If Arch duke Ferdinand had not been assassinated, do you think that WW1 would have happened? Was the situation so fragile that it would have happened anyhow? And if so, what other scenarios would have brought about the war anyway?
Once the Germans were ready for war, they would have initiated it on their own. Also, if the British felt the Germans and the Austro-Hungarians had become too powerful, they might have provoked a war to return the balance of power. World War I was going to happen no matter what. Too many colonial powers competing for less and less territory was a recipe for disaster.
I agree, the Germans had been gearing up for a long time for war. When someone wants something bad enough they will take any excuses they can get.
It's a lesson we need to hear even to this day. The extreme actions and words of some groups over minor offensives seem to show us that even a spark can start a fire.
I definitely think it would have happened no matter what as it was just a matter of time before someone got anooyed over something else and a war came out of it.
It seems to many factions were looking for an excuse, it's like man who trains to fight in the ring, when you see him training is there any doubt as to his goal? same in war when someone is going overly much out of their way to build arms, there up to something.
It's kind of interesting how much African colonization perhaps played a part in starting WWI. Germany's been mad with France and Britain for a long time and for a lot of reasons. It makes me think whose motives were “purer” (for lack of a better word). Germany seemed to get the short end of the stick when it comes to African colonies, and in a way, I can't really blame their actions. They wanted a piece of the African pie too! But anger and threatening gestures (like the Panther), instead of diplomacy, seemed to overtake better judgement on Germany's part. They made themselves threatening, and Britain and France got uncomfortable with that.