Bingo! (I typed this in earlier today but somehow it got erased!) The Old North BridgeOld North Bridge[/wiki] in Concord, Mass. From the National Park Service it says this:
On the evening of April 18, 1775, General Thomas Gage sent approximately 700 British soldiers out to Concord (about 18 miles distant) to seize and destroy military stores and equipment known to be stockpiled in the town...Securing the bridges was necessary to prevent rebels from slipping across from remote parts of town to threaten the mission....Sometime after 9:00 a.m. the militiamen, believing the town was being set on fire, marched down upon the bridge....
According to that page the current bridge is I think the fifth one there. The one in my photograph must have been the fourth one, build around 1956. Here's a painting of the battle from the American Revolution from (public domain image).
You are correct sir! The Wilmer McLean house in Appomattox Virginia. Little side note; McLean left his former home to live here to get away from the war, fat chance in Virginia. But he did manage to escapt it until the end when Lee surrendered to Grant in his front parlor. By the way his first home was at Bull Run. When the surrender 'ceremony' had ended the union officers began to loot the parlor of its contents as souviners some merely took what they wanted others were 'kind' enought to put some money in Mr McLean's hand before taking it anyway.