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Star Trek class warships are more mobile and their shields render them completely impervious to fighter craft like a Tie Fighter with small power blaster cannons. The photon torpedo allows the Star Trek vessel to pound a star destroyer from greater range and can be targeted in pre selected firing sequences for more accurate strikes. The super star destroyer is huge and carries planetary assault assets such as imperial walkers and legions of storm troopers, but is susceptible to fighters as was proven in Return of the Jedi. Once the shield towers are knocked out, the super star destroyer is a sitting duck. Furthermore, a Sovereign class starship can fire from any direction with concentrated spreads whereas a star destroyer must maneuver in close for a side swipe where most of its cannons are located. All a Federation battlecruiser would have to do is get behind the star destroyer where it cannot fire concentrated bursts, and it's all over but the crying.
Chyeah. Amateurs. The Millenium Falcon alone could wipeout the whole Starfleet in less than 17 minutes.Game over!
A few years a go I wrote a crossover between these two franchises and after I studied the technologies I really felt it was inconclusive, though I did lean a little more towards the Federation. Anyway here is my feeble attempt at SicFi:http://www.fanfiction.net/secure/live_preview.php?storyid=1088220&chapter=1
Marriage customs in Ancient Babylon Ancient Babylonia was a society, which, although it did not …
In 407 B.C. and again in 405 B.C.. the Spartans in alliance with their old enemies, the Persians, …
I came across an article about the lemons and other citrus fruits in the ancient Roman world. …