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March 28, 2010 at 10:03 pm #19847
ParticipantAre we rehabilitating Hitler like we were Stalin now?
March 28, 2010 at 11:23 pm #19848willyD
ParticipantOh my goodness no. I merely posted a thesis about Hitler. It seems to be born out by my reading of the published evidence. That he was a creature of evil incarnate is without question. That the Holocaust did in fact happen is an historical fact. But, his mindset at the beginning is not so easily plumbed and I set forth a thesis that I invite you to attack and destroy with historical evidence. For example: If he had said in his book:"While fighting against the British in France, I came to the realization that this war, like many others, is aresult of a Jewish plot. If I survive I swear to devote my life to eradicating these parasites from the face of the earth by shooting, hanging, burning, gassing, crucifixtion and any other means I can think of--so help me God."Now that would make my little thesis seem silly.I think my initial comments about Stalin were nicely supported by subsequent posts.
March 28, 2010 at 11:35 pm #19849DonaldBaker
ParticipantOh my goodness no. I merely posted a thesis about Hitler. It seems to be born out by my reading of the published evidence. That he was a creature of evil incarnate is without question. That the Holocaust did in fact happen is an historical fact. But, his mindset at the beginning is not so easily plumbed and I set forth a thesis that I invite you to attack and destroy with historical evidence. For example: If he had said in his book:"While fighting against the British in France, I came to the realization that this war, like many others, is aresult of a Jewish plot. If I survive I swear to devote my life to eradicating these parasites from the face of the earth by shooting, hanging, burning, gassing, crucifixtion and any other means I can think of--so help me God."Now that would make my little thesis seem silly.I think my initial comments about Stalin were nicely supported by subsequent posts.
The problem with any historical figure is we cannot get inside their heads. Any thesis that is presented trying to do so is doomed to failure. Your thesis, on the other hand, is safe because we cannot dig Hitler up from hell or wherever his evil soul went to, and plug a probe to his head to record his thoughts. On a matter such as this, he would not have telegraphed his intentions before his rise to power, and even in power, he would not have wanted a paper trail of evidence in case he was ever held accountable for it. So how can we dispute your thesis without the inclusion of circumstantial evidence based on hearsay, second hand accounts, and implied logic? I mean that's all that is available to us, and Mein Kampf certainly gives us the implied intention to rid the world of Jewry before it can fulfill its hideous goal of taking over the world. Other than this, I don't know what to say.
March 29, 2010 at 12:00 am #19850willyD
ParticipantThen perhaps we have said enough. If anyone else chooses to reply, I shall answer, but I think you and I have expended our ammunition.Best regards--always a pleasure to conduct a dialogue of differences in a civil manner. Perhaps we could open a school for politicians and automobile agency employees.WillyD
March 29, 2010 at 10:21 am #19851scout1067
ParticipantWilly,I have to say that my knowledge of events prior to and during the Third Reich tend to make me agree with you.Hitler did not initially intend the extermination of the Jews, but he did not shed a tear over the prospect either. One of the things that any serious research into the holocaust will show is that the SS went out of their way to provide Hitler with what we would call "plausible deniability". To my knowledge there is absolutely no paper trail linking Hitler to the order to exterminate the Jews. There is much documentation about the Fuhrer's principles but nothing that says he ever explicitly wrote out an order calling for the extermination of the Jews along the lines of the famous "commissar order" he promulgated before the invasion of Russia. Hitler essentially wanted the Jews gone and did not care if gone meant shipped elsewhere or killed.
March 29, 2010 at 2:35 pm #19852willyD
ParticipantScout:Thank you for your succinct comment. I have to say that you leaped over all the misinformation and nailed it--excellent. A friend of mine who is in the computer business said that there were two kinds of people==those that read the manual and those that just winged it--Hitler was in the latter category, a lazydilettante. To Hitler, Jews were vermin. The goal was to rid Germany of them while the method wasmerely detail work--anathema to those who do not read manuals.
March 29, 2010 at 8:33 pm #19853DonaldBaker
ParticipantOkay, so what are we trying to say about Hitler? That he might not have actually initiated the holocaust, but just signed off on it after the fact?
March 29, 2010 at 10:03 pm #19854willyD
ParticipantNot quite. How about this. Hitler was a rabid anti-Semite, perhaps the worst of the crowd. Hisviews were well known and his lickspittles, always eager to curry favor, did everything they could thinkof to forward his program of ridding greater Germany of Jews. Perhaps' like Caligula, Hitler wishedthat the Jews (read the people of Rome) had but one neck so he could wring it. Anti-semitism was rampant in Germany and many other places in Europe so his rantings fell on fertile ground.The Holocaust was a latent horror.Thy tyranny of numbers, the problems of emigration and the coming of the war led to a situation whereonly something as drastic as the Holocaust could resolve the problem and fulfill the "leader's desire.So the Holocaust policy was the logical outcome of solving a problem by the application of industrialtechniques and Teutonic efficiency to a perceived social problem as envisioned by a soi disant "savior" of Germany--a madman. As fear as I can tell there was no master plan to kill the Jews in Germany or in theworld at large. Like Topsy, the policy just grew and grew until the unthinkable became commonplace.All this from a race that gave us Bach, Wagner, Beethoven, Luther, Einstein, Alexander von Humboldt,Mozart, Bismarck, Fritz Haber, Leopold von Ranke. Goethe, Billy Wilder and Marlene Dietrich--astonishing and horrible to contemplate.
March 30, 2010 at 8:33 pm #19855scout1067
ParticipantNot quite. How about this. Hitler was a rabid anti-Semite, perhaps the worst of the crowd. Hisviews were well known and his lickspittles, always eager to curry favor, did everything they could thinkof to forward his program of ridding greater Germany of Jews. Perhaps' like Caligula, Hitler wishedthat the Jews (read the people of Rome) had but one neck so he could wring it. Anti-semitism was rampant in Germany and many other places in Europe so his rantings fell on fertile ground.The Holocaust was a latent horror.Thy tyranny of numbers, the problems of emigration and the coming of the war led to a situation whereonly something as drastic as the Holocaust could resolve the problem and fulfill the "leader's desire.So the Holocaust policy was the logical outcome of solving a problem by the application of industrialtechniques and Teutonic efficiency to a perceived social problem as envisioned by a soi disant "savior" of Germany--a madman. As fear as I can tell there was no master plan to kill the Jews in Germany or in theworld at large. Like Topsy, the policy just grew and grew until the unthinkable became commonplace.All this from a race that gave us Bach, Wagner, Beethoven, Luther, Einstein, Alexander von Humboldt,Mozart, Bismarck, Fritz Haber, Leopold von Ranke. Goethe, Billy Wilder and Marlene Dietrich--astonishing and horrible to contemplate.
+1Well put.
March 31, 2010 at 2:37 am #19856willyD
ParticipantWell put!?Huzzah--a compliment--open the bottle of French wine!
March 31, 2010 at 1:09 pm #19857Aetheling
ParticipantWell put!?Huzzah--a compliment--open the bottle of French wine!
A Pinot Noir would be warmly welcome ! (seems that you have some great "c?page" in the US too)http://www.tastings.com/wine/best_producers/us_pinot_noir.html Btw, I fully agree with your last post ...
March 31, 2010 at 3:23 pm #19858Wally
ParticipantWell put!?Huzzah--a compliment--open the bottle of French wine!
....Btw, I fully agree with your last post ...
I too agree, with one small bug however. It may be a small point but if we could get beyond it we'd be better for itm IMHO. This (an small snippet) from a handout I used in all my history classes:III. Culture-- confused with "race" & other things: 1. We are all Homo sapiens, sapiens; race a biologically meaningless term. 2. Ethnicity and nationality; while these factors do play a role in our individual (and collective) culture, they are not, in and of, themselves the determining factors of that culture and therefore be treated, at first glance, as visible behaviors that may or may not truly reflect the underlying values. Neither of these are factors that an individual has control over. a) ethnicity-- what some people would consider "races"; based loosely on physical traits that are old adaptations to environmental stresses put on our ancestors (their survival insured that these traits remained in the gene pool). Organisms that do not adapt to such stresses do not, as a rule, remain a major part of the breeding population. We will discuss this more fully in class. b) nationality-- again something the some people consider to be "race"; in reality, nothing more than where you, or your ancestors, came from, or what "national group" you or they identify with. It must be noted hear that the term "nationality" does not necessarily mean a "country"... confused? Good. We will straighten this out in class, as well.Race is the Indy 500 and such events... nothing to do with humankind unless we run in them (or against the rats)....
March 31, 2010 at 6:39 pm #19859willyD
ParticipantRace may be a biologically meaningless term, but sociologically and culturally it is used and abusedregularly. As my grandmother said to my sister " Get that dirty............. .off my porch.
March 31, 2010 at 8:23 pm #19860Wally
ParticipantRace may be a biologically meaningless term, but sociologically and culturally it is used and abusedregularly. As my grandmother said to my sister " Get that dirty............. .off my porch.
... and the term will be misused and hang around as long as we allow it to be used without comment. I'm pretty sure I know what Granny said and that term (as abhorant as it may be) can be applied to an ethnic group; main point I've always tried to make to the kids (and others, for that matter)... is that hating someone is allowed (not prefered, but allowed) if you hate them for something that is within their control. Color of skin, type of hair, etc. aren't allowed... no one gets to file an app to be born into a certain ethnicity or nationality (or crosses thereof either). As I also told them I'd have asked to look like Tom Sellick rather than my avatar.
March 31, 2010 at 8:50 pm #19861Vulture6
ParticipantKind of chiming in late on this conversation, but I think that an examination of history will show that the “Final Solution” evolved over time and the course of the war. As stated by others above, elimination of the Jewish race was not an initial goal of Hitler and the Social Democrats. As late as 1939-1940 he was still toying (unrealistically) with shipping all the Jews in Europe off to Madagascar.When the Nazi's conquered Poland they began relocating Jews from Germany to "the General Government" with the goal of relocating them out of Germany to Poland (or some other land) but the Gauleiters (local German officials in the occuppied territories) had no viable means of handling them. As this situation grew worse, they were herded into ghettos and camps - some camps where they were used as labor. As time passed, and it became obvious that there was no viable way to "relocate" the Jews, they started on the idea of working them to death. Sometime between when they first started transferring Jews to the General Government in the newly conquered territories and the launch of Barbarossa views changed and it became much more expedient for the Nazis to simply eliminate new populations of Jews that they came across rather than further relocating them. Of course relocation continued -as did wholesale slaughter of "Soviet" Jews. Remember - Hitler sold the invasion of the Soviet Union as a stike against "Jewish-Bolshevism" and against "Asiatics" and it was, from the very start, a war of anihilation instead of simply a war of conquest.Never a stable individual, I think that from a distance we can see how Hitler's mental state and faculties declined (decayed?) over the last 10 to 15 years of his life (was it the syphalis?). Never a paragon of rationality or morality, he became increasingly irrational and amoral (and obsessed) as the war progressed.
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