Interesting. Sometimes when you look at who's online, it says Google spider; registering for an account, or something like that. can a spammer disguise themselves as something legit?
I don't think that's the case. I think that instead Google is examining the registration page on this site, so it looks like it's signing up. But so far, no one named Google has ever created an account here. 🙂
I don't think that's the case.? I think that instead Google is examining the registration page on this site, so it looks like it's signing up.? But so far, no one named Google has ever created an account here. 🙂
Thats good, I'm not sure I could take anyone named Google seriously, but then again this is comeing from someone calling himself Stumpfoot. 😀
I posted a link here over at, it's a writer forum, alot of history buffs over there, hope you dont mind. If your not comfortable with that let me know and I will go delete it.
Sure, I have no problem posting the link here (as long as it's not spamming anyone's forum, lol). Another tactic I've kind of tried is making intelligent postings on people's blogs and including a link back here in case anyone is interested.
I know that Donnie went away to Florida for a few days and I don't think he has regular access to a computer. As far as others…I think people just pop in from time to time.
I know that Donnie went away to Florida for a few days and I don't think he has regular access to a computer. As far as others...I think people just pop in from time to time.
Yeah I went to Florida for a few days and then got back to finish transferring NJC/NJO over to its new home so I have been busy. I haven't even spent much time on Christian Legacies either. I haven't forgotten about the place by any stretch. I just wish I could combine all my sites and this one into one great super site, but the content is just too diverse to do that. Might have to look into creating a webring for our sites Phid.
Maybe I'm reading things wrong, but when you look at the bottom and it shows you how many members have been online that day, it seems that it counts certain guests as users, why is that? Isnt a user someone who is registered and logged in with westerncivforum?
It counts all visitors on the site at one time in its calculation of “Most users online today:12”. The guests included in the calculation include search engines and other bots, as well as humans.
Have you given any more thought to how to go about getting new members? I noticed a couple from that website a placed the link on signed up, but they have yet to post. Also it seems a couple of good posters who were quite regular havent been on in a while.
I'm not sure how people move about. I think sometimes people come and go and then come back after a while. If you can find history blogs that people can comment on, please let me know. I haven't found all that many in the past.