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October 4, 2007 at 5:57 am #880
ParticipantModerator: I did not know where to put this, so I put it here. Please fill free to move the thread if need be.I was really never very aware of Freemasons. A few months ago I was in the book story, just browsing around. I came across Secrets of the Freemasons, by Michael Bradley. Started flipping through it, ended up buying it and finishing it in like two readings.A truly amazing read. Honestly, kind of scary. I was left with a really sick feeling over what I had discovered. That freemasons are so woven into the fabric of our society. That Washington DC street layout was influenced by the Freemason, George Washington. The layout clearly having the demonic goathead and pentagram. The meaning of the many obelisks, buildings, their positioning, the design of our currency, and much more. Not to mention the New World Order, and Albert Pikes visions of three world wars.Question to anyone that has spent time considering Freemasons. What is the ultimate purpose and meaning of such an ever present organization?
October 5, 2007 at 8:20 am #10010Stumpfoot
ParticipantWhere you get your info about freemasons makes a huge difference, the last place you want to look is towards conspiracy theories. You will get two sides to every story. I will be the first to admit though they are a strange orginization. By the way welcome to the WCF!
October 5, 2007 at 2:35 pm #10011Phidippides
KeymasterI have long heard some strange things about them as well, things that I tend to believe. What's interesting is that you can see how it has been included in symbolism in different things. I've heard that the dollar bill has a number of symbolic references. I've also heard that the baseball diamond was based on a masonic symbol, and if you think about it the symbols do match up. I saw a diagram of a masonic temple in Amsterdam one time from I believe the 17th Century that looked just like a baseball diamond format. Also, look at this painting and the thing around Washington's neck:http://dcpages.com/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=House-of-the-Temple&id=DSC05082
October 5, 2007 at 4:42 pm #1001219XX!
ParticipantWhere you get your info about freemasons makes a huge difference, the last place you want to look is towards conspiracy theories. You will get two sides to every story. I will be the first to admit though they are a strange orginization. By the way welcome to the WCF!
Thanks for the welcome. I think that the book that I read presents a reasonable view of Freemasons. From what I can see, it mostly presents what look like informational facts.Such as, how wide spread the organization is. I doubt you will find a town of any size that does not have a Masonic temple. A list of historical American and world figures that were members, probably mostly accurate, a very long list. Various Masonic symbols within currency, and street layout of DC, and design of monuments there.On the back of the one dollar bill. Annuit Coeptis, Novaus Ordo Seclorum. (New World Order). Draw a line from the M of Seclorum to the A of Annuit to the O of Ordo to the S of Coeptis to the N of Novas. Its a pentagram. The letters spell MASON. The same picture has the ever watching eye. Another Mason symbol.One small example above. It goes on and on. The entire layout of DC has demonic and Masonic symbols, from the layout of the White house to the Pentagon, to the positioning of major buildings, to the grid that makes up DC itself.All those things appear to be facts. To me, what is unclear is what it all means. Frankly, after reading the book and looking around, I can not see any evidence to support any other conclusion than that Masons are basically some type of Pagan group. If anyone can point me to reasonable information that could explain the organizations purpose, or put them in a light other than Pagan and demonic, that would be appreciated.No, I'm not a "conspiracy theorist".
October 5, 2007 at 7:24 pm #10013H.H. Buggfuzz
ParticipantFrom what I find theFreemasons are anything but a demonic, pagan organiztion."Open to all faiths, Freemasonry has certain ?landmarks? by which they live. One landmark in-particular is an acknowledged faith in God."This Quote from What Is A Freemason:http://www.freemasoninformation.com/General/whatisamason.htmOne one the best men I ever had the pleasure of knowing was a 33 degree Mason(My wife's great uncle)Buggfuzz
October 6, 2007 at 3:59 am #1001419XX!
ParticipantFrom what I find theFreemasons are anything but a demonic, pagan organiztion."Open to all faiths, Freemasonry has certain ?landmarks? by which they live. One landmark in-particular is an acknowledged faith in God."This Quote from What Is A Freemason:http://www.freemasoninformation.com/General/whatisamason.htmOne one the best men I ever had the pleasure of knowing was a 33 degree Mason(My wife's great uncle)Buggfuzz
The article indicates that Freemasonry is a craft (several times). It also states that it has been denounced by Catholic, Christian, and Islamic faiths as heretic.
October 7, 2007 at 1:54 am #10015Widows Son
ParticipantA truly amazing read. Honestly, kind of scary. I was left with a really sick feeling over what I had discovered. That freemasons are so woven into the fabric of our society. That Washington DC street layout was influenced by the Freemason, George Washington. The layout clearly having the demonic goathead and pentagram. The meaning of the many obelisks, buildings, their positioning, the design of our currency, and much more. Not to mention the New World Order, and Albert Pikes visions of three world wars.Question to anyone that has spent time considering Freemasons. What is the ultimate purpose and meaning of such an ever present organization?
Yes, Freemasonry is "woven into the fabric of society." In fact, the principles embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution reflect Masonic principles.The primary tenets of Freemasonry are brotherly love, relief and truth (some areas say "morality" instead of "truth"). In most jurisdictions, any man 21 or older who believes in a Supreme Being may petition a lodge to become a Mason.It is said that "Freemasonry is a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols." It is dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the All-Seeing Eye of Deity. In other words, Freemasonry exists as a reminder that we should treat all men as brothers. Symbols in general, of course, can mean whatever you want them to mean. To me there is no such thing as a "demonic goathead and pentagram," but if you choose to interpret them that way, that's okay with me. In Freemasonry, there is no symbolic goathead, and a pentagram, after all, is just a star. Nothing "evil" about a star, no matter what way it points, unless you believe it to be so.There are many Masonic symbols, and sometimes many levels to their meanings. However, none of the meanings is evil. Fundamentalists and conspiracy theorists love to repeat the long-debunked lies of Leo Taxil, who made up all the "evil Masons" stuff over a hundred years ago to further the animosity between Catholics and Freemasons, after he was spurned by both groups. Taxil admitted his hoax on his deathbed, but that hasn't stopped five generations of anti-Masons from repeating his fiction.For a quick history of Freemasonry from 1425 to the present, see my synopsis of Prof. Andrew Prescott's work. Or read his original speech.The "thing" around W. Bro. George Washington's neck is simply a Past Master's jewel. It signifies he was a Past Master of his lodge. You can read more about the Past Master's jewel. In that artwork he is performing a dedication ceremony for the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol. After leveling the stone, he would pour corn, oil and wine on it.Widow's Son
December 23, 2007 at 8:56 am #10016History Farts
ParticipantInteresting. I wonder why they are so, for lack of a better word, shy? They don't come knocking on one's door like the 7 Day Wonders, or Kirbey vacuum salesmen, yet they seem pervasive thoughout our culture, remaining mysterious, aloof, even. Just wondering.
December 23, 2007 at 4:52 pm #10017Wally
ParticipantInteresting. I wonder why they are so, for lack of a better word, shy? They don't come knocking on one's door like the 7 Day Wonders, or Kirbey vacuum salesmen, yet they seem pervasive thoughout our culture, remaining mysterious, aloof, even. Just wondering.
More truthfully they are just a bit on the discerning side; I was once told that membership is offered to those that a member sees as a proper addition to the group. Sounds sort of exclusive but many groups might be better served if they were invite only (MHO). Sadly this is seen by most as discriminatory behavior.Wally
February 16, 2008 at 3:27 am #10018History Farts
ParticipantBut that is clearly discriminating. To limit discrimintation to those supposedly less dicriminatory is like saying, “We allow you to wear white sheets and set fires on you neighbors's lawn, as long as you are not discriminatory. Give me a break!What a bunch of Arkansas Red Necked Crackers, covered with sheets, carrying torches. Don't discriminate? What a cracker, red neck joke. You foolish souther red necked Arkansas crackers need to tar and feather each other, then paste your selfs to rails, and allow your stupid, red-necked, biggoted ass to be run out of town, and burned, in you own tar and feathers. This will clearly be good for America! Run those stupid rats into the river, then set fire to them.Yes sirs, and ladies, this the best course for dumb southern democrats and republicans. Seeings how none of them have the basic sence to serve this country, as opposed to their own stupid politcal asses, I say, run all their asses out of town. And this country. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I support shipping all politcians overseas, to see if we can reduce their salaries there. I mean, they don't even have to work for us anymore. They are not working for us anyhow, so, I see it as an incredible fiduciary move. I mean, do politicains have any real value? They just waste our tax money. Best we rid ourselves of them.And, the sooner, the better.Ladies, and gentlemen, when you vote later this year, vote them all out. I, for one, am tired of the same old s*^%. Let's put an end to now.
February 16, 2008 at 10:24 pm #10019Wally
February 16, 2008 at 11:42 pm #10020Phidippides
I second that.
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