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July 22, 2010 at 2:02 am #21084
ParticipantI'm to the point if a Conservative Democrat were to rise up out of nowhere, I would vote for him, her, or it. However, I've lost faith in the political party structure as it is. Both serve the same corporate interests, and as long as that is the case, their ideological differences will be inconsequential. I don't mean to sound cynical about it, but you cannot convince me that either party offers a viable solution to our nation's ills….especially since they both are responsible for the problems we now face. They both spend us into the ground, start open ended wars, and try to sell us a bill of goods that never quite pan out as they say. As long as the American people keep voting in the same elitist club of rulers, we can expect more of the same, and have no one to blame but ourselves.
July 22, 2010 at 2:11 am #21085scout1067
ParticipantI'm to the point if a Conservative Democrat were to rise up out of nowhere, I would vote for him, her, or it. However, I've lost faith in the political party structure as it is. Both serve the same corporate interests, and as long as that is the case, their ideological differences will be inconsequential. I don't mean to sound cynical about it, but you cannot convince me that either party offers a viable solution to our nation's ills....especially since they both are responsible for the problems we now face. They both spend us into the ground, start open ended wars, and try to sell us a bill of goods that never quite pan out as they say. As long as the American people keep voting in the same elitist club of rulers, we can expect more of the same, and have no one to blame but ourselves.
I tend to agree with you. Party affiliation does not matter so much as an individuals avowed stance on the issues and history of standing behind their stance.
July 22, 2010 at 2:35 am #21086Wally
ParticipantI'm in too. If the person is a Constitutionalist (consructionalist not revisionist) I can support someone from either party. At least until a viable third party arrives on the scene.
July 22, 2010 at 3:11 am #21087scout1067
ParticipantIsn't a Constitutionalist by definition a constructionist?The whole point of the Constituion is to interpret it in the way the founders wrote and intended it to be read. It is not like the founders did not leave us enough writings to tell us why they organized things the way they did. I have never read anything that hints the founders meant the Constitution to be "living document". If that was the case we would be like France and be on our 5th or 6th Republic by now.
July 22, 2010 at 4:06 am #21088Wally
ParticipantIsn't a constituionalist by definition a constructionist?...
For you and me... doubt many Obamaniacs understand this, after all they swore to preserve and defend the document... nothing about leaving it alone. 😛
July 22, 2010 at 12:15 pm #21089skiguy
ModeratorI do however, think they are letting the attacks on the left get to them. The Tea Party would be better served by ignoring the carping from the Left about the Tea Party being "racist". If they respond to those attacks they fall into the left's trap and let the left set the tone of the debate.
And if they don't respond, then it's left (pun intended) up to the media to "explain" it to the public. The Tea Party, or any good Republican, should just fight back whenever they are attacked personally or ideologically. I think this was Bush's biggest problem. He rarely fought back when the media or Democrats attacked him.
July 23, 2010 at 1:23 am #21090skiguy
ModeratorCall her dumb, uneducated, a novelty, whatever, but I still think Sarah Palin would straighten all this crap out right here and right now.Palin/Palin 2012, baby!
July 23, 2010 at 2:01 am #21091Hunleyfan
ParticipantInteresting Choices. I like Barbour but am not convinced that Jindal is the real deal. Jindal's claim to fame seems to be he is doing everything the Democrats in Louisiana don't want him to do. I would love to see somebody truly original come along. Preferably it would be somebody that is beholden to nobody, has original ideas, and has the money to finance a run without having to accept special interest money.The biggest problem is the system itself almost seems as if it is designed to ensure that anyone elected to high office is corrupted by the very process of getting there.
well guvnor barbour's rainy day fund has helped my state out i mean its tapped dry but concidering it helped us out during katrina and this economic trouble he is a great leader he is or was one of the few to be reelected in my states history
July 23, 2010 at 2:36 am #21092DonaldBaker
ParticipantInteresting Choices. I like Barbour but am not convinced that Jindal is the real deal. Jindal's claim to fame seems to be he is doing everything the Democrats in Louisiana don't want him to do. I would love to see somebody truly original come along. Preferably it would be somebody that is beholden to nobody, has original ideas, and has the money to finance a run without having to accept special interest money.The biggest problem is the system itself almost seems as if it is designed to ensure that anyone elected to high office is corrupted by the very process of getting there.
well guvnor barbour's rainy day fund has helped my state out i mean its tapped dry but concidering it helped us out during katrina and this economic trouble he is a great leader he is or was one of the few to be reelected in my states history
He might be one of those guys who is a great governor but would make a bad president. The people in Georgia loved Carter too, but he got in over his head in Washington.
July 23, 2010 at 7:57 am #21093scout1067
ParticipantI do however, think they are letting the attacks on the left get to them. The Tea Party would be better served by ignoring the carping from the Left about the Tea Party being "racist". If they respond to those attacks they fall into the left's trap and let the left set the tone of the debate.
And if they don't respond, then it's left (pun intended) up to the media to "explain" it to the public. The Tea Party, or any good Republican, should just fight back whenever they are attacked personally or ideologically. I think this was Bush's biggest problem. He rarely fought back when the media or Democrats attacked him.
The danger is that the Tea Party folks can get so busy responding to idiotic attacks that they do not get their message out. One of the strong points of the Tea Party is their faith that the average American is not an idiot as opposed to the left's belief that they are. If they truly believe that we are not all morons then they have to believe that the Average American can see through the transparent attacks designed to stifle the Tea Party. Anyone with any sense knows these attacks are meritless and by responding with explanations and expulsions the Tea Party lends some credence to them. The best thing the Tea Party could do and what I think they should do is dismiss the attacks and continue to drive home the message about smaller, less intrusive government and lower taxes. Anybody that believes the Tea Party is the modern reincarnation of the KKK as the left would have us believe is not listening to the Tea Party message in the first place.
July 23, 2010 at 11:34 am #21094scout1067
ParticipantHere is an interesting piece I saw on Politico today: Sarah Palin is at the top of her party, it was a link from Drudge. Now while I don't believe she will be the nominee in 2012 I certainly think she is a force to be reckoned with. She has shown herself to be quite the king/queenmaker in the primaries so far. One thing is certain, Palin is much smarter and has much more influence than many of the people that dismissed her during the presidential campaign realized.
July 23, 2010 at 2:23 pm #21095donroc
ParticipantSame old story, a popular republican-conservative is always seen as being stupid by the left or at best, and God forbid, not an intellectual. A native Californian, I heard nothing but scorn for Reagan from the time he ran for Governor until he left the White House. Dubya too. And now Palin. No one is as mentally deficient as the left portrays them or as intelligent and capable of running the country as they portray their favorites.
July 23, 2010 at 3:53 pm #21096scout1067
ParticipantSame old story, a popular republican-conservative is always seen as being stupid by the left or at best, and God forbid, not an intellectual. A native Californian, I heard nothing but scorn for Reagan from the time he ran for Governor until he left the White House. Dubya too. And now Palin. No one is as mentally deficient as the left portrays them or as intelligent and capable of running the country as they portray their favorites.
I could not agree more. Obama was portrayed as being next to Einstein, he sure seems to have made plenty of bone-headed decisions so far.
July 29, 2010 at 3:40 pm #21097Aetheling
ParticipantWhen Greg met Doug (Florida version) ;Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoOqmHNgPWs&feature=player_embedded
July 30, 2010 at 8:06 am #21098scout1067
ParticipantWhen Greg met Doug (Florida version) ;Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoOqmHNgPWs&feature=player_embedded
Politics is getting increasingly nasty in America. I am almost certain that if it were allowed anymore there would be some duels between opposing candidates.
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