I picked my own topic and I picked a tough one. If my professor picked a topic I might be done already. 🙂
In a sense there is some merit to have someone else pick research topics for you (not necessarily an MA thesis, but any paper). It means that there's a question out there that someone think has some scholarly validity, and if it turns out that you don't like the topic, you can always grudge through it while blaming the other person. It also forces you to get exposed to things that you might otherwise not have learned about had you picked the topic yourself.
Yea!!! I am finally done with my next piece of Sheepskin. I just got my last grade from my capstone IT course. My BS in IT should be confirmed by email next week with a diploma following in the next month or so. I am now even smarter than before… at least in theory. ;D The next question is if I am going to go on and get another Master's or not. I have not decided. :-
Then what was the point in getting your IT degree?
As a springboard for something nebulous and undetermined. 😀 I have to be honest here. IT does not excite me as much as I thought it would. I am seriously considering getting another history related degree and trying to make a go of writing. I just don't want to end up doing something I hate until I am 75 or 80 and can finally retire for good.
Maybe you should try your hand at teaching on the side. I imagine there are some community colleges in your area that could use someone with your expertise that only require a Masters. It could help support you while you write on the site.
My biggest problem is that I do not suffer fools gladly. Being a Drill Sergeant was ok because I could control the turds. You have nothing like that kind of control in a normal classroom.
My biggest problem is that I do not suffer fools gladly. Being a Drill Sergeant was ok because I could control the turds. You have nothing like that kind of control in a normal classroom.