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July 5, 2012 at 4:32 am #25799
ParticipantHe needs to call Obamacare the subversion of the Republic and not offer something to “replace” it. I'm sorry Phid, but Romney is no better for the country than the one already in office. Our liberties are at stake. Both plan to build more intrusive government. They just disagree on the details of how to do it.
July 5, 2012 at 1:08 pm #25800scout1067
ParticipantAt this point who wins the presidency is pretty irrelevant. I agree with the Donnie that the difference between Romney and Obama is that of degree and not of kind. I will still vote for Romney as the lesser of two evils though. More importantly, I still maintain that the fight for Congress is the more important. Specifically, the House and their power of the purse. They need to shut government down and force the executive to stick to it's enumerated powers. That is the only hope to control the train wreck that the US economy and government is fast becoming.I am not yet without hope that complete disaster can be averted.
July 5, 2012 at 2:22 pm #25801Phidippides
KeymasterI think that each of us has our own position on the candidates that isn't really changing. I do see the position of POTUS as highly relevant merely because it has so much power – stated or implied – attached to it. I also think that Romney would be a significant contrast to Obama. I think Romney would govern from center-right rather than from the right, but this result would be huge since Obama governs from the left (and he is likely to get more radical come a second term when he has no re-election to face).Sadly, I am starting to agree more and more with Notch's statement. Unless some big changes were made, I see the projection of the U.S. as one that is very much downhill, both in economic and social matters. The recent HHS insurance mandate which denies a conscience exception to religious companies is a big sign of our decline. When and if it goes into effect this Fall, many Catholic organizations (hospitals and other businesses) are going to be forced to comply with the mandate or pay fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I know that a number of them are going to chose the latter option. Why is Obama doing this? Obama is going to thrust the knife of modern sexual liberalism into the heart of the First Amendments (the letter of the law or at least the spirit of it). This kind of act seems unprecedented for a U.S. president to do. In the end, Obama is content to sacrifice American social and economic principles - those which have made our nation great - on the altar of his leftist utopia. Romney would never do this. He would never break the back of the First Amendment like Obama is doing. This is only one example, but there are others we could come up with. No, Romney and Obama are not the same. The latter just makes me extremely frustrated at times, and I fear him because of what he is doing (and capable of doing) to our country. Romney may not end all our problems, but he certainly won't usher them in at the same rate as the current occupier of 1600 Pennsylvania.
July 5, 2012 at 4:19 pm #25802DonaldBaker
ParticipantRomney would and will continue to undermine the constitution as he ratchets up the police state. Pick your poison.
July 5, 2012 at 7:51 pm #25803skiguy
ModeratorRomney was governor of MA when they passed gay marriage. Even socially, Romney is not unlike Obama.We need a President who is hardline pro-family (regular, normal family) because this is the root of our problems.
July 6, 2012 at 1:09 am #25804Daniel
ParticipantWho really thinks a GOP Congress will stop Romney when he goes Left?
Perhaps. But I don't see Romney as going a far left has Obama has gone...and definitely not as far left as Obama will go in his second term. (For example, I don't see Romney as ever favoring same sex marriage.)Romney was not my choice in the primaries. But I'd rather see him become president than see Obama have a second term.
July 6, 2012 at 1:31 am #25805donroc
ParticipantAnd there is foreign policy to consider including more apology tours by Obama if he wins a 2nd term.
July 6, 2012 at 5:00 am #25806DonaldBaker
ParticipantI'm sorry I will not vote for Mittens. I definitely won't vote for Obamanation. I might vote for the Libertarian candidate if he makes it on Kentucky's ballot.
July 6, 2012 at 10:30 am #25807scout1067
ParticipantMy reasons for voting for Romney versus urinating into the wind voting Libertarian or anything else remain the same. Yes, Romney and Obama are very similar but it comes down to the same conundrum we have faced since the the 1996 election. Do we vote for the Democrat or Republican weasel. I made a mistake in 1996 and chose not to vote and I am convinced that if more people had not done what I did we would not have had four more years of Clinton. I am not going to make the same mistake now and throw away my vote. Plus, I think the Libertarian is just as flaky, if not more so, than Ron Paul.The problem once again is that there are no good choices on the ballot.Incidentally, I just commented on a story at WND about Obama's SSN. The flakes came out of the wall with all their NWO talk and it is all a communist plot crap. I am amazed that these folks can not see reason and realize how they are wasting their time with such garbage when their energy would be better spent ensuring he gets tossed out in November. It is almost as though a certain segment of society thinks a second Civil War is desirable. Having personally been in combat, I think that just about every solution sort of civil war is preferable.
July 6, 2012 at 6:31 pm #25808DonaldBaker
ParticipantYeah I'm sitting this one out. I can't see the difference in the two.
July 7, 2012 at 6:46 am #25809scout1067
ParticipantYeah I'm sitting this one out. I can't see the difference in the two.
That is my point, sitting it out is as good as a vote for Obama or at least for maintaining the status quo.
July 7, 2012 at 12:22 pm #25810donroc
ParticipantI echo that. Romney may be far from ideal, but he is no Obama. He did spend his formative years in the USA not in a Madras or have a Marxist mother and associates like Ayres. Political pouting does not good. I am old enough to remember dems in San Francisco voting for Henry Wallace in 1948 because they thought Truman was no FDR and not up to the job. And those who voted for Perot probably gave us Billery. Voting for the lesser of two evils may indeed prevent the evilist of two lessers from being reelected.
July 7, 2012 at 4:25 pm #25811DonaldBaker
ParticipantThey are the same period. The differences are so minute it's not worth mentioning. Romney is a corporate hack/fascist and Obama is a socialist hack/fascist. Both adhere to fascism (granted not on the Nazi scale), but they both prefer a plutocracy or oligarchy where government is more centralized and intrusive. If Romney gets in, he won't undo anything Obama did including Obamacare. He might repeal it, but he will replace it with his own version which will be just as wrong for the country. Romney is as likely to drag us into another Middle East war as Obama. Both will raise taxes in some form or another. Romney will cater to big corporations who have bought him off. Obama will cater to big interest groups who have paid him off. Both are beholden to the big banks. Romney might be more friendly to Israel than Obama, but then again, he might sell them out too. Just what is there to like about Romney? What made him so special to rise to the head of the GOP class? He's not as smart as Newt Gingrich. He's not as loyal to the constitution as Ron Paul. He's not as passionate as Rick Santorum. He's the ultimate mixture of mediocrity and bland. He's an elitist and a follower of a religion that is really really messed up. He actually might be worse than what we have if that were possible. He's certainly no better. Vote for who you want, but if you are voting because you think he will be different, you are going to be sorely disappointed.
July 7, 2012 at 8:44 pm #25812donroc
ParticipantQuite a screed.We do have a House and Senate. If they both go republican and vote as we "hope" do you really believe Romney would veto any repeal of Obama care? I do not. Even so, I can well imagine if a republican majority in the House and Senate were to pass repeals of Obamacare and Romney vetoed them, there would be calls for his impeachment by his own party. Then his VP choice becomes significant.I have been disappointed by every President in my lifetime ( except Johnson, Carter, and Obama) who were/are as bad if not worse than I expected) to some degree because all are human and make mistakes of commission or omission, some more egregious than others.but imo Obama is pathologically narcissistic. I'll take my chances with Romney and the Republicans over a megalomaniac backed by overt Marxists and other pavers of the road to Hell. "The health care bill I passed ...." That shows yet again what he thinks of our Constitution and Congress and his exalted self.
July 7, 2012 at 10:06 pm #25813scout1067
ParticipantDonnie,I plain think you are wrong. I have said it several times and repeat it again. In this election it is Congress that is important. The only reason to vote for Romney is to get rid of Obama and his penchant for rule by decree through XO. I just don't Romney has the cojones to go that far and a Republican Congress can stop him. A republican Congress is our last, best hope to avoid revolution and I am not certain that is enough.I also think the country is on the road to revolutionary change. Whether that change will be violent remains to be seen. i hope not but am willing to do everything to avoid such a pass, mainly because I think the rest of the world would become involved in internal American affairs if that were to happen, much like we have meddled in the internal affairs of others over the past 60+ years and the cure would be worse than the disease.
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