I would guess that the bloodiest wartime day in world history would be probably the day we bombed Hiroshima, but I do not know that anybody has ever tallied it up completely. The bloodiest peacetime day would probably be the day the earthquake struck in January or maybe the day of the Thera explosion in antiquity. Again, I am not aware of anybody ever making the calculations.
I should mention that this is not a “quiz” per se because I don't know what the answer to my questions are…but it would be interesting to know.
I would guess that the bloodiest wartime day in world history would be probably the day we bombed Hiroshima, but I do not know that anybody has ever tallied it up completely.
I am guessing you are right...not sure if Hiroshima or Nagasaki was bigger, but I'll assume you know this. Perhaps I should tweak the question to become - how about the deadliest day not including the atomic bombs? I believe I had heard there were 47,000 deaths at some battle in the 19th century, I want to say Germany or France....though I can't remember the name and the deaths may have spread out over a few days.
The bloodiest peacetime day would probably be the day the earthquake struck in January or maybe the day of the There explosion in antiquity. Again, I am not aware of anybody ever making the calculations.
The bloodiest peacetime day would probably be the day the earthquake struck in January or maybe the day of the There explosion in antiquity. Again, I am not aware of anybody ever making the calculations.
What is this exactly?
The Earthquake in Haiti, killed something like 250-300,000, which is more than the Tsunami of 2004 killed.I bring up Thera because there is speculation that Thera's explosion and resulting destruction is the source of the Antlantis myths.
I would guess that the bloodiest wartime day in world history would be probably the day we bombed Hiroshima, but I do not know that anybody has ever tallied it up completely. The bloodiest peacetime day would probably be the day the earthquake struck in January or maybe the day of the There explosion in antiquity. Again, I am not aware of anybody ever making the calculations.
I know there is debate, but didn't Dresden, at least by Nazi accounts, have more casualties than Hiroshima?
You could probably pick just about any titanic battle from the French Revolutionary wars and make the argument. There were something like 40,000 deaths at Koniggratz on 3 July 1866 during the Austro-Prussian War and almost 25,000 at Waterloo, you could also look at some of the opening days of Barbarossa in 1941 or WWI. The French suffered almost 1 million casualties in August of 1914 alone even guessing 20% deaths that is still 200,000 dead in one month. Picking a bloodiest day is pretty difficult because if you are talking about the world, especially the World Wars do you figure just a battle or the totality of war dead on one specific day? Peacetime days are just as difficult. How many people just plain old die every day in the world? I would guess that number alone is in the millions.
Possibly there might have been a record setting bloody day during the Taiping revolt in mid-19th China during which it is estimated 20,000,000 perished.