Welcome to the newly upgraded forum to 1.1.1! As you can see there are some new features to this forum, as well as some that have not be able to be adopted. 😡 Alterations will continue so please excuse our mess as we renovate!
By the way, if you go into your forum profile settings you can add your “Favorite Historical Period” preference now and it won't show up double. Enjoy.
I miss my intrest 🙁 And what happened to my short sword? how am I to defend myself against Mongolians, Huns and Canadians? Also what happened to spell check? You took my crutch!
Indeed, I will have to reset the shop back up, including the interest building. Really, once I changed hosts the spell check was gone. It was possible because of something the host had installed. If you're using IE 7 there may be an add on or feature for spell check in your browser. I'm using the Firefox browser now and it underlines words I spell wrong in red, so it's like a build-in spell checker. Kind of neat.
Just right click the word in question as you're typing it and it will give you a set of options. You have to have IEspellchecker though for it to work.
Phid, I've noticed the last few days that every so often when I try to pull up WCF I get a page not available, its the only site it's been happening with, everything else has been fine.
That's interesting, but it hasn't been happening to me. What screen do you see when it's “not available”? Try refreshing your screen when it happens. In Internet Explorer, click the F5 key, or better yet press the Control key and F5 at the same time and see what happens.
Sometimes the forum has a glitch connecting to the database where all the posts are stored. It's normal and happens with most open source software like smf or phpbb. Pay it no mind. 😀
I am still having to refresh 3 or 4 times to pull up this site. And only this site. Anybody have any suggestions?
Delete your cookies and start all over. I'd say it's a cookie issue, but it might be something else. I've had no problems on here at all, and as a matter of fact, the forum has been loading much quicker with this new host than it did with the old one.
what does it mean when you see that a 'guest' is posting on a particular thread and then the post never appears?
It may mean that a search engine or other robot clicked on the "post" button....well they didn't really click on it, but they followed the link. However, they're not actually going to do any posting of actual messages.