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August 30, 2012 at 4:43 pm #25889
ParticipantRon Paul supporters a large portion of the base? Vocal maybe but certainly not a large portion. His supporters are at most 10-15% of the base. Sounds like the Paulites are having a case of sour grapes to me.
August 30, 2012 at 7:35 pm #25890donroc
ParticipantAm I the first to pundit that the lady governors have rendered Sara Palin irrelevant for the GOP? Each is less shrill and has more gravitas and substance. Condi is still my favorite female politician, and she did wow the audience.
August 30, 2012 at 11:23 pm #25891Phidippides
KeymasterAm I the first to pundit that the lady governors have rendered Sara Palin irrelevant for the GOP? Each is less shrill and has more gravitas and substance. Condi is still my favorite female politician, and she did wow the audience.
Interesting comment. I'm not sure Skiguy will take kindly to it, and I think that Palin has the kind of "celebrity" that other GOP women can't match, but I do think that the GOP now has more options when it comes to women. I think that Palin is largely the creation of the left and the media which seem to loathe female social conservatives, especially of the more "attractive" kind. When you have one of them who fights back again those same groups - and in a quirky way at that - you have the kind of situation which creates a national buzz.
August 30, 2012 at 11:48 pm #25892donroc
ParticipantThe media/dems will keep Palin “alive” for she is the one GOP female they love to hate. I went through the “minority” hell treatment inflicted by the spurned dems when I supported Eisenhower in '52 and '56, same as Latino and Black conservatives today. All venom, no substance in their arguments.
August 31, 2012 at 12:15 am #25893skiguy
ModeratorI kind of agree with donroc, Palin is irrelevant as far as she'll never be in office again. I don't think she'll go away anytime soon, and I hope she doesn't. She attacks the left very well and often in a humorous way. She still gets them all riled up. 😀 If Romney wins, and Republicans win Congress, she could be good support (and will hopefully speak up when they're wrong).
August 31, 2012 at 1:57 pm #25894scout1067
ParticipantJust watched Eastwood's speech at the RNC. Great speech and he had a bunch of pretty good zingers in there. I knew he was a great actor, I did not know he was such a good political speaker.
September 10, 2012 at 1:41 pm #25895scout1067
ParticipantAlright Donnie. You say you won't vote for Romney because Mormonism is a cult. I saw the perfect quote about this today and decided to throw it at you because voting for Johnson is akin to P#$$$G into the wind, pointless. This came off a discussion forum: "The only candidate that isn't denying his faith in God is Romney and all of us Christians need to take note of that. A vote for Obama is a vote for a Godless leader although i use that Term Leader very loosely." Whether I agree with his faith or not, Romney at least has the intestinal fortitude to acknowledge what he believes as opposed to Obama who says what he thinks will get him elected. If for nothing else, I respect Romney for that.
September 10, 2012 at 4:41 pm #25896DonaldBaker
ParticipantMormonism is of Satan. It's not Christian period. He admits faith to a false god. I'd rather have an atheist in than a cult follower.
September 11, 2012 at 5:55 pm #25897scout1067
ParticipantMormonism is of Satan. It's not Christian period. He admits faith to a false god. I'd rather have an atheist in than a cult follower.
How very doctrinaire of you. That is no better than voting for someone you despise as long as they support abortion rights. If you are waiting for the perfect candidate that agrees with you 100% I am afraid you are waiting in vain.
September 12, 2012 at 4:53 am #25898DonaldBaker
ParticipantHow very doctrinaire of you. That is no better than voting for someone you despise as long as they support abortion rights. If you are waiting for the perfect candidate that agrees with you 100% I am afraid you are waiting in vain.
No. There was Ron Paul. He might be flaky, he might seem a little goofy, but he was the most intelligent man running for high office since Woodrow Wilson and the most honest since Lincoln. I would have followed that man proudly if he were my president. He inspired me in numerous ways, and when he was rejected for the nomination it pretty much signaled to me that America is dead.
September 12, 2012 at 5:13 pm #25899scout1067
ParticipantNo. There was Ron Paul. He might be flaky, he might seem a little goofy, but he was the most intelligent man running for high office since Woodrow Wilson and the most honest since Lincoln. I would have followed that man proudly if he were my president. He inspired me in numerous ways, and when he was rejected for the nomination it pretty much signaled to me that America is dead.
I dont even know what to say to that. All I can do is shake my head. 🙁
September 13, 2012 at 5:52 am #25900DonaldBaker
ParticipantI dont even know what to say to that. All I can do is shake my head. 🙁
Why shake your head at a man of CHARACTER? Ron Paul is the embodiment of a man of character and trust. He's the only politician in my lifetime I can unequivocally say I believe cannot lie to the American public. It's very saddening to me that he is laughed at and scorned the way he has been. All the man has ever tried to do is get people to realize that our Constitution is in jeopardy and we need to take measures to preserve our way of life before this great nation is destroyed by the burdens of empire and social decay.
September 14, 2012 at 8:40 am #25901scout1067
ParticipantRon Paul may have character, I will not dispute that. I also think he is one of the few honest politicians in Washington. It is that very honesty that scares me because he has some pretty flaky ideas. His isolationist bent is one of the scariest, does he really think we can withdraw from engagement with the world? That is a pipe dream, our economy and infrastructure would collapse were we to do so because of the loss of manufacturing capability over the past 40 years. His ideas on fixing the currency are also unworkable. The biggest hurdle is that nobody, and I mean nobody, will vote for his program. He is Don Quixote tilting at windmills. I would rather vote for someone less extreme who has a semi-realistic chance of enacting reform than someone like Ron Paul or Gary Johnson who have the snowball’s proverbial chances of getting elected in the first place and getting anything done in the event of a miracle in the second. I will be the first to admit that Romney is not my ideal candidate, far from it, as you well know. That does not detract from the fact that my candidate lost in the primaries for whatever reason and I have my suspicions there. If the choice is Romney or Obama, then I will choose Romney because anything is better than Obama. If we, as conservatives, put Romney over the top to election then he owes us. Picking Ryan as his VP is a good sign that he knows he is somewhat beholden to the Tea Party and we will hold him to account if he strays from fiscal responsibility. Romney's religion is a non-issue for me, at least he has one and stick's by it, unlike the current denizen of the Oval Office. Refusing to vote in November is not standing on principle, it is childish sulking whether you are willing to admit or not. The bottom line is Romney is someone who will defend America and can be pushed to do the right thing budget wise. We know Obama is neither. In light of that I don’t see how anyone can in good conscience vote for Obama licitly or implicitly by refusing to vote at all. By refusing to vote you become part of what is wrong with politics by being party to the problem instead of voting for solutions however flawed.
September 14, 2012 at 10:26 am #25902skiguy
ModeratorWith all this crap in the Middle East the past few days (anti_Islam film to blame? I think not. This is just the way these animals behave. That this happened on the anniversary of 9-11 is no mere coincidence), what would Ron Paul do? OBAMA HAS GOT TO GO
September 14, 2012 at 2:59 pm #25903Phidippides
KeymasterI agree a lot of what Scout says above. I respect Donnie's reservations about Romney's religion, although I ultimately disagree with his conclusions. Donnie, I don't want you to feel like we're ganging up on you about your position on not voting (and I feel like we've discussed this multiple times in the past already).So setting that aside, my take on this election is simply that America is currently experiencing a slow-motion trainwreck at the hands of Obama. I know they probably say this about every election, but I feel like this upcoming election is critical to the very survival of America as we know it. Just on the level social morals, Obama has been awful. Millions of young people probably turn a blind eye to other things so long as Obama will protect their ability to elevate their sexual "rights" above all else. It's as if the inmates are in control of the asylum.What in the world will happen when the government starts trying to collect fines for companies which have defied the HHS mandate forcing employers to pay for birth control? It is insane that a president would bring our nation to this - the persecution of Christian companies in order to pay for the sexual activities of people at large. And if the government can curtail certain religious practices, what else will he try to do next term? This is Obama's legacy.This doesn't even get to the things that will ultimately destroy America as a sovereign nation, which is our debt. From what I understand, we are about to go off a fiscal cliff. Obama seems intent on speaking of program after program which will continue the governmental spending spree. I think this is a far more serious issue than we are led to believe in the media, and do not know how America figures to survive for another 20 years.So for me, anyone but Obama will do. Romney is no ideal candidate, but I would much prefer a neutral president who throws an occasional bone to us (Supreme Court nominee, removal of controversial funding policies, etc.) than one who governs from the left and will bring us to ruin.
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