I do not think it will be Romney, Huckabee, Palin or any of the other usual suspects. I have two possibilities and they are Jan Brewer and Rick Perry. I think both could make a good run at the nomination. As to how well they would do in a General election, I think for the most part that depends on how disgusted people get with the policies of the current congressional majority and President. What do you guys think?
I do not think it would be Jan Brewer, and I am surprised you put her name in here. Would she even consider running? I could see Perry being a more viable candidate, but again – I'm not sure he will run. I think it will be Romney, despite the fact that he's Mormon. Hey, if the nation can get past the race issue with a president, a religion issue shouldn't be that big of a hurdle….
I do not necessarily think it will be Brewer but she is somebody who is definitely raising her profile. I certainly do not think it will be Romney. I dislike Romney, but not because he is a Mormon; I could care less what his religion is so long as he is not Muslim. I dislike him because he signed the first universal health care bill into law.I do not think it will be anybody whose name we know right now and consider a player. I still maintain that any future candidate for 2012 will not come out of the mainstream party and will not be a prominent figure. If I had my druthers it would be Michael Steele but he has been tarnished by the financial scandal at the RNC. I think right now it is a toss-up.The only thing I am certain of right now is that I will not vote for a Democrat. My vote for any Republican candidate is contingent on their stance on issues I care about and their voting record if they previously held office. I would rather take a chance on an unknown right now than anybody who is currently in the public eye.
Third party and unknowns HAVE to be looked at if anyone wants any sort of real and substantial change. The two parties are so corrupt now that it is going to take a major, and I mean MAJOR shake up to get things back on track again. Even if a third party candidate doesn't win, it would ultimately lead to the two parties paying attention, perking their ears up and realizing the American people are tired of their nonsense, their political corruption and their self serving ideals.
IF he is the real deal then yes that is the kind of person that needs to step up to the plate. Personally, I want substance and not sound bites out of a candidate. For some reason, I distrust all politicians on principal. They are right up there(or down there) with lawyers on my respect-o-meter.
Here is another possibility: Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) Apparently he is making the hard decisions to bring fiscal sustainability back to NJ. A politician with the courage of his convictions, who'da thunk it?
Pretty much everything [url url=http://this guy]this guy[/url] says I agree with. Wish he was running. Maybe he'd be a good VP. But then again, maybe he'd be a better Speaker.
Wouldn't Petraeus be inclined to get us involved in more wars? He might very well be a good president I don't know, but I doubt he would want to draw us down from the war on terror having come from the military industrial complex himself.