I went to Portland (oregon) this weekend and took in a movie at their IMAX theater. It was about ancient Greece. Incredible On a five story screen that wraps around you and over you. It was nothing too earth shattering, just the basics, but seeing all the ruins like the Parthanon was really breathtaking on a screen that size. I dont know that I will ever make it to Greece, but that was neat. If you have an IMAX near by and they are playing it I highly recommend you go see it.
Thanks for the suggestion. I may have to check it out sometime. I have been to Greece before and it's really quite beautiful. Athens is a city of ancient structures surrounded by a concrete jungle of modern urbanism.
I feel sorry for people who have a natural fear of flying, but then you throw in all the terrorism and the arrests of terrorists planning to blow up planes, and that takes the fear to a whole new level.
Flying shouldn't deter you. I believe you can take a cruise (or a non-cruise boat trip) to Europe and you can see a lot of good sites. I took a boat ride from the port at Bari, Italy to Greece some years ago and it gave me an interesting perspective. I was able to witness the “rosy-fingered dawn” around the Greek Isles that Homer speaks of. My friends and I were also able to leave a number of American pennies and Italian Lira on the bottom of the Mediterranean during the course of a game we played in transit.
I enjoyed the Peloponnese quite a bit….very beautiful in fact, and it harkens back to the days of the mighty Sparta. One interesting town to visit is Naflion, which came under Venetian control perhaps during the Middle Ages when Venice controlled the Adriatic. Also in the Peloponnese is the city of Olympia, a quaint Greek town which served as the birthplace of the modern Olympic Games (summer, mind you – not the Winter Games!). Offering a bit of a contrast is Athens, a bustling concrete jungle which offers less in the way of authentic Greek culture (unless one considers conning/fraud to be "authentic"). Drive to the northern region and you'll discover the city of Delphi, an interesting village tucked away in the mountains which offers breathtaking views and one of the ancient world's most renowned centers of "prophecy".