I guess no one has noticed 😉 but I modified the site's theme a bit in the last 24 hours. I had been meaning to do it for a while. I am not a particularly big fan of the default theme that my SMF software provides me, but it is the most friendly if I want to add modifications to the basic set up. I changed around the header logo and restored the old “board icons” that used to be on here. I think they give the place a bit more character.I also added ads onto the site. They should only be visible to guests between some of the posts...as members, you won't be seeing them (unless you log out and then browse the forum).
I noticed the old new post icons when I checked it ou this morning. I remember you saying a while back that you were going to put them back up. I like them.
I wonder why Ronald Reagan photo is illustrating the Recent American History post … He was in office from 1981 to 1989 but even if he ordered a massive military buildup in an arms race with the USSR, his legacy doesn't seem to be so significant. TMHOAt the contrary, if you really want to illustrate the recentness of American History, choose Obama: he will stay in History whatever his legacy will be...(If you dare 😛 )
I wonder why Ronald Reagan photo is illustrating the Recent American History post ....... if you really want to illustrate the recentness of American History, choose Obama: he will stay in History whatever his legacy will be...(If you dare 😛 )
Not sure I agree on either but might try something a bit more generic... picture below might better illustrate the motives of our time.
I thought Reagan's legacy would have been at least as high of any political figure since the mid-1960s because he was a major player in the twilight of the Cold War, he presided over an increased American economic expansion, and his name is regularly invoked (by some, at least) in modern politics. Who else had a greater significance during that time? (oh, and I didn't intend for it really to be a “political board” within the forum per se, and I imagine that an Obama picture would send that message here).But I also kind of chose the picture because it was cool. I suppose I could go around and change those board icons from time to time....
The photo itself isn't that important… Reagan had a crucial role at the time. Just that it's a bit old-aged for a Recent American History regarding tremendous changes since. Whatever you choose, you won't have unanimity 😉
Recent American History basically encapsulates the post World War II era (the beginning of the atomic age). Reagan, Nixon, Kennedy all would work IMHO.
Well I pulled an Obama: I nearly doubled the number of posts in the “Early Twentieth Century Board”! Oh, and there is no longer a "Great Depression" board.... ;D