Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThat's all fine and dandy, and I don't think we should neglect the legitimately poor, but we are doing far more than that. We are enabling the lazy with our current policies. Yes, we are in this democracy together, but we all have to work for it, not just some of us. Laziness is not good for society because it will bring it down. Most philosophers from Aristotle on have already acknowledged this. Why is THIS so difficult to see for some people?You are not concerned about lazy people--only lazy poor people who you support--right?SO SKI--Lets take off the gloves. What are we to do with lazy booze and drug ridden lazy muckabouts who cannot hold a job? Do you suggest camps, workhouses or merely vigorous enforcement of the vagrancy laws? Enlighten me. What is to be done?
ParticipantHis fear was based upon the fact that the man was an Arab, not his profession. Knowing nothing of the Arabs, his ignorance clouded his reptilian brain and he was seized in a vice of prejudice. Note that his finger may not actually be on the trigger although crooked!HIS VEHICLE IS STANDING BY:
ParticipantThe officer shall be admonished. I believe he was in fear of the photographer who was an Arab. Black is always chic.
ParticipantWally:In the best of all possible worlds we would have equality of opportunity. We have never had it from 1789 until today. So much depends upon where you were born, whether you have good genes, what sex and color you are, how smart you are, how driven, your ethnicity, your personality and even your hair! You were a teacher as I was and we know about having favorites among the serried ranks of our charges. Was I absolutely fairas a teacher--absolutely not. Were you?When I speak of providing for all, I do not mean that we give a car to everyone or a house or a woolen suit.What I do mean is that since the race for the goodies is compromised by factors beyond our control, it ismerely good policy to provide a floor for those who are unable or unwilling to strive for victory. It need notbe luxurious, but it needs to be. What family and charity cannot or will not provide the government already does because it is necessary and right. It is not stealing. You elect the politicians, they (in theory) listen to their constituents and have passed laws supporting just what I described. It has been this way before either of us was born. Some people, however object to this. In a truly just society we would not begrudge this aid to the poor--we would embrace it as our duty to our fellow citizens living in a democracy. Is it unfair that you will pay some of your tax money to support programs you despise or individuals you abhor--of course.Life is unfair too. If you want to construct a perfect society--go read some Marx. It will be futile, but it will help pass the time.As always--a pleasure--kudos on the movie--a truly great film IMHO.
ParticipantBINGOYOU GOT IT!You win the prize--a beautiful photo of the department of Homeland Security Reserves armed with donated weapons as the government is broke!see photo below--artist's studio.
ParticipantAetheling–your grade is changed to a a B. I just found out–really–it was used in that capacity, but found wanting. Laterit was supposedly used on bicycles!
ParticipantSorry–I was referring to another picture–this is as far as I know just a photo–origin unknown
ParticipantIt is one of the famous shots from the movie–it is a still–need hints?
ParticipantThat is the spirit. It is not the Holy Grail. Press on!
ParticipantNope! You too get a D, but a D-Do you need hints?
ParticipantNo–you are not wrong. I am guilty of thinking that we are all Americans and all in this bark of democracy together. It will fail unless we adopt and support policies that provide some for all. This is not Socialism, it is common sense, it is self defense and it is the right thing to do. Taxes, as transfer payments from the better off to the lesser well off and the poor have been used for many years from FDR to Reagan and beyond. To think that we can all retreat to gated compounds with private police forces and well policed local shopping malls is a false dream and a bad one as well. Those of us who read history have an advantage–we do not want a dystopian future whether it be one of Soylent Green or 1984. Bismarck, hardly a Liberal, understood this well and sliced and diced the Social democrats by stealing much of their program and instituting it in a Germany that was hardly a real democracy. Why is this so difficult to see for some people?
ParticipantNope! You get a D not an F because it MIGHT be used in that manner.
ParticipantWally:I have failed to make my point. Let us agree to disagree agreeably.WillyD (taxpayer, citizen, veteran, patriot, property owner and optimist)
ParticipantI would not take your proffered bet because I am fairly confident that I would lose.Glad you liked the idea though.
ParticipantPay your taxes. If you cheat you are stealing from me.This answer implies collective ownership of individual income, and a sort of entitlement as well, which is why I do not like the answer. In theory, if a person cheated and did not pay taxes when they were at a reasonable rate, that person would have violated his duty to the common good.Disagree--you are not reading it correctly. There is nothing collective about this statement. If the taxesrequired are X dollars and you cheat, others are required to make up the difference from their individualpockets. I see no word (s) that suggest entitlement in the statement--please elaborate. The common good (general welfare) is part of our heritage and cheating on your taxes, regardless of your opinion of what a "reasonable" rate is, violates not only the law, but the idea that we are all Americans and in this together in peace as well as war. This last was a collective statement, but was not included in the original submission.You did not like the answer, I did not like the analysis.