooks contain truth rather than viewpoints.9. Current textbooks do little to enlighten students concerning the struggles between capital and labor from 1865 to 1941. The Pullman strike, the violence in the mines, the shops and the oilfields , the IWW and Big Bill Haywood, Eugene Debs the Holmstead strike, the CIO, the UAW and the battle of the overpass are touched on lightly if mentioned at all.10. Textbooks do not contain much material on the way we acquired Hawaii and what we did to thepatriots in the Phillippine insurrection, the fate of the patriot Emilio Aguinaldo. An American army ofover 60, 000 men was necessary to convince the natives that American hegemony was "good" andbetter than the freedom they had hoped to acquire when the boot of Spanish rule was lifted from their neck. The American soldiers who fought there had some colorful sayings--"civilize them with a Krag"and some unprintables--L.B.F.M. being one.So all in all I think you will agree that history should be taught using the maximum of factual narrativeand a minimum of cant. You will also, no doubt, agree that it should be taught as it happened--warts and all.
February 25, 2010 at 4:40 pm in reply to: Howard Zinn’s "A Peoples History of the United States" #17667willyD
ParticipantWally:I would love to have a glass of beer with you. Sorry that the pinhead educational-burrocrats (sic)led you to leave. I agreed with everything you said--you must be a brilliant fellow!In all seriousness your post was excellent and a cri du coeur heard often these days.WillyD (Agoraomai)
ParticipantWow–I am sure glad I found your forum. As I awoke this morning I found your delightful commentaryto my post awaiting me. I felt the same way i did when I was a young lad and somebody had challengedme in front of the whole sophomore class--what joy! I shall attempt to answer with the same degreeof detached professionalism that you displayed and will attempt to eschew irony and sarcasm.Sensitive spot--disagree with you-too much emphasis perhaps, but still a sensitive spotReading beyond the minimal--disagree here too. Some societies, mostly modern, are quite similar toour own while others are wildly different--your statement was too general and I suspect made in haste.Greatest heroes--at that time in Athens--the time of the Symposium--the greatest heroes of the daywere the gentlemen to whom I referred--check it out. The fact that they are now all but forgotten isjust another example of the fleeting penumbra of fame.Man to man love--yes--I agree with you in that is merely an opinion expressed by Plato. Now you are faced with the question of does the validity or excellence of one's opinion depend on just who he is/was?An example was Henry Ford--a seminal figure in the world of American business and a rabid anti-semite.Being drunk--key point--for sure. We have all done things when drunk that in retrospect were foolish,stupid or just plain dangerous. As a youth we used to drive drunk all the time. The cops would actuallyhelp you get home--no citations, no problem--strange, but true.About me--I know you do not care--I just wanted to set the record straight that I was not a spokesmanfor any group advocating homosexuality. Catholic boys were really sensitive about this and I have not yet lost the fear of being called out as a sissy-boy. Too much emphasis--your opinion.Penetration--yes--true--although to spare you I did not even begin to discuss intercrural sex. The loverpenetrates the beloved was the way it was described--but would you want your friends to know that allyou could procure was an ugly lad. No-- beauty is a rare commodity and attracts attention. It seems tobe a constant that beauty, power and lucre and intertwined. Quarterbacks get the cheerleaders.The prison comment--when I said "How Greek was that" I should have used a question mark--I did not. I was being ironic--sorryAlso: If you know about prison life then you know that younger weaker prisoners often seek out olderprotectors so as to live out their sentence protected from sexual assault. In many cases bonds are formed which are in some warped way similar to the lover-beloved phenomenon of Ancient Greece.Greek Society was very different from ours, but human nature trumps time and place--we aredescended from killer apes and recognize the benefit of hierarchy, bow to power and seek security.
February 25, 2010 at 6:41 am in reply to: Howard Zinn’s "A Peoples History of the United States" #17664willyD
ParticipantThank you very much for your welcome and kind remarks. This forum looks as though there are many talented people here and I hope to learn from them. I have always found it useful to hear from the whole chorus of ideas before falling back on my prejudices.Thanks again. WillyD ( Agoraomai)
February 25, 2010 at 5:34 am in reply to: Howard Zinn’s "A Peoples History of the United States" #17662willyD
ParticipantHoward Zinn was a zealot for truth as he saw it. He explored the byways and midden heaps of historyso that ordinary people could be shown in a different light. Was he a propagandist for his point of view--of course he was just like others are for theirs--Charles and Mary Beard come to mind as does AJP Taylor,Edward Gibbon, Alfred Mahan, and David Irving to name but a few. The reason I found him fascinating is that he covered material I had never heard of, things that were forgotten, covered up or merely neglected in mainline history books. Check out a high school textbook and see how much time is devoted to thelabor movement, the war protestors of WWI and the Red scare of 1919. Find out why Harry Anslingersaw that he would have to find a new target for the prohibition agents one the 18th amendment was repealed--he did marijuana. See how little time is devoted to the de facto segregation in the Northdirected against Jews and Blacks and people of inferior European stock. Zinn covered all of this in his books and essays and perhaps his screed is better thought of as a scream --ala Munch--against thehypocrisy and Babbitism of American society. Zinn should be read to flavour the stew. One need notadopt his views, but one ought to hear of them.
February 25, 2010 at 2:45 am in reply to: Howard Zinn’s "A Peoples History of the United States" #17660willyD
ParticipantTo Donald Baker;I agree with you too. Too much zeal blinds us to reality and adherence to a particular school of thoughttends to channel our writing as it stints our research. Following one's sources is surely the honest way togo--you are to be lauded.Agoraomai (willyD)