I don't really get what the hub bub is about:http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1242029498309&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFullI think they're criticizing the pope for not apologizing because he is German, and Nazis were German, and therefore there is some connection. What's the deal with this? Seems like the people who should be apologizing have long since passed on.
They are criticizing the Pope because he did not apologize enugh. I get the impression that the Speaker of the Knesset expected the Pope to literaslly get down on his kness and beg forgiveness for the sins of his fellow countrymen and his personal failure to stop the Holocaust. The Pope was 15 when the war ended and enrolled in a seminary. I dont think his mandatory registration in the Hitler Youth is germane but it sure provides a convenient stick to beat him with. Some of the Jewish leaders are no better than some of the black leaders in this country who are so busy beating up white folks for slavery from 150+ years ago. Certain segments will play the guilt/race card as long as they can get mileage out of it.I actually think the Pope was humble and classy in his remarks, of which I have read the transcript. It also took extraordinary courage for him to go there in the first place, which speaks to his commitment to interfaith dialogue and making amends.. I will leave my opinion of interfaith dialogue's usefulness out of it.
I think it also may have to do with his vocal support of a Palestinian state.
In the article, though, they didn't seem to point to that as an area of concern. Perhaps this is an unsaid motivating factor but it's hard to say.Scout, you air some of the same concerns I have and I just do not get the criticism. He is criticized by Jewish leaders for not saying exactly what they want on one hand, and criticized by Muslim leaders for not doing the same for them on the other. It's like walking in a minefield because much of this has to do with perception and willingness to let things go. I think society in general has a really hard time of moving past things, but if history teaches us anything it is that moving on is a must.
The Israeli-Palestinian issue is like the abortion debate, there will absolutely never be agreement. I don't know if they will ever have peace in the Middle East. I also don't think the Jewish people will ever forget the Holocaust or think you can apologize enough. I guess I can understand that point of view, I just don't think being perpetually aggrieved is very productive. You are correct that the Israelis need to move on. It is possible for them to move on without forgetting, I just don't know if some people have it in them to do so.