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January 2, 2008 at 3:56 pm #10307
Participanthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_origins_of_the_Hyksos#Identification_as_Asiatic_SemitesFound this on Wiki; does this seem like what the HC program mentioned?
January 2, 2008 at 4:22 pm #10308skiguy
Jacobovici endorses the theory that the cataclysmic eruption of the volcano at the island of Thera/Santorini, which apparently ended Minoan civilization, may also be identified with the Biblical account of the plagues against Egypt.
etc.That's pretty much what the archeologist on HC was saying.
January 2, 2008 at 4:53 pm #10309Wally
ParticipantCertainly seems possible… that's history for you; just when you think it's one thing something new pops up. Peppermint Patty ("Peanuts") was right: "Always study history in the morning, before something else can happen." 😮
April 20, 2008 at 2:21 am #10310Daniel
ParticipantJews or Semitic? Could be important? As according to what I have learned Jews are Semitic but not all Semites are Jews.Wally
Biblical terminology continues to be used by those who don?t believe in the Bible and/or those who believe errors are contained in Biblical history.Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The descendents of Shem are Semitic peoples. To greatly oversimplify: the descendants of Shem inhabit the Middle East. The descents of Japheth are the Indo-European peoples (and probably the Asian peoples) while the descendants of Ham inhabit Africa.Abraham was a descendant of Shem. His descendants are the Hebrew people. (To be more technical some classify all those who descended from Eber/Heber, an ancestor of Abraham, are Hebrews. Today we?re mostly interested in who descends from Abraham.) The went to Isaac, Abraham?s birthright son. Abraham had sons by other wives, such as Ishmael from whom the Arabs descend. Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob.Jacob had 12 sons; since his name was changed to Israel all his descents are called Israelites. Judah was one of his sons. The proper definition of a Jew is a person who descents from Judah; however, over time the definition of a Jew has become synonymous with an Israelite.
April 20, 2008 at 2:22 am #10311Daniel
ParticipantI think the Hyksos were a Semitic people. But not Israelites.The Bible records how Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt?and how he rose in power to become second only to Pharaoh. It records how during a period of famine the rest of this family (the Israelites) came to live with him in Egypt. Additionally it speaks of a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph and how the Israelites became slaves.The Hyksos (Shepard Kings) were foreigners who ruled Eqypt. They were probably a Semitic people, which explains their willingness to accept Joseph and his family. It appears that initially the Israelites were part of the ruling class. When the Hyksos rulers were overthrown the Israelites went from being rulers to slaves.
April 20, 2008 at 7:36 am #10312DonaldBaker
ParticipantI think the Hyksos were a Semitic people. But not Israelites.The Bible records how Joseph was sold into slavery in Egyptand how he rose in power to become second only to Pharaoh. It records how during a period of famine the rest of this family (the Israelites) came to live with him in Egypt. Additionally it speaks of a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph and how the Israelites became slaves.The Hyksos (Shepard Kings) were foreigners who ruled Eqypt. They were probably a Semitic people, which explains their willingness to accept Joseph and his family. It appears that initially the Israelites were part of the ruling class. When the Hyksos rulers were overthrown the Israelites went from being rulers to slaves.
I agree with this summation...however, you won't find too many historians who will put their careers on the line by trying to prove the Biblical narrative historically accurate...at least not nowadays anyway.
April 20, 2008 at 3:54 pm #10313Wally
ParticipantI think the Hyksos were a Semitic people. But not Israelites.The Bible records how Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt?and how he rose in power to become second only to Pharaoh. It records how during a period of famine the rest of this family (the Israelites) came to live with him in Egypt. Additionally it speaks of a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph and how the Israelites became slaves.The Hyksos (Shepard Kings) were foreigners who ruled Eqypt. They were probably a Semitic people, which explains their willingness to accept Joseph and his family. It appears that initially the Israelites were part of the ruling class. When the Hyksos rulers were overthrown the Israelites went from being rulers to slaves.
I agree with this summation...however, you won't find too many historians who will put their careers on the line by trying to prove the Biblical narrative historically accurate...at least not nowadays anyway.
Logical; works for me too.
April 20, 2008 at 8:55 pm #10314Daniel
Participant...however, you won't find too many historians who will put their careers on the line by trying to prove the Biblical narrative historically accurate...at least not nowadays anyway.
Very true.
December 25, 2008 at 11:08 am #10315loneleaf
ParticipantBased on my knwoledge, this is the Hyksos.The Hyksos were a group of mixed Semitic-Asiatics who settled in northern Egypt during the 18th century BC. In about 1630 they seized power, and Hyksos kings ruled Egypt as the 15th dynasty (c. 1630-1521 BC).The name Hyksos was used by the Egyptian historian Manetho (fl. 300 BC), who, according to the Jewish historian Josephus (fl. 1st century AD), translated the word as "king-shepherds" or "captive shepherds." Josephus wished to demonstrate the great antiquity of the Jews and thus identified the Hyksos with the Hebrews of the Old Testament. Most scholars do not now support this view, though it is possible that Hebrews came into Egypt during the Hyksos period or that some Hyksos were the ancestors of some Hebrews. "Hyksos" was probably an Egyptian term for "rulers of foreign lands" (heqa-khase), and it almost certainly designated the foreign dynasts rather than a whole nation. Although traditionally they also formed the 16th dynasty, those rulers were probably only vassals of the 15th-dynasty kings. They seem to have been connected with the general migratory movements elsewhere in the Middle East at the time. Although most of the Hyksos names seem to have been Semitic, there may also have been a Hurrian element among them.The Hyksos introduced the horse and chariot, the compound bow, improved battle axes, and advanced fortification techniques into Egypt. At Avaris (modern Tall ad-Dab'a) in the northeastern delta, they built their capital with a fortified camp over the remains of a Middle Kingdom town that they had seized. Excavations since the 1960s have revealed a Canaanite-style temple, Palestinian-type burials, including horse burials, Palestinian types of pottery, and quantities of their superior weapons.Their chief deity was the Egyptian storm and desert god, Seth, whom they identified with an Asiatic storm god. From Avaris they ruled most of Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt up to Hermopolis directly. South to Cusae, and briefly even beyond, they ruled through Egyptian vassals. When under Seqenenre and Kamose the Thebans began to rebel, the Hyksos pharaoh Auserre Apopi I tried unsuccessfully to make an alliance with the rulers of Cush who had overrun Egyptian Nubia in the later years of the 13th dynasty (c. 1650 BC).The Theban revolt spread northward under Kamose, and in about 1521 Avaris fell to his successor, Ahmose, founder of the 18th dynasty, thereby ending 108 years of Hyksos rule over Egypt. Although vilified by the Egyptians starting with Hatshepsut, the Hyksos had ruled as pharaohs and were listed as legitimate kings in the Turin Papyrus. At least superficially they were Egyptianized, and they did not interfere with Egyptian culture beyond the political sphere.
December 25, 2008 at 2:54 pm #10316DonaldBaker
ParticipantThank you for that excellent post of information loneleaf. Very interesting indeed. Are you a student of Antiquities?
February 26, 2009 at 1:18 am #10317kapitop
ParticipantHykos were a Semitic people from Middle East. Very likely Cananite/Phonecian. They were NOT HEBREWS. Again Middle Eastern Jews are Semite. European Jews are NOT semite and have nothing to do with Semitism.They are converts from Khazars who lived in North of Caucasus and converted to Judaism. They migrated North(Russia) and West (Eastern Europe and Western Europe) and inter-married with local mostly PAGANS. Still to this day they are called Ashkhenaz Jew, to show they are distinct from the original Semitic jews of Middle East.Now. Abraham's extended family(brother,sister,cousin etc) lived on the eastern side of Euphrates in what is called city of UR(Oor), in Iraq.Only he moved to Palestine via Syria. The people living in these regions were all SEMITE (Descendants of Shem).Abraham had two sons; Ishmael and Isac. Ishmael and his mother Hajer moved to Arabia. His descendants are ARABS of Gulf countries. Isac's children moved to a land called MISR. Do NOT mix with EGYPT.Egypt is a later term that includes Misr,South, North and East of Nile.The land between Nile & Red Sea i.e Eastern Delta was called Misr.This region was under the rule of Hykos,whom Egyptians called "Foreign Invaders".Hykos rulers NEVER called themselves PHARAOH.They called themselves which translates to "KING".Pharaoh was an Egyptian title, which Hykos considered beyond their dignity to use !These Hykos welcomed Isac's family, who too were Semite like them. Hence the Hebrews i.e. descendants of 12 children Isac were living a good life in "Misr" i.e. in the Eastern Delta.Egyptian rulers always wanted to kick the invaders out.Finally they succeeded. Neary 450 years prior to Ramses II, Egyptian rulers defeated Hykos. Hykos were kiked out and hebrew who supported the Hykos were made SLAVE ! That's how hebrews became SLAVE in Egypt. This was a punishment on hebrews by the Egyptians for siding by the wrong side!Moses came ~ 450 years later to save them from Egyptian MASTERS !
February 26, 2009 at 1:27 am #10318kapitop
ParticipantAdditional Clarification.All people of Middle East, Iraq,Syria,Jordan,Palestine,Qatar,UAE,Saudi Arabia,Bahrain,Yemen,Oman are SEMITE.Middle Eastern Jews (also called ARAB jews or Sephardic Jews) are called Semitic Isralite.ARABS of Middle East are Semitic Ishmelite.It is a tragedy, Jews hijacked "Semitc" label only for themselves, while in reality all the people in Mid East are Semites !
March 18, 2009 at 4:29 pm #10319kapitop
ParticipantMizrahi & to some extent Sephard jews are ORIGINAL jews. They are Israelite SEMITE.Ashkhenaz i.e. European jews(Russia-Poland-Germany-France-Italy etc) are converts from pagans and are NOT Semites ! They use Anti-Semitism label against anyone who disagrees with them ! World buys that as well , even though these ppl has "0" semitic bloodARABS (From Syria to Yeman) are all SEMITES. Only ARABS of Arabian peninsula are Ishmaelite SEMITE meaning they are SEmite and descendants of Ishmae'l.HYKOS were Non Ishmealite Semites of Syria-Iraq-Jordan-Lebanon-Palestine. To Egyptians(Non-SEmite) they were foreigners.
March 18, 2009 at 8:09 pm #10320skiguy
ModeratorJMHO and something I've been trying to practice (or at least be aware of) is to be careful with words like only, all, and original. We do not know this with any certainty and it is very unlikely we will ever know. Well, unless we do DNA tests on like a few billion people.
March 19, 2009 at 8:28 am #10321scout1067
ParticipantAren't the Askenaz Jews of Europes the people from the Diaspora and therefore descended from Middle eastern Jews that were expelled from the Holy Land after the Jewish revolt of 79 A.D.? That has always been my understanding.
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