But I'll probably be told to take my tinfoil hat off so I wont belabor the point. 🙂
Can I borrow it? All you guys are talking about is the economy. I go a little further than that as to why Obama has fooled/was elected by half the people in America and the world.
I have not said that I agree with all of his policies, I most assuredly do not. I simply said that I respect the man for his courage and integrity and I think later generations of historians will also. I dislike the government growth and intrusins into privacy as much as the next guy. I would love to see the Patriot Act repealed. But I would also love to see his tax cuts made permanent, and I really love the doctrine of preemption (with qualifications), I do not think the US should passively await events. Preemption means more than just starting wars, it has economic and diplomatic elements as well. I also like his “Vision for Space Exploration”, I just wish NASA was funded better.As to his approval ratings, people often dont like the person that does the right thing. I didnt like my dad when I was a teenager, but as I have gotten older I have realized what a wise man he is. I predict the same will happen with Bush. We have a saying in the Army about "choosing the hard right over the easy wrong". In some instances this is what Bush has done. He has pursued policies that don't always provide an immediate return and the Nintendo generation doesnt like to wait for results any more than they want to wait for their game console to start or their fast food to arrive.Lastly, How long have approval ratings been collected? Only somethinbg like 50-60 years, kind of a short time to declare someone has the lowest approval in history I think.
Not to hijack,but…Just heard a bill is being debated to help the auto industry, in return the Government gets part ownership of the big three. They want to own the banks, they want to own the auto industry, they want our privacy, they want to spread the wealth. Very strange comrades.
The stuff the Democrats are talking about doing now is proof of their socialistic intentions. Can a claim that the government owns everything and private companies hold property only at the sufferance of the government be far off? I foresee America sliding down the slippery slope of less, rather than more liberty. We will lose freedoms because the oh so reasonable democrats and liberals will do things and convince the sheeple that it is all in their best interests.One other question. where in the Constitution is their established a right to health care? I have looked and can't seem to find it.
There are a lot of so-called rights out there being pushed by the left that I can't find in the Constitution. Among them are, abortion on demand, health care, housing, sustenance, and a monthly living stipend(welfare). Last time I checked, the constition only granted a very limited set of rights and none of these are in there.I do recall a clause in Article 10 about powers not specifically granted to the federal government specifically reserved to the several states. This has gone out the window and I blame Abe Lincoln and the Republican party for trashing this principal 140+ yearsg ago.
Well, it will only be more of an uphill battle during and after the Obama Administration. The more people that feed on the public trough will demand it all the more if it were ever to be taken away. Doesn't it seem like when any government program is scaled back, someone, somewhere has a sad story to tell about the horrors of cutting such funding? I think that the people crying foul are usually in charge of programs which benefit most from the spending.
It seems to me that the left wants to get Americans hooked on handouts because then they are beholden to the left and can point fingers at evil conservatives who only want to take their entitlements away from them because we are mean. I dont like the word entitlements to begin with, people dont have a right to entitlements simply by being in the US. Why don't we cal them what they really are, which is government handouts.Liek the old saying, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, its probably a duck.
To me, the ignorance displayed by these people is a damning indictment of the American political process and not just democratic voters. I would guess that republican voters are by and large just as ignorant. It is also a stunning revelation of the power of the press to shape peoples opinions.
One of my co-workers made the defining statement on the matter; his take was, no matter, the winner would be a one term President… another Carter, good man but overcome by the depth of the situation. I agree.