“There cannot be freedom without security nor true security without freedom.”I was looking about authoritarianism, totalitarianism and democracy when I found this interesting article from Victor Davis Hansonhttp://hnn.us/roundup/entries/51802.html What would be the limit for each system??
Is there a logical limit for Authoritarianism and totalitarianism? I would argue that there is not, both systems will do what they feel is required to stay in power. For proof look no further than the communist regime of your choice to see how far totalitarian states have been willing to go to maintain themselves in power.
Is there a logical limit for Authoritarianism and totalitarianism? I would argue that there is not, both systems will do what they feel is required to stay in power. For proof look no further than the communist regime of your choice to see how far totalitarian states have been willing to go to maintain themselves in power.
What about Authoritarianism ? How different than Totalitarianism? How far a Democracy can go to protect freedom without turning dictatorial?
How far a Democracy can go to protect freedom without turning dictatorial?
It's only dictatorial if there's no good reason for it. It depends on how much people are willing to take, and in many cases, it's personal preference. Personally, I feel more comfortable knowing a crowded place or area has higher security. I'd rather be safe than sorry by having to endure security checks rather than say, "wow, if they only had scanners, that guy with the bomb strapped to himself wouldn't have made it in." On the other hand, some view the security scanning at airports (and places like the Empire State Bldg) as an infringement on their rights. Apparently is doesn't bother too many people because business is still good.