Here is an excellent piece from Forbes about why Herman Cain is likely to be the nominee: Why Herman Cain Has The Potential To…Win. I especially like this line from the piece, “The media might call him just a “pizza guy.” They called Reagan just an actor.“
The MSM is going after Cain with a vengeance now aren't they. I don't think they will be able to Bork him, the sexual harassment charges seem pretty slim to me but the MSM is going out of its way to make this anthill into Mon Olympus. It is actually kind of disgusting and makes me like the guy that much more. What's next, are they going to claim he was a bully in school and pulled the wings off flies too?
That's because, as a black man, he isn't supposed to be a Conservative. The Progressives have been telling us that for years.I wouldn't doubt that this latest attack is coming from Romney or Perry. Cain is blaming Perry, but I think it's Romney who faces more of a threat from Cain.
I don't care who it comes from, I just find it disgusting that someone would rather dig up dirt than debate the man on the issues. Mudslinging is the political equivalent of Godwin's Law.
I think it's kind of a side issue. I think that people on the left have long since removed pretty much moved society to a position in which sexual “scandal” has to be pretty treacherous to be considered a hurdle to political office. I believe that Obama admitted to doing drugs in one of his books, and the public barely bats an eye. Only 20 years ago that type of activity raised eyebrows. Perhaps 50 years ago that would have prevented someone from even being considered. I don't even know whether the allegations against Cain are true or not, but the bar has been set pretty low in the area of morals for those seeking office.
Many companies have contingency funds to pay off sexual harrassment charges even if unfounded because defending them in court costs much more plus the negative publicity. One I know of told the attorneys to pay as little as possible but the max would be $250,000. Now, if that CEO/founder had run for President, you can imagine the type of questions he would have been asked. “Sir, is it not true you paid off X number of women?”
Many companies have contingency funds to pay off sexual harrassment charges even if unfounded because defending them in court costs much more plus the negative publicity. One I know of told the attorneys to pay as little as possible but the max would be $250,000. Now, if that CEO/founder had run for President, you can imagine the type of questions he would have been asked. "Sir, is it not true you paid off X number of women?"
I have heard this before and for some reason it does not surprise me.
It doesn't stop does it? Candidate Cain Denies Claim He Groped Woman Seeking His Help to Find Job I like this line from the article, it perfectly describes what the media is trying to do. “There’s no death blow for Herman Cain; it’s a death of a thousand cuts,” said Michael Robinson, a senior vice president at crisis management firm Levick Strategic Communications. “He’s going to die from excessive bleeding.” I predict that these allegations will have legs long enough to impact the primaries and as soon as it is certain that Cain will not win, they will quietly die. I think I am never going to read politico again for breaking this crap. I am also waiting for dems to accuse Republicans of a double standard because of the pillorying Clinton got in the 90s. They will conveniently ignore that for most people, me included, my problem wasnt' that Clinton cheated on his wife, it was that he lied about it under oath.The MSM has decided that Cain cannot win the primary because he would probably win against Obama. Accusations of sexual harassment are perfect to get Republican voters, who generally have more morals anyway, to turn away from Cain. I think I am more disgusted with American politics now than I have ever been in my life.
If Cain's numbers start dropping, which I think they will, I too will be more disgusted with American politics. At this rate, this nation and it's dumb, gullible voters deserves a second term by Obama.On the other hand, if Cain's popularity is unaffected by this, then maybe I'll maintain some hope and start believing that people are waking up to the crap thrown at them by the MSM. (I'm not holding my breath though)
On the other hand, if Cain's popularity is unaffected by this, then maybe I'll maintain some hope and start believing that people are waking up to the crap thrown at them by the MSM. (I'm not holding my breath though)
I am not holding my breath either. Every time I think I cannot be surprised by the ignorance of electorate I am.
I suppose the real test aside from political/$$$ corruption, should be everything sexual is acceptable as long as behavior real or merely unproven accusations do not go beyond the parameters established by Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Barney Frank, and Gary Studs.Be assured the 2012 election will be like a football or basketball game in which the referees, aka the MSM, blatantly and shamelessly support one side.
I suppose the real test aside from political/$$$ corruption, should be everything sexual is acceptable as long as behavior real or merely unproven accusations do not go beyond the parameters established by Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Barney Frank, and Gary Studs.Be assured the 2012 election will be like a football or basketball game in which the referees, aka the MSM, blatantly and shamelessly support one side.
I agree except the bar is set higher for Republicans. Democrats can literally get away with murder and get elected time and time again, just ask Teddy Kennedy. A sniff of something untoward is generally enough to sink a Republican. I still believe in Cain though. I find it extremely enlightening that these charges only came out after he was ahead in the polls. There was not a whisper of anything prior to that, he was ignored all spring because he was perceived as unelectable. I take the allegations coming out now as a sign that the MSM and, by extension the Democrats, are afraid of him.I will admit he has handled the whole thing rather badly. But then again, is there a good way to handle things like this other than ignore it, in which case the story takes on a life of it's own?