I say it's a fake. When I watched the video, it looked like at least some of the splashes in the river were simply too far away compared to how fast her arm was moving. Besides, it was released suspiciously close to the video of the woman putting the cat in the trash can.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/31/girl-sparks-animal-activi_n_701011.html
I would imagine it is a fake. Only the first couple of puppies make any sound and they mysteriously leave the frame before she throws them. It is probably just as fake as the video of the soldier in Afghanistan throwing a puppy off a cliff that surfaced last year. Gets a good rise out of people though doesn't it?
Yeah, I guess it is. Apparently there's quite a bit of anger over this to the point where people are basically wishing death threats on the girl. My take is that animal cruelty is obviously wrong and should be prevented. I don't think it rises anywhere near the moral depravity of cruelty to humans, but I'm still not not going to defend animal cruelty either. But I did see someone write something somewhere that was interesting. He said that when he had a problem with a possum in his house, animal control told him that he should catch it and kill it by drowning it in water. So if the puppies that the girl threw into the river were sickly/unwanted, how wrong was it to do that? She did not seem to be "enjoying" it. We're also talking about Bosnia, where it might not be all that easy to sell/donate puppies to others.
Personally, I think folks that get all up in arms about “animal rights” are just people that have way too much time on their hands. There is something wrong with throwing the puppies in the drink like that, but I think any corrections should come from her parents and not the law.